I found a company (online) that has the Aimpoint CompC3 for $369.60. I think that is the best I have ever seen for a new in the box C3. Anyone think that it is too good to be true? I checked out the company selling them and they have great reviews! Looking for some quick feedback!
FOLLOW UP: Called the store and corporate today. Talked to the retail team at corporate and they were going to talk to the store manager and ensured me that I would get a phone call today from either them or the store. After about an hour I received a call from the store manager and told him the ent...
I am going to call Corporate (St. Paul) tomorrow and talk to the district manager... I work for a rather large retailer and from experience, going to the evening manager does no good.
So... I've been checking out prices for a Ruger LCP and found that Cabela's has them for 299.99. But the nearest one is in Rogers, MN and I live in Stillwater. I live about 10 minutes from the Gander Mountain in Woodbury and they price match. After work today I stopped in and told them that I was in...
Just went to Gander Mountain tonight in Woodbury and they are offering "Conceal" and Carry Classes by Gary. Also back at the gun counter there was a "Conceal" and Carry Class flyer from Shades *******. Now I can see why people still call it Conceal... I tried to talk to the guy b...
Greetings! Just completed my P2C (ttousi~Great guy! Great course!) and submitted for my permit ( :lol: Washington County) I have a few questions for ya'll. 1. What is a good IWB holster for a S&W 60 ( 2 1/8" barrel)? 2. Is there a place that has a variety to look at so I don't spend $100.00...