by JJ on Mon Aug 15, 2016 6:58 pm
Do you want accurate? Or cheap?
If absolute accuracy is your goal, it's tough to beat the Savage 220 or 212. Bolt action slug guns with fully rifled barrels. There are 6 in my hunting group, and all will hold 1-1.5" groups at 100 all day, and keep all shots in a 5" bull st 250 all day if the shooter knows his dope, and real world potential of 300+yd performance. But slugs will be around $1.50-3+ a shot.
Or you can buy anything smooth bore, and rifled slugs for $.50-1 shot. Accuracy beyond 100-150yds will be spotty at best.
With the 212, the longest shot anyone in our group had taken is 275 (a first shot vital hit). The 12g 3" slug is eerily similar to 45/70 in actual trajectory.
"a man's rights rest in three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box." Frederick Douglass