by JJ on Tue Nov 17, 2015 1:23 pm
Zone 286, our group went 3/8 with all bucks adhering to our self imposed APR restrictions (4pts one side outside the ear). One of our guys ended up passing on three more harvestable 8's after he punched his tag on opening morning (none exceeded the size of his first buck).
All in all a successful season, our size quality is increasing every year. we are now in our fourth year of self imposed APR, and had more opportunity to harvest than ever before. I personally saw 4 other bucks that would have been shooters, but could not get them into gun range during legal shooting hours (had them close early and late). I do wish we would have had some doe permits, as we continue to see a rather large imbalance of does to bucks (8:1).
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"a man's rights rest in three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box." Frederick Douglass