Holland&Holland wrote:hard h2o wrote:
Yep, nothing important.
Just some entertainment of the outdoors kind which should be supported rather than the usual Big Brother, Jersey Shore, or Kardashian type of "reality TV".
Also woman in the outdoors which should be applauded and advanced. We need everyone on board to fight the good fight. We need new blood coming into the shooting, angling, and outdoor pursuits. Women, children, and men. All are welcome. It is good to have female role models for the young girls participating in the outdoor sports.
So yeah, nothing important.
You can get off your high horse. You seem to be implying that if one does not vote for a reality star on this thing that is not even on a TV channel that one does not support advancement of women in the outdoors. Sounds like the #metoo movement's argument.
I would contend that in less than a month there is a much more important vote you can cast that will have much more impact than this. Other actions you can do would be take a female hunting or to the range or volunteer coach on one of our HS trap teams where their is a sizable presence of woman. That will have much more impact than a click on this link to helping advance the future of our sport and the inclusion of women in it.
Not on a high horse. I do not think one can ever be on a "high horse" when discussing entertainment. Especially "reality" programming.
Like I said. It is not important. It is only important in that it is a better place to spend your entertainment time than watching other reality programming.
I do take others to the range as much as I can. Women, kids...
When you reply "Oh, so nothing important." you are on a bit of a high horse yourself.
I will definitely be voting. There are many ways we can help our cause as supporters of the 2A and the outdoor sports. One is to get our pursuits out in the mainstream and show that they are not a bad thing. Another is to support non-traditional outdoors people. Also voting in local and national elections to oust those that have an anti agenda and to install those who support us.
My 14 yo son asked me yesterday if he had to vote. I told him know but explained why he should. He did not seem worried by it.