Big Al Frankin

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Big Al Frankin

Postby Lights on Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:26 pm

This is a response I got from Mr Frankin. I sent him an email stating that he was not listening to his people back here in MN. I also stated he would be voted out next election do to this fact.

Thank you for writing me about the debate over gun policy after Sandy Hook. I appreciate hearing from you on this important topic. I was deeply saddened by the tragic shooting in Newtown, Connecticut that took the lives of innocent children and brave school administrators. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims, survivors, and their families. Unfortunately, tragic shootings like the one at Sandy Hook Elementary School are not uncommon. We lose more than thirty people every day as a result of gun violence.

I have always supported the Second Amendment rights of Minnesotans to own firearms for collection, protection, and sport. After the tragedy at Sandy Hook, I travelled across Minnesota to meet with constituents and hear their ideas about reducing gun violence. What I have learned is that we can honor Minnesota’s proud tradition of responsible gun ownership while taking some reasonable steps that will make our communities and our children safer. That is the perspective I bring to the debate over gun policy as the Senate considers legislation on the subject.

One step the Senate is considering is to update the federal background check system. Background checks have blocked gun sales to more than 1.5 million people who were not eligible to have a gun, including convicted felons and people with serious mental illnesses. However, because many states and local governments have not diligently submitted records to the national background check system, the database overlooks important information about many prospective gun buyers. In addition, the background check requirement applies only to sales made by licensed firearm dealers. Individuals selling guns on the secondary market do not need to conduct background checks. In fact, about 40% of all gun sales take place on this secondary market. I believe that we need to improve the background check system, while still not intruding on things like family gifts, where one member of a family may give a gun to another.

The Senate also is considering proposals to regulate certain weapons and ammunition feeding devices, or magazines. Magazines holding more than ten rounds of ammunition were used by shooters in Newtown, Aurora, Tucson, Blacksburg, and elsewhere. These magazines allow a shooter to fire continuously without stopping. Studies also show that these magazines are used in a high percentage of police murders. I support a reasonable limit on magazine size, and I have cosponsored legislation that would accomplish this. In addition, weapons with military-style features have been used in several mass murders. Nobody who has one of these weapons should be forced to give it up, but we can place reasonable limits on such weapons going forward.

Recent incidents of gun violence have also called attention to the need to improve our country’s mental health care system. While I am glad this issue is finally getting the attention it deserves, it is important to recognize that people with mental illness are no more likely to become violent than those without mental illness—in fact, people with mental illness are more likely to be victims of violence than they are to be the perpetrators. Since I got to the Senate, I’ve been working to improve access to critical mental health care that can help families lead healthy and productive lives. One of the first things I did as a senator was to fight for full implementation of Paul Wellstone’s 2008 Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, which requires that insurance companies who choose to cover mental health and substance abuse services do so as comprehensively as they do other medical services. I also recently introduced the Mental Health in Schools Act and the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Act, which will improve access to mental health services in our education and criminal justice systems.

The Senate Judiciary Committee on which I sit recently passed several gun violence prevention measures, including bills to crack down on gun traffickers, to expand the background check system, and to ban assault weapons and large capacity magazines. As these and other bills come up for debate in the Senate, I will continue to listen closely to all the Minnesotans who care deeply about this issue, and I will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind.

Thank you again for contacting me, and please don’t hesitate to do so in the future regarding this or any other matter of concern to you.


Al Franken
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Re: Big Al Frankin

Postby Texastransplant on Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:41 pm

Tell the lie often enough, people will eventually believe it.
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Re: Big Al Frankin

Postby Lights on Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:46 pm

I have always supported the Second Amendment rights of Minnesotans to own firearms for collection, protection, and sport.

Then this.

The Senate also is considering proposals to regulate certain weapons and ammunition feeding devices, or magazines. Magazines holding more than ten rounds of ammunition were used by shooters in Newtown, Aurora, Tucson, Blacksburg, and elsewhere. These magazines allow a shooter to fire continuously without stopping. Studies also show that these magazines are used in a high percentage of police murders. I support a reasonable limit on magazine size, and I have cosponsored legislation that would accomplish this. In addition, weapons with military-style features have been used in several mass murders. Nobody who has one of these weapons should be forced to give it up, but we can place reasonable limits on such weapons going forward.

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Re: Big Al Frankin

Postby 301spartan on Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:47 pm

He's one of Bloombergs boys.who does he think he's fooling.he would ban all guns if he could.this is the same guy that had to steal the last election .
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Re: Big Al Frankin

Postby JJ on Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:49 pm

Stanek for senate?
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Re: Big Al Frankin

Postby xd ED on Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:57 pm

JJ wrote:Stanek for senate?

That would work.
Heard Jason Lewis openly musing about a run for handy's senate seat.
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Re: Big Al Frankin

Postby ssasch on Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:02 pm

I ended up getting the same BS email. We just need to vote these clowns out of office!
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Re: Re: Big Al Frankin

Postby texasprowler on Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:04 pm

JJ wrote:Stanek for senate?

Didn't Stanek go to Washington to meet with Obama to discuss the need for more gun control, shortly followed by Obama coming to MN to sell the plan?
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Big Al Frankin

Postby jshuberg on Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:10 pm

Yes, but notice that Stanek has never advocated for gun control, rather a more complete NICS database and stricter penalties for criminals. He publicly supported Hillstroms bill over Paymars, and if you've ever spoken to him, is a good guy on the 2A.

He's a really great Sheriff, and has visibility on the national stage. The handling of the bridge collapse helped him with this. I'd hate to lose him as a Sheriff, but if he were to run for Senator or Governor, I'd support him. It would be a really bad day for the Dems if he did, he has a significant amount of support in the inner city and minority communities.
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Re: Re: Big Al Frankin

Postby JJ on Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:15 pm

texasprowler wrote:
JJ wrote:Stanek for senate?

Didn't Stanek go to Washington to meet with Obama to discuss the need for more gun control, shortly followed by Obama coming to MN to sell the plan?

That is because Stanek has made a nice base for himself as a representative of law enforcement from the Midwest. And Stanek has been a 2nd supporter in the past.

He has a pretty solid national presence, and is well respected in the field.

And he has a notable enough name presence to draw voters
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Re: Big Al Frankin

Postby xd9 on Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:19 pm

I wasted a stamp and a hand written letter on this clown and got the same stinking letter. :angryvillagers:
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Big Al Frankin

Postby jshuberg on Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:27 pm

I got the same thing today. First response I've heard from him since I started sending him emails over a month ago. He was a lousy comedian back in the day, and an even worse senator. When he had a radio show I caught part of it once - he was interviewing his son about a discussion they had with his wife over a family dinner, where they were discussing how the government should build a space elevator to the moon. I sh1t you not. He's a drooling on his shoes moron, and could someone please just make him go away. Thanks.
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Re: Big Al Frankin

Postby Stylin750 on Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:29 pm

This is complete horse crap. I thought franken and klobuchar were suppose to listen to their state and constituents. We and MN clearly stated NO to any more gun control. MN threw the AWB ban and Mag limits out almost immediately. I thought they were suppose to listen to US. Franken stole the election last time if he votes for this crap, Good luck getting voted back in. I hope he looses by a landslide. We need to prove who their working for again, they obviosly havent got the message
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Re: Big Al Frankin

Postby LarryP on Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:46 pm

You people really think you'd hear anything different from him?? :roll:
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Re: Big Al Frankin

Postby xd ED on Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:50 pm

LarryP wrote:You people really think you'd here anything different from him?? :roll:

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