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Pheasant hunting with my Daughter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:00 pm
by Anokamnman
Well pheasant opens on saturday. I have been waiting for a while. Time to put down my bow for a couple days and get some pheasants. Which is exciting enough as it is, but my daughter has shown a lot of interest in hunting. At first I thought it was just BS, but she really wants to try it all. So we picked up some warm hunting clothes for her (she is 11) and have been working with her using the 410 and 20 gauge. Is she good? not so much. She does treat the weapons with respect and always thinks safety. So Saturday morning we will grab the dog and shotguns and go have some father/daughter time. I think I am more excited about it than her.

It will be me and my daughter for the weekend. The wife will be in the cities shopping and getting her hair and nails done. I had thought Oh great, just me and the girl... Another makeover. But she wants to try bird hunting. Then she wants to go sight in her rifle and get ready for deer season.

Looking forward to a great weekend.


Re: Pheasant hunting with my Daughter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:04 pm
by mmcnx2
I know it is a long way but if you want to run to the St. Cloud area sometime this fall I would be happy to host you and your daughter at the game farm and let her shoot a few birds.

I offer a new hunter trip every year to someone, I provide the birds and dogs. The guest needs to have their parent with them and have their hunters safety completed. Drop me a PM if your interested.

Re: Pheasant hunting with my Daughter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:18 pm
by Anokamnman
That is really nice of you. I will check the calendar and get back to you.

the wife just told me that she is jealous that she won't be able to hunt with us this weekend. She has always wanted to try it. So I will probably take her out next weekend. Spend some quality time with her as well. Moving out of the cities was the best thing we have done.

Re: Pheasant hunting with my Daughter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:49 pm
by gunforhire
Good job dad! And good for her for having the desire to try it!

Re: Pheasant hunting with my Daughter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:08 pm
by Shipyard
you lucky duck... hope the hunt goes well and we want to see LOTS of pictures of birds about to be dinner! :P

Re: Pheasant hunting with my Daughter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:18 pm
by JJ
Good luck. Just an aside, but I have found introducing newcomers to any of the hunting sports, opening day can be a less than great experience. It never fails for us that on opening weekend, some friendly hunters will cut us off, rain pellets on us, or pull some other ass-hattery that is agrivating, and represents sportsmen poorly as a whole.

It's gotten bad enough that we do not hunt any public land because of the stuff that has gone on in the past.

I have found that game farms are a much better place to introduce young hunters to pheasant hunting, just because you know you will get flushes, and you are in strict contol over the space around you.

Re: Pheasant hunting with my Daughter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:58 pm
by Maximus
+1 on game farms. Even if you can only afford the minimum number of birds.

My sister went hunting with us once when she was 12. Bad experience out of our control. Wrecked it for her.


Re: Pheasant hunting with my Daughter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:00 pm
by TTS
Bravo DAD!

Re: Pheasant hunting with my Daughter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:09 pm
by Anokamnman
We will not be going on public land. I have had bad experiences doing that. We have permission to hunt the 80 acres surrounding our property. And permission to hunt another 500 acres a mile up the road. Being friendly to your neighbors pays off.

Re: Pheasant hunting with my Daughter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:35 pm
by DitchDR
Thats awesome dad. I took my daughter last year for her first ever pheasant hunt and it was her 16th birthday. Thats what she wanted to do, so I made it happen. She shot a few times and was able to connect with one rooster. Happiest day for both of us. Cant wait for it to happen again this year.

Re: Pheasant hunting with my Daughter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:46 pm
by Anokamnman
I am so looking forward to this. My daughter and I rarely get any fun times together anymore. She has had a rough tine with the move and other BS going on. So we went out shopping last week. Was going to get her some warm rugged outer wear. She personally picked out the pink carhardt bibs and matching jacket. She will be wearing a blaze orange vest over it. On a separate note the wife liked it too and bought the same thing for herself. Lol