Politics and the 2nd Amendment

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Re: Politics and the 2nd Amendment

Postby gunsmith on Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:10 pm

The gun counter at Fleet Farms would be a good spot for an informative 'Table Tent' with the MNgopac.org website.
Last edited by gunsmith on Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Politics and the 2nd Amendment

Postby Spartan on Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:10 pm

gunsmith wrote:Seriously....How much money do WE have?

Do we have any wealthy benefactors?

Any Sons-of-Lumber barons writing big checks to GOCRA?

My point being...if it's going to be decided by size-of-warchest.....we're toast already, Right?

This year I want to upgrade from 'observer' / 'emailer' to sign carrier at capitol and minor contributor.....

10,000 more like me and the outcome will be a toss-up.

I fully appreciate those who've been 'carrying the water for me' :)

it's ok with me if you have already given up ..... doing the right thing fighting for liberty it very hard ..... its too tough for some ...... don't worry 10,000-20,000 other liberty lovers will try to stand up with out you... ..... how about if you just gather up your firearms and ammo and turn it over to Bloomberg's people ... so they wont need to come get them from you if we lose.
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Re: Politics and the 2nd Amendment

Postby gunsmith on Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:13 pm

Sparty-boy.....deep breath. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
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Re: Politics and the 2nd Amendment

Postby bstrawse on Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:21 pm

gunsmith wrote:The gun counter at Fleet Farms would be a good spot for an informative 'Table Tent' with the MNgunpac website.

There's a legal reason under state campaign finance law that a company couldn't do something like that - but rest assured we're exploring other options that are in compliance with the law for this sort of thing.

Thanks for the suggestions & support - keep it coming!
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Re: Politics and the 2nd Amendment

Postby Spartan on Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:27 pm

:D no need ..... I'm not stressed .......... just speak the truth ..... be positive .... and stop whining....

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Re: Politics and the 2nd Amendment

Postby Spartan on Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:32 pm

its bad morale ......
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Re: Politics and the 2nd Amendment

Postby farmerj on Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:18 pm

seems to me it's pretty much a loosing battle if you can't even get people to go to city council or county board meetings to correct out-state locations that are violating CURRENT laws and doing what they care to anyway.

Especially since those individuals get some significant face time with our elected reps in the metro.
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Re: Politics and the 2nd Amendment

Postby Spartan on Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:26 pm

farmerj wrote:seems to me it's pretty much a loosing battle if you can't even get people to go to city council or county board meetings to correct out-state locations that are violating CURRENT laws and doing what they care to anyway.

Especially since those individuals get some significant face time with our elected reps in the metro.

another one ? really ? ok ... i'll get you a box too... just turn in those firearms...
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Re: Politics and the 2nd Amendment

Postby farmerj on Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:31 pm

When the government ignores openly and willingly its own laws, then we have lost as a nation.

At whit point does it go past .....

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Re: Politics and the 2nd Amendment

Postby Andrew Rothman on Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:53 pm

FarmerJ is unhappy that the gun rights community was not willing to fight his personal legal battle, which was a lot more complicated than he makes it sound, and now he crashes every thread about GOCRA.

Sorry, sir, that we couldn't be your personal legal fund.
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Re: Politics and the 2nd Amendment

Postby farmerj on Wed Feb 19, 2014 6:08 pm

Andrew, how is the municipal liqueur store in Glencoe my personal battle? It's not. It is a local government ignoring state laws.

Sorry not everyone sees your desire for center stage as priority. Show us one time you have addressed an issue outstate and not on capital hill....
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Re: Politics and the 2nd Amendment

Postby Spartan on Wed Feb 19, 2014 6:11 pm

"We the people" have this fight.... GOCRA, MNGOPAC, NRA et.al. are our face and voices.... and organizers ....... we need to raise some money and stand up and be counted ... call, write and show up ..... end of story .... we need to make last year look like we called it in ......
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Re: Politics and the 2nd Amendment

Postby RobD on Wed Feb 19, 2014 6:21 pm

farmerj wrote:Andrew, how is the municipal liqueur store in Glencoe my personal battle? It's not. It is a local government ignoring state laws.

Sorry not everyone sees your desire for center stage as priority. Show us one time you have addressed an issue outstate and not on capital hill....

Not to interrupt the pissing contest. GOCRA does 5 times more things unseen than seen. Just last week, Andrew got a Sheriff ( an outstate one) to stop demanding passport photos for permit applications. Doesn't grab headlines, but not all of our work does.

Everyone on leadership has full time jobs, and most have young kids. You no have idea the personal sacrifices each one of us make (not to mention our families) to volunteer to take on the work for gun owners all over the state, not just our backyard.
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Re: Politics and the 2nd Amendment

Postby farmerj on Wed Feb 19, 2014 6:25 pm

RobD wrote:
farmerj wrote:Andrew, how is the municipal liqueur store in Glencoe my personal battle? It's not. It is a local government ignoring state laws.

Sorry not everyone sees your desire for center stage as priority. Show us one time you have addressed an issue outstate and not on capital hill....

Not to interrupt the pissing contest. GOCRA does 5 times more things unseen than seen. Just last week, Andrew got a Sheriff ( an outstate one) to stop demanding passport photos for permit applications. Doesn't grab headlines, but not all of our work does.

Everyone on leadership has full time jobs, and most have young kids. You have idea the personal sacrifices each one of us make (not to mention our families) to volunteer to take on the work for gun owners all over the state, not just our backyard.

Does GOCRA have an outreach program that actually focuses on outstate issues? Where it is shown that a community is violating state laws? And why are those instances not shown to Congress for what they are? Blatant disregard for current laws.
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Re: Politics and the 2nd Amendment

Postby Texastransplant on Wed Feb 19, 2014 6:40 pm

It is worth pointing out that Bloomberg and the Dems outspent Colorado recallers about 10-1. Money is a lot of things, but it's not everything. Keep up the good work, GOCRA. My renewal is inbound!
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