Emailing with Tom Bakk

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Emailing with Tom Bakk

Postby Texastransplant on Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:28 pm

Just got done with an email back and forth with Mr. Bakk. While he seems gruff, he was cordial enough to entertain my thoughts on a Friday evening. He claims to stand by his record voting for every pro-gun legislation except for last sessions castle doctrine bill, and will be speaking with the NRA early next week.

Now ya'll know I'm new here, so what do you think?
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Re: Emailing with Tom Bakk

Postby Texastransplant on Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:31 pm

I should also add that it was nice to get near instantaneous responses from a politician and not a form letter.
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Re: Emailing with Tom Bakk

Postby Heffay on Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:40 am

He's the guy who sold the state out to the Vikings. Well, one of their ringleaders.
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Re: Emailing with Tom Bakk

Postby plblark on Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:55 am

would you consider posting the exchange? I'm interested in retaining written proof of legislators' stands!
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Re: Emailing with Tom Bakk

Postby LePetomane on Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:49 pm

What? A gruff DFL'er? I thought these guys and girls were the kind, soft spoken caring sensitive types. I don't trust any of them along with the majority of the RFL'ers.
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Re: Emailing with Tom Bakk

Postby Texastransplant on Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:42 pm

plblark wrote:would you consider posting the exchange? I'm interested in retaining written proof of legislators' stands!

To be honest, he never really said he was for or against anything, just that he stands by his record, whatever that is. I'm new to Minnesota, and coming from Texas I don't have much experience dealing with Democrats, muchnless those that add "farm and labor" which sounds like commie talk to me. I'll post the exchange.
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Re: Emailing with Tom Bakk

Postby Texastransplant on Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:44 pm

Here was my initial email:

Dear Sir,

As we head into a new legislative session, I wanted to take a moment to share my views regarding the right to keep and bear arms.

As a law-abiding gun owner, I am opposed to any legislation regarding further restrictions on lawful firearms ownership, to include restrictions on so-called "high capacity" magazines, registration, bans on misnamed "assault rifles" and further restrictions on legal concealed carry.

I know this country is still grieving over the recent tragedy in Connecticut, but it serves no justice to marginalize and punish the vast majority of lawful and responsible firearms owners, exercising their God-given right enshrined in our glorious Constitution, to which you have sworn to uphold and defend, over the actions of a very scant, and mentally disturbed man.

I thank you for your time, and wish you well in your legislative deliberations. Should you wish to discuss this matter further, please contact me via email or by phone at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Re: Emailing with Tom Bakk

Postby LePetomane on Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:47 pm

Texastransplant wrote:I'm new to Minnesota, and coming from Texas I don't have much experience dealing with Democrats, muchnless those that add "farm and labor" which sounds like commie talk to me. I'll post the exchange.

Welcome to the cold north. Thanks for the post.
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Re: Emailing with Tom Bakk

Postby Texastransplant on Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:47 pm

And here's his first reply:

I have been a pretty strong NRA vote in my time in the legislature and am proud of that

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Thomas M. Bakk
Majority Leader
MN State Senate

So I pushed him a little further for clarification:

Then you and I shall get along swimmingly, sir, and I thank you. But if you would please lend a hint to your stance on the restrictions I have enumerated in my initial letter, I would be much obliged.

To which he responded:
My only vote the NRA did not support in my 18 years was against the "castle doctrine " bill. I still believe I was right on that issue. I was a senate co author of conceal carry we now have in the state. Fairfax Va called and I am meeting with them later this month to get their take
Have a good weekend

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Thomas M. Bakk
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Re: Emailing with Tom Bakk

Postby Texastransplant on Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:57 pm

LePetomane wrote:
Texastransplant wrote:I'm new to Minnesota, and coming from Texas I don't have much experience dealing with Democrats, muchnless those that add "farm and labor" which sounds like commie talk to me. I'll post the exchange.

Welcome to the cold north. Thanks for the post.

Thanks! Glad I found this forum. I was fealing a little like I was operating alone behind enemy lines up here!
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Emailing with Tom Bakk

Postby jshuberg on Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:57 pm

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Re: Emailing with Tom Bakk

Postby LePetomane on Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:02 pm

Heffay wrote:He's the guy who sold the state out to the Vikings. Well, one of their ringleaders.

At least it represents taxpayers $$'s going into a more productive cause than social programs as is typical in this state.
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