What "Gun Control" measures what you pick? (if you had to)

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Re: What "Gun Control" measures what you pick? (if you had to)

Postby 20mm on Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:26 pm

TabulaRasa wrote:Repeal 1986 Firearms Owners Protection Act.

Why would you want to repeal a law that protects firearm owners! :)
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Re: What "Gun Control" measures what you pick? (if you had to)

Postby tman on Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:32 pm

Snowgun wrote:The smart play would be to dictate what that legislation is so it will align to our goals.

I think it was the way the question was posed that pissed me off. There are already plenty of gun control laws. The shooter at Sandy Hook Elementary broke a lot of them.

We need to fight the mentality that more laws will equal less crime.
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Re: What "Gun Control" measures what you pick? (if you had to)

Postby White Horseradish on Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:44 pm

I would trade moving suppressors to Title I and reopening the registry for universal NICS.
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Re: What "Gun Control" measures what you pick? (if you had to)

Postby Pat Cannon on Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:17 pm

tman wrote:We need to fight the mentality that more laws will equal less crime.

First let me mention how happy it makes me to hear a cop say that.

Regarding the original question, IF IF IF I had to pick one it might be another AWB since it was so much about cosmetics. Maybe our side could steer it toward focusing on barrel shrouds.
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Re: What "Gun Control" measures what you pick? (if you had to)

Postby shineyblite on Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:44 pm

TabulaRasa wrote:Repeal 1934 National Firearms Act.

Repeal 1968 Gun Control Act.

Repeal 1986 Firearms Owners Protection Act.

Repeal 1989 Gun Importation ban.

Those are the only gun control measures I would be onboard for.

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Re: What "Gun Control" measures what you pick? (if you had to)

Postby shineyblite on Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:45 pm

tman wrote:This is the problem.

You're already asking us what we're going to give up.

f*** that.

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Re: What "Gun Control" measures what you pick? (if you had to)

Postby photogpat on Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:58 pm

tman wrote:This is the problem.

You're already asking us what we're going to give up.

f*** that.

+ a kazillion.

There are no "Reasonable Compromises" that exist unless they're going to give us GCA, Universal Reciprocity, or FOPA (and even then...).

Anything else is being dictated to.
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Re: What "Gun Control" measures what you pick? (if you had to)

Postby farmerj on Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:28 pm

would you willing allow the GWA of 1938 to be made law in the US?

http://www.firearmstalk.com/forums/f97/ ... ong-26881/

The "German Weapons Act" (GWA38) passed on March 18, 1938, superseded German Law 1928. Its provisions filled 12 pages in the Reichsgesetzblatt (Reich Legal Gazette or German equivalent of the U.S. Federal Register). Nazi Party members, government workers, and hunting permit holders were allowed to own firearms without any review or license. Firearm restrictions now only applied to handguns, but non-exempt persons still had to show "trustworthiness" and valid reason to own a handgun. Transfer of long guns and ammunition was deregulated. The legal age of gun ownership was dropped to18. Firearms permits were extended to three years from the previous one year. Jews were forbidden manufacturing and sales of firearms; however, some were still permitted to own personal firearms, assuming they had not been labeled an "enemy of the state." This "generosity" toward the Jews would not last long however.

A letter from the Library of Congress has been found, dated July, 1968, where a librarian returned to Senator Dodd the 1938 German law translated into English as he had requested of them, along with the Xerox copy he furnished for the translation. In this matter, it raises the intriguing question of why he furnished a copy of the 1938 law to the Library since they had their own copy to use.

GCA68 Provisions and Corresponding German Gun Laws
(This,to me,is the most important part.)

There was not any traditional basis in American law to curb ownership of firearms other than machineguns so Senator Dodd and other legislators drew from German Law 1928 and GWA38 as the basis to create their legislation. There is no believable alternate conclusion to be drawn. The parallels are staggering.

1.GCA68, Created the overseeing agency, the ATF. - GWA38, designated the SS (Schutzstaffel or Defense Squadron) and SA (Sturm Abteilung or Storm Section) as overseers.

2.GCA68, Established that all who deal in firearms sales and manufacturing be federally licensed. - German Law 1928, all who own and sell firearms must be licensed.

3.GCA68, No interstate transfer of firearms between non-licensees

4.GCA68, No shipping of firearms through the mail

5.GCA68, Established minimum age for firearms purchasers. - GWA38, age established at 18.

6.GCA68, Required all firearms to have serial numbers. - GWA38, all firearms must have serial numbers.

7.GCA68, Expanded definition of "prohibited persons." - GWA38, created list of prohibited persons.

8.GCA68, Established the US concept of "non-sporting purpose" firearms. - GWA38, banned "non-sporting" firearms.

