Utah Instructors:Your opinion please on James C. email

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Utah Instructors:Your opinion please on James C. email

Postby Lady T on Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:30 pm

Yes, this Lady is asking for you Guys opinion!
I've talked to a couple of you about this email I received from James Cameron, it seems that he sent it to all the Utah Certified Instructors the State has listed. Did anyone else receive it? I'll be honest, I'm not sure what to make of it. So I thought I'd post here and ask what your thoughts, as Utah Instructors, are of this.
If you did not receive it, if you like, I'll add another post with it included.

Thanks Guys,

Lady T
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Re: Utah Instructors:Your opinion please on James C. email

Postby cobb on Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:21 pm

I have received a couple e-mails from JC, that is because I have recently requested to be put on his Utah instructor e-mail list. I don't know if it was an automatic thing to all Utah instructors, maybe.

So which e-mail are you referring too?
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Re: Utah Instructors:Your opinion please on James C. email

Postby Lady T on Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:24 pm

Sorry Cobb, I guess I should've added this to my original post. Below is what was sent to me...LT

Original Message -----
From: James A. Cameron
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 1:10 PM
Subject: UPDATE regarding Utah concealed carry permit legislation

Danger "reared its ugly head" in committee, to encourage the Utah Legislature to stop all non-resident permitting. A wake-up call to me and a reminder of how quickly bureaucrats can disconnect us from our livelihood. This is not make-believe. It is on audio record with the Utah administrative rules committee. You may email me for exact link and hear it for yourself. Thankfully people were watching the bureaucrats. Our legislators are on side with us. We can thank representative Newbold, Oda, Waddoups; Clark Aposhian, and the NRA for their efforts also. They are about to introduce an entirely new Concealed carry bill to the Legislature in the next few weeks. Then a new rule will have to be written as well. You know the old adage, "the devil is in the details". We need to be able to watch those details and respond to them swiftly. This will be our only window of opportunity.

You should also be aware that amended rule R722-300, filed and designed by BCI, to curtail permitting, was trash-canned just yesterday by the Administrative rules committee. This is a blessing. The rule was over reaching and gave BCI more authority to potentially abuse Instructors. Sunsetting throws out the garbage rule but it leaves the whole picture wide open for BCI to draft new rules about how they treat Instructors. This is where us little people should be vocal. I have heard from many Instructors who have greivances and concerns, and would like to see things change. Other are disenchanted and steer their students to other state permits because of a lack of courtesy by Utah. We can do nothing, and bureaucrats will write worse rules for us, or we can band together and make our solidarity known and shape the rules for good. The problem is a lack of cohesiveness and input from Instructors. We don't even know each other in many cases. So I propose that you join our informal coalition and lets make the program what we want it to be. The name chosen is Utah National Instructors Team. There are no fees and this is determined to formalize an already existing coalition of Instructors and add to it. This is not a Utah Instructors coalition. They already have their own State council to watchdog for them and we have no desire to step on their toes. The lapse in protection is for us non-resident instructors. The Objectives of the coalition are:

1. Provide a collection point for Instructor input, comradery, and concerns. (An online forum is part of this).
2. Improve the Utah concealed carry permitting program through statute and rule enhancement.
3. Monitor bureaucracies to protect the collective interests and livelihood of Instructors.

Let me introduce myself. I am James Cameron, A Utah instructor, NRA Instructor, and retired law enforcement. I live in Idaho (1.5 hours from the Utah State Capital). I have permitted thousands of people for various permits. I admit that I have been a real thorn in BCI's side over the last year as I felt that they were breaking the law, violating administrative rules, and abusing Instructors. Interestingly most of the people that acted treacherously are gone now. I should make clear that many of the concerns that we have expressed to the bill sponsor are resolved, I love the Utah program and want it to be the best program in the world. I would love to just be out their teaching people and certifying, but someone must be watching the bureaucrats. Unfortunately, I have entered the political forum (not by choice or desire) but because bad people were doing bad things to a good program. I am determined to act as Chairman of the Team for now. As soon as the problems are solved, I will be happy to get as far away from the blood sport at the Utah Capital building as I can.

Now here is what is needed for us to be effective:

1. Join us by responding to this email with your name, email address, State, and phone number. (Your information will be kept absolutely private and not divulged to anyone). Send to us any bad experiences or perceived abuses you have had at the hands of Utah. This is not to malign or cause trouble, it is to get a clear picture from the people in the trenches of what is going on, so we can move to positive solutions.

2. Send us ideas from your experiences (or other State statute) that you would like to see implemented, into Statute or rule, within the Utah program.

3. Drop a one line email right now to merlynnnewbold@utah.gov thanking her for sunsetting the rule and for her tireless efforts to improve the program. We all owe her a big thanks. Keep in mind she has lots on her plate and does not need to read a book. PLEASE, Keep it to one sweet simple line. "As a <name your state> member of the Utah National Instructors Team, I thank you for your efforts on our behalf." You may or may not mention my name. We want her to see that Instructors from all over the US are watching, interested, and pleased that things are moving in the right direction. Expect no reply. The fact that it was in her inbox is enough.

4. Receive and respond to Updates and Email Alerts. As this matter works through the legislature lots of things can happen that we will need to respond to swiftly.

Thank you and we look forward to working together for our common safety. Now is the time or we loose it all;

James Cameron
Lady T
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