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I'm back.....swagger tool: Stand Alone? Or Die?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 6:03 pm
by Bergie
Maybe I should have reworded the title to Die or Stand-Alone. The way it reads is odd! Anyway.....I have a ton of LC brass and I think a swagger tool is in order (primers are hard to seat). So- is a stand-alone RCBS/Dillon tool the best way to go? Or is the Die swager method the best? It seems like the ease of having a separate tool is easier than swapping Dies. Thanks!

Re: I'm back.....swagger tool: Stand Alone? Or Die?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 7:33 pm
by Bearcatrp
If your going to do allot and plan for more in the future, buy the tool. I used a chamf tool when I started but wasn’t uniformed with each piece of brass I did.

Re: I'm back.....swagger tool: Stand Alone? Or Die?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:57 pm
by smurfman
I used an RCBS pocket swager for several years with good results. I also use a handheld crimp remover when a piece of brass sneaks by. Not long ago I set up an old C press with a pocket swager and it works well too. Maybe we'll enough that it will replace the RCBS as my primary tool. I'll keep the RCBS tool as it is mounted on a board which makes it portable. It is nice to sit on the screened in back porch and listen to the night critters while swaging primer pockets.

Re: I'm back.....swagger tool: Stand Alone? Or Die?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:36 am
by VMAX97
I like the Dillon for bulk swagging brass. I had a ton of LC brass as well. You need to look at the cost of the swagger and the cost of your time and like someone else said, are you doing a one time batch or will this be a long term thing. If its short term, you can borrow mine or if you want to borrow it to try.

Re: I'm back.....swagger tool: Stand Alone? Or Die?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:34 am
by Bergie
smurfman wrote:I used an RCBS pocket swager for several years with good results. I also use a handheld crimp remover when a piece of brass sneaks by. Not long ago I set up an old C press with a pocket swager and it works well too. Maybe we'll enough that it will replace the RCBS as my primary tool. I'll keep the RCBS tool as it is mounted on a board which makes it portable. It is nice to sit on the screened in back porch and listen to the night critters while swaging primer pockets.

I had to laugh at that because that's exactly what I had envisioned doing! (hopefully with no 'squitos) So I was thinking a portable stand-alone tool would be good; a press isn't exactly portable. But omg they're expensive! Maybe there's an 'exchange' we can set up here on MNguntalk and lend out machinery like this to others that need it for a short time. I've certainly got stuff that's collecting dust that I'd lend to someone in need. (I was offered a loaner swager, so maybe I'll take him up on that)

Re: I'm back.....swagger tool: Stand Alone? Or Die?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 5:33 pm
by BigDog58
Bergie, I have the Dillon Swager I can loan you. Just PM me, if or when you'd like to borrow it.