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Heather Martens = Lobbyist for HF241

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 3:46 pm
by bigbad401
Found this on another forum I am part of.

As many of you know Heather Martens is the paid lobbyist who presented 241 and other house files at the committee hearings last week. Anyway her organization "Protect Minnesota" is funded by the Joyce Foundation, and guess who served on the board of directors? Surprise Surprise its Barack Obama. Obama served on the Foundation's board of directors from July 1994 until December 2002. ... ategory=79

List of participants at President Obama's gun violence roundtable in Minneapolis

Open the link and take a look. Yep, Heather Martens was at the "roundtable" ... ml?refer=y

Now, after just 2 posts on "Protect Minnesota" Facebook page I was swiftly blocked and my posts deleted. Seems Heather does not want people to know her connections to Washington DC nor the fact that this entire AWB push in MN is not "grass roots". Hmmm seems Heather does not want her own members to know the money trail...interesting

Just though some of you may want to try and enlighten the FB members of "Protect MN" ... 8606548259

Re: Heather Martens = Lobbyist for HF241

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 3:50 pm
by Heffay
I'm sure you posted in a respectful manner. Care to show what you posted?

Re: Heather Martens = Lobbyist for HF241

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 4:19 pm
by bstrawse
I've been nothing but respectful on their page and have been banned for a very long time.

Reasoned discourse, I'm sure.

Re: Heather Martens = Lobbyist for HF241

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 4:23 pm
by Snakeman721
I don't know, sounds pretty typical to me....ban those that offer viewpoints differing from your agenda, especially viewpoints backed by facts that you like to ignore. Yep, sounds like Ms. Martens's M.O.

Re: Heather Martens = Lobbyist for HF241

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 4:26 pm
by grousemaster
I just posted the linked info on their FB page

Re: Heather Martens = Lobbyist for HF241

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 4:47 pm
by EastSideRich
I think it's gone already (unless I'm not doing it right)

Re: Heather Martens = Lobbyist for HF241

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 4:57 pm
by bigbad401
Heffay wrote:I'm sure you posted in a respectful manner. Care to show what you posted?

That exerpt was a post that I found on another forum. I did not post anything on the facebook as I do not have a facebook page.

Anyways, this whole set of bills was not grown in Minnesota but through federal intervention. Obama can not do anything federally so he is doing everything state wide. This seems to prove it. Hausman is just a pawn.

Re: Heather Martens = Lobbyist for HF241

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 5:03 pm
by JeremiahMN
OMG! This is some serious breaking news! You mean to tell me that the local anti-gun group gets funding upstream from bigger national groups that are also anti-gun? And if that wasn't shocking enough, I can't believe they support Obama's agenda! This has to be some great cover-up that this isn't on all the news stations. I'm sure the NRA has never provided any funding for the pro-gun agenda in Minnesota. :roll:

Re: Heather Martens = Lobbyist for HF241

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 6:26 pm
by photogpat
They won't engage with anyone online who's contrary to their point of view. If you really want to have a good time, and can speak well regarding the current legislation and the 2nd Amendment -- go to the Capitol on Thursday and engage them in conversation one-on-one. Its easy to spot the other side - they have stickers reading "Minnesotans Against Being Shot".

It was incredibly rewarding for me during the House hearings 2 weeks ago to do this. I was shouted down, and shouted at more times than intelligently argued with.

Re: Heather Martens = Lobbyist for HF241

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 7:16 pm
by grousemaster
JeremiahMN wrote:OMG! This is some serious breaking news! You mean to tell me that the local anti-gun group gets funding upstream from bigger national groups that are also anti-gun? And if that wasn't shocking enough, I can't believe they support Obama's agenda! This has to be some great cover-up that this isn't on all the news stations. I'm sure the NRA has never provided any funding for the pro-gun agenda in Minnesota. :roll:

Says the guy who assured us last fall that Dem's will not try to catch guns. Jeremiah votes for the anti's.

Re: Heather Martens = Lobbyist for HF241

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 8:01 pm
by XDM45
photogpat wrote:They won't engage with anyone online who's contrary to their point of view. If you really want to have a good time, and can speak well regarding the current legislation and the 2nd Amendment -- go to the Capitol on Thursday and engage them in conversation one-on-one. Its easy to spot the other side - they have stickers reading "Minnesotans Against Being Shot".

It was incredibly rewarding for me during the House hearings 2 weeks ago to do this. I was shouted down, and shouted at more times than intelligently argued with.

Hey! We share that in common!! I'm a Minnesotan against being shot too! I have a gun to defend myself to help prevent that....what do they have? Words?

Re: Heather Martens = Lobbyist for HF241

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 9:00 pm
by photogpat
XDM45 wrote:
photogpat wrote:They won't engage with anyone online who's contrary to their point of view. If you really want to have a good time, and can speak well regarding the current legislation and the 2nd Amendment -- go to the Capitol on Thursday and engage them in conversation one-on-one. Its easy to spot the other side - they have stickers reading "Minnesotans Against Being Shot".

It was incredibly rewarding for me during the House hearings 2 weeks ago to do this. I was shouted down, and shouted at more times than intelligently argued with.

Hey! We share that in common!! I'm a Minnesotan against being shot too! I have a gun to defend myself to help prevent that....what do they have? Words?

They've already got a scripted comeback for that line - "Well, looks like we have at least THAT in common"

Re: Heather Martens = Lobbyist for HF241

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:11 pm
by XDM45
photogpat wrote:
XDM45 wrote:
photogpat wrote:They won't engage with anyone online who's contrary to their point of view. If you really want to have a good time, and can speak well regarding the current legislation and the 2nd Amendment -- go to the Capitol on Thursday and engage them in conversation one-on-one. Its easy to spot the other side - they have stickers reading "Minnesotans Against Being Shot".

It was incredibly rewarding for me during the House hearings 2 weeks ago to do this. I was shouted down, and shouted at more times than intelligently argued with.

Hey! We share that in common!! I'm a Minnesotan against being shot too! I have a gun to defend myself to help prevent that....what do they have? Words?

They've already got a scripted comeback for that line - "Well, looks like we have at least THAT in common"

My gun will never defend an anti-gunner, sorry they're on their own.

Re: Heather Martens = Lobbyist for HF241

PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:02 am
by tman
XDM45 wrote:
My gun will never defend an anti-gunner, sorry they're on their own.

Good grief.

Re: Heather Martens = Lobbyist for HF241

PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 9:27 am
by Heffay
tman wrote:
XDM45 wrote:
My gun will never defend an anti-gunner, sorry they're on their own.

Good grief.

Is he for real? I almost think he's trying to be a parody of himself.