Get involved! It does make a difference!

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Get involved! It does make a difference!

Postby Lumpy on Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:27 pm

I started this year by attending my local GOP precinct caucus. Out of all the people that live my 6X10 block precinct, five showed up for the GOP. We endorsed GOCRA's resolution for a right to keep and bear arms in the MN constitution. A couple of weeks later I attended the local GOP Senate District Committee: I was the only attendee besides the regular committee members. When there was discussion about dumping most of the resolutions, I spoke up for the RTKABA, and persuaded the committee to have all resolutions open for discussion at the SD convention. That was held today. I spoke in defense of the resolution, which was voted to pass on to the state convention. I also helped vote in pro-Ortman state delegates, and will be one of the alternates myself.

I'm nobody in particular, but in exchange for about 8 hours of my time, I've had more impact on the political process than at least 99% of the population. It doesn't take much and you really can make a difference.
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Postby IDPA Shooter on Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:10 pm

Nicely done Lumpy...

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Re: Get involved! It does make a difference!

Postby CarryCauseICan on Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:47 am

Congratulations, Good Job, Nice Work, and THANK YOU!
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Re: Get involved! It does make a difference!

Postby RobD on Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:29 pm

I observed 64B's convention, where they shot down the resolution because it was a "legislative proposal"... which it wasn't.

(Forgetting the fact that there are already 4 other calls for amendments, and countless calls for legislation in the existing platform)

Almost think these people deserve Paymar.

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Re: Get involved! It does make a difference!

Postby yukonjasper on Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:37 pm

Government is run by people who show up. Well done Lumpy. I did not make myself as useful. It would be nice to be organized enough and educated ahead of time (by GOCRA et al) on the topics of the day so you could get enough "activists" involved to make a difference. I don't know why, but I'm picturing participation in this stuff being best done by someone who is retired and has the time to commit to it. Its probably a total cop out, so feel free to call me out - I'd deserve it.

Your Right Lumpy - doesen't take much to have a big impact.
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Re: Get involved! It does make a difference!

Postby photogpat on Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:51 pm

yukonjasper wrote:Government is run by people who show up. Well done Lumpy. I did not make myself as useful. It would be nice to be organized enough and educated ahead of time (by GOCRA et al) on the topics of the day so you could get enough "activists" involved to make a difference. I don't know why, but I'm picturing participation in this stuff being best done by someone who is retired and has the time to commit to it. Its probably a total cop out, so feel free to call me out - I'd deserve it.

Your Right Lumpy - doesen't take much to have a big impact.

Not from GOCRA, but here you go. This resonated well at a DFL Townhall I attended last week:

"Gun Control" as a political topic is nothing but a polarizing resource drain, and serves only as a dog whistle to extremists on both sides of the debate. Announcing the need for more "gun control" prevents either side from reaching the real goal of reducing crime. "Assault" Weapons Bans, Magazine Capacity Bans, "Universal" Background checks do not reduce crime, and a simple search of the Internet will show statistics supporting this. Instead, focus your efforts on solving domestic and gang-related violence (Domestic Violence Bill co-sponsored by Cornish), giving prosecutors the tools and the funding to prosecute offenders and remove them from the streets (Hillstrom's Bill from last session w/ bipartisan support), and also giving people the resources to seek help without stigma for those with mental conditions (nothing on the board yet, but broadly supported on both sides).

My two cents...
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Re: Get involved! It does make a difference!

Postby 2in2out on Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:29 pm

Thank you, Lumpy, for setting a good example for other sot follow.

And, photogpat, well said.
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