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Postby burdock41 on Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:38 pm

I have been hearing from some dealers that they have been getting a lot of “new” gun owners coming in and purchasing firearms. They mention these new owners are not your typical gun owner.

So, my question is would these new gun owners stand up and fight for our gun rights or just go along with whatever law comes up…sheep. I wonder if a ban/confiscation came along…probably turn them in like England, Aussie and Canada.

I have heard from the NRA that they are getting new members at gun shows.
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Re: Newbies

Postby ComradeBurg on Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:44 pm

I'm sure it depends on the person whether they will fight or not. But the same goes for current gun owners. I know a lot of older people who own guns but would give them up the second the government told them to with no questions asked.

What needs to happen is we need to bring these new gun owners into the fold and teach them the ways. Education is needed first and foremost. Many new gun owners have no idea why we even have the second amendment, nor why it's worth fighting for.

Remember they aren't sheep just because they are new or uneducated, they are new. And we need to welcome them into this group we call gun owners.
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Re: Newbies

Postby David on Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:20 pm

Forgive me if I've misunderstood, but is either of you suggesting that the proper course of action if a total ban were enacted would be to not turn your gun(s) in? If so, what do you feel the proper alternative would be? Hide them? Start shooting at the sheriff's deputies when they come around?

And I'm not trying to be funny. I seriously would like to know what people are thinking on this. I'm all for working through the political process, and "fighting" that way, but anything else seems either overly dramatic at best. And discussions of potentially illegal activity, even in jest, are just ammunition for the other side.
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Re: Newbies

Postby burdock41 on Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:15 am

I was in no way thinking of any violence against any body. I have been in this gun control fight for many years now…late 70’s. I have heard a lot of people say that they would just hide their firearms instead of turning them in…I know some that did it when the Clinton gun ban went into effect.

When I wrote this I was thinking along the lines of “why” is there so much difference between the US and all other countries…as far as gun ownership. It seems like many other countries the citizens will automatically do as the government told them to do, and we do not seem to be willing to do so. I think that many americans belive in a lot of individual rights. I was also wondering about the “new” gun owners that are buying guns. I have heard their reasons why they are buying guns. But I wondered if a ban came into effect…what would they do. I saw a poll today and it said 75% of the people polled, they believe that the 2nd amendment guarantees the right to bear arms to the people.

I do believe in fighting in the political system, that’s where it should start. You mentioned “ammunition for the other side” I have articles from a long time ago that were written from anti-gunners and anything us pro-gunners would say they would twist it around or blow it out of proportion for their benefit.

I met Ted Nugent at a pro-gun convention a while back and here is a classic example of the other side. Both anti-hunters and anti-gunners do not like him. I found him to be a real devoted hunter/ gun owner and I liked him. He really knows his stuff!

I hope this answered some of your thoughts.
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Re: Newbies

Postby White Horseradish on Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:20 am

burdock41 wrote:I have been hearing from some dealers that they have been getting a lot of “new” gun owners coming in and purchasing firearms. They mention these new owners are not your typical gun owner.

What is "your typical gun owner"?
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Re: Newbies

Postby Stradawhovious on Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:09 am

White Horseradish wrote:What is "your typical gun owner"?

typical gun owner.jpg

Aren't you glad you asked? :lol:
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Re: Newbies

Postby David on Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:16 am

burdock41 wrote:...I have heard a lot of people say that they would just hide their firearms instead of turning them in…I know some that did it when the Clinton gun ban went into effect.

I do believe in fighting in the political system, that’s where it should start. You mentioned “ammunition for the other side” I have articles from a long time ago that were written from anti-gunners and anything us pro-gunners would say they would twist it around or blow it out of proportion for their benefit.

Thanks for your thoughtful reply.

The Clinton/Bush gun bans didn't ban any existing guns, as far as I know, so I'm not sure why anyone would feel they had to hide any previously legal firearms after those enactments. Do you have some examples of that? Just curious.

Regarding what the media and anti-gun folks say, I completely agree that they twist things around. Can you imagine what they say when people talk about hiding their guns or otherwise refusing to give them up? While you might be talking about political action, it comes off when twisted as though a bunch of redneck gun-toting maniacs are eagerly awaiting combat with the police. If we're careful how we phrase things like that, there will be fewer opportunities for that kind of misrepresentation.
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Re: Newbies

Postby White Horseradish on Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:15 pm

Stradawhovious wrote:
<pic snipped>

Aren't you glad you asked? :lol:

Dude, is that my shotgun? :twisted:
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Re: Newbies

Postby burdock41 on Wed Mar 11, 2009 12:47 pm

Typical gun owner, I guess that I use that term a lot…but is there really a typical gun owner type? Gun owners are across the spectrum, not like my picture that Stradawhovious put up LOL...where did you find that one LOL Maybe some of you other guys do notice this, but a number of gun shop owners/employees can tell almost right away that when somebody walks in they are a green horn…maybe it’s the same look I had when I walked into a strip club at 15…it was bourbon street. LOL

David, you asked about the Clinton/Bush gun bans. I remember back when the Clinton ban was working itself through congress and you have certain anti-gunners saying some things that really bring fear into gun owners…like the present. Out favorite senator Diane Feinstein, saying that is she could of get enough votes she would ban them all. But there has been a number of states/local that has banned certain firearms, which could cause people to hide them.

I know the anti-gunners have talked about when they see us talking about “hiding guns” I think that it would be very tough to say something and they are going to use it for their propaganda…that is the only reason they can get ahead…also using there biggest propaganda tool…the fear factor. One of your quotes is something that they always use and that is we are all redneck gun-toting maniacs…plus we are all white supremacists. . That whole idea could not be so wrong in my experience, look at some of the “closet” gun owner celebrities…the anti gunner celebrities will just hire security that carry guns instead LOL

Just a little rant;)
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