FWIW, here's my P238, fully loaded ... in a holster, of my own design, a buddy made fer me ... is it 100% invisible?...absolutely not! ...could anyone ever be remotely sure it's a gun? ... you decide! http://px.7x57.net/sig/p238pocket.jpg I ain't got one, and don't know if I will .....
4 stages, 5 targets each (possibly a bonus target on a couple), 4 runs at each stage. Call it 96 minimum. Man v man is 4 targets each, 5 or 6 runs so 24 more minimum. Call it minimum 120 rounds total if you don't miss. I'd bring 250 just in case.
Crud. Work interferes. I'm angling for a promotion and the project I've been hand holding a new analyst on is derailing and needs some TLC. I'm going to work ;-(
NRA bullseye pistol competition? Git this from OGC: There will be a FREE first time shooter's clinic in the classroom at the club this Saturday, April 27th. Lecture starts at 9:00. (However, range set-up and preparations start at 8:00.) There will be a brief lecture session. Following that we'll all...
The white on dark colors look very sharp. In loving mine. Git some weird looks at pizza Luce though. Guess hipsters are only tolerant of different viewpoints on their pet biases. LOL. Which one were you wearing? I got mine in the mail today, with bonus sticker and ear plugs. Look even better than I...