9.GCA68, Established Form 4473 (defacto gun registration). - GWA38, created registration for guns and gun owners.

10.GCA68, Restricted import and sale of "Saturday Night Special" handguns. - GWA38, added handguns to restricted list.

11.GCA68, Established sentencing guidelines for firearm-involved crimes. - German Law1928, established sentences for firearms violations
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Re: What "Gun Control" measures what you pick? (if you had to)

Postby xd ED on Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:20 pm

Pat Cannon wrote:
tman wrote:We need to fight the mentality that more laws will equal less crime.

First let me mention how happy it makes me to hear a cop say that.

Regarding the original question, IF IF IF I had to pick one it might be another AWB since it was so much about cosmetics. Maybe our side could steer it toward focusing on barrel shrouds.

Or eliminating 'Evil Black Rifles'; You can have any color you like, as long as it's not black...
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Re: What "Gun Control" measures what you pick? (if you had to)

Postby crbutler on Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:50 pm

One thing that I think should be placed in the laws, whatever they are, is that the laws should apply equally to all, regardless of race, religion, employment or "need." If the object is unsafe, its unsafe.

In particular, politicians, the Secret Service, Federal Law Enforcement, and the private security agents for the politicians should have to live with whatever the new rules they come up with are. State law enforcement should have to live with whatever the state laws are in that state. For example, if you are a cop in CT, unless you were one in '94, no over 10 round mags for you. If you are a LEO, any mental illness restrictions should apply to you as well as private gun owners- if a cop gets committed as mentally ill, he should go through the same process as any one else.

I also would add any film studio/movie producer to the list. You can't make movies with anything on the banned list, either.

The military would have an out as they are prohibited from acting within the US, but that would be it.

If we made this a requirement, somehow I don't think that these restrictions would go too far. Most police officers know how little effect these laws have, and would be unwilling to take any marginal decrease in their personal safety by limiting themselves to, as an example, a 10 round magazine requirement. We know that the entertainment business lobby would not tolerate anything that affects their bottom line because it "infringes on the first amendment."

As it is, we don't enforce the laws we have, so I see no need to add any more restrictions until we do, and then still see some pressing need.
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Re: Re: What "Gun Control" measures what you pick? (if you had t

Postby tman on Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:59 pm

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Re: What "Gun Control" measures what you pick? (if you had to)

Postby Momosa on Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:24 pm

I'd like the 2nd amendment to actually be adhered to, without restrictions. Repeal all the restrictive legislation already on the books that limit our rights!

We have already given too much to these goofballs. Don't give em another millimeter!!!!
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Re: What "Gun Control" measures what you pick? (if you had to)

Postby Heffay on Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:39 am

Momosa wrote:I'd like the 2nd amendment to actually be adhered to, without restrictions. Repeal all the restrictive legislation already on the books that limit our rights!

We have already given too much to these goofballs. Don't give em another millimeter!!!!

Why should the Second Amendment be treated differently than any of the other ones?
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Re: What "Gun Control" measures what you pick? (if you had to)

Postby peckerhead on Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:40 am

Pat Cannon wrote:
tman wrote:We need to fight the mentality that more laws will equal less crime.

First let me mention how happy it makes me to hear a cop say that.


I always say that the extent to which a politician values our civil rights can easily be measured by their stance on 'gun control'. We all know there is no good reason to restrict the gun rights of the law-abiding. So what would their motivation actually be? Our founding fathers are probably rolling over in their graves.

I haven't seen anything in any one of the laws proposed, save an outright ban, that would have saved any one of those kids. And even an outright ban wouldn't have done it, because on the same day of the Sandy Hook shootings, some goofball hacked a bunch of schoolchildren to death with a machete in China.

I about spit out my coffee when I read that there are some here who think it would be a good idea to require the NICS system be used for private sales. What a load of crap. This system can already be utilized by requiring a P2P/PTC at the time of sale. All this would do is take away our ability to make transactions face to face, which is one of the last little liberties we have left regarding firearms transactions. Besides, if you think the government isn't already retaining data on who owns what, you're kidding yourselves.

It's common knowledge how TV places the brain into a semi-hypnotic state, delivering extreme violence and sexual innuendo directly to the subconscious mind without being filtered by the conscious mind, and how the average American plants themselves and their kids in front of one for hours every single day. But that's not even being discussed.
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Re: What "Gun Control" measures what you pick? (if you had to)

Postby Collector1337420 on Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:48 pm

Heffay wrote:
Momosa wrote:I'd like the 2nd amendment to actually be adhered to, without restrictions. Repeal all the restrictive legislation already on the books that limit our rights!

We have already given too much to these goofballs. Don't give em another millimeter!!!!

Why should the Second Amendment be treated differently than any of the other ones?

It ensures that we get to keep the other ones.
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