Unsigned letter about GOCRA?

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Re: Unsigned letter about GOCRA?

Postby Holland&Holland on Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:42 pm

Wow. More drama here than at a junior high dance.
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Re: Unsigned letter about GOCRA?

Postby Ghost on Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:47 pm

Holland&Holland wrote:Wow. More drama here than at a junior high dance.

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Re: Unsigned letter about GOCRA?

Postby yukonjasper on Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:14 pm

So, I don't know what I'm supposed to do with what I'm reading. I'm not one to overreact so do I have something to worry about or not. What exactly is an anti-gun group going to do with my name and home address? It's already published in the white pages. Last I checked GOCRA didn't collect my SSN or any bank info. Are you saying that these people are going to commit credit card fraud because I belong to GOCRA? just not sure what the issue is. Should I expect an army of demonstrators in front of my house this week?
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Re: Unsigned letter about GOCRA?

Postby cobb on Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:49 am

2 post removed because they may have contained copyright material and personal information. It is fine to post a link to a page or article, but to copy from one internet source to another can be considered a copyright infringement. Some of you older members here may remember that there was legal action taken against this forum and forum owner a few years ago for that very thing. If in doubt or have questions, please start with reading the rules.
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Re: Unsigned letter about GOCRA?

Postby Erud on Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:49 am

They'll probably just "SWAT" you.
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Re: Unsigned letter about GOCRA?

Postby photogpat on Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:39 am

So I'm a big person, I'll admit when I was wrong.

It appears this is the work of a psychotic depressed anti-gunner who's a known harasser of GOCRA and other pro-gun people. His activities are well-documented and he's just a sad angry impotent and drepressed soul. Hes also a lurker on here (Hi "Joe" or "Luke" or "Gaston" or "Savage" - whatever your pseudonym is today).

Anyone trying to benefit from his harassment is not terribly far above where he is.

So my apologies to anyone wrongly accused - but trying to benefit from other's misfortune is still pretty low.

Justa sayin'
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Re: Unsigned letter about GOCRA?

Postby 870TC on Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:11 am

Hmm? , the easiest way to fight your enemy is to turn them against themselves and let them fight each other. :shameonyou: Seems like it was an effective campaign.
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Re: Unsigned letter about GOCRA?

Postby MN-RKBA on Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:05 am

2in2out wrote:
MN-RKBA wrote:This is information that GOCRA allowed to be publicly viewable due to their unsecured website. It was just more harassment directed at me and I wanted nothing to do with it. Why don't you aim your anger where it belongs, on the people who allowed the information to be compromised.

What about accomplices (such as those who knew, but did nothing about it)?


I sure hope you gossipy old ladies are much more judicious with your itchy trigger fingers than you are with your flapping gums when it comes to assessing situations and information. Most of the comments in reference to me and TCGOCF here are rumor-mongering and libelous. And BOOM, you’ve shot the messenger, an innocent bystander based on no information with a huge topping of misinformation delivered by the usual suspects on this forum.

1. Based on the email I received and posted above, there was absolutely no indication that any illegal activity had taken place or was going to take place. The link sent to me provided no indication that the information had been “hacked” open, it was merely carelessly sitting there for all the world to see with no security barriers or parameters whatsoever. I regarded it as callous irresponsibility on behalf of Andrew Rothman and GOCRA. I mean since Andrew is such a techie genius - and if you don’t believe me, just ask him, he’d be glad to tell you - he would never allow an oversight like that, so he must have known about it and it was there on purpose, I figured. And, as shown above, the person who sent the email indicated that they weren’t going to publish the information, they wanted me to do their dirty work, which simply wasn’t going to happen.

So, again, no indication of illegal access to the information, no indication that the information was going to be published by the person, and certainly not by me. So, contacting police never even crossed my mind, and if it had I wasn’t about to have this conversation:

Me: Hello, police, someone “anonymously” sent me a link to personally identifying information posted publicly on a website. It doesn’t appear to have been hacked and placed there in any way, it’s just there. And the person who sent it said they aren’t going to do anything with it and I’m not going to do anything with it. But I just want to let you know it’s there.

Police: So, you’re calling to tell us that no apparent crime has been committed and that you have no indication that nefarious activity will take place based on the email you received?

Me: Correct.

Police: [Crickets]

Police: We’re going to go investigate some murders and rapes now. Have a nice day.

### End scene

[And I can speak with some authority on how that conversation with the police would’ve gone down, as I’ve had several such conversations with police wherein I’ve submitted actual evidence from stalkers and haters, notes I’ve received in the mail threatening me with harm, vandalism and destruction of my property, and have had it all handed right back to me saying there’s nothing they can do “until something happens.”]

2. I have zero obligation or compulsion to inform GOCRA that they’re idiots. They are already well aware that’s what I think. And this whole situation proves I'm right.

3. You're accusing me of fear-mongering now that it's become painfully obvious that GOCRA has carelessly allowed access to information to get into the hands of some anti-gun freak?

4. "It appears there's no level to which you won't stoop to harass Andrew, and GOCRA" (ex ED), um I was minding my own business not bothering anyone until they carelessly left their unsecured website open and now I've been dragged into it and attacked and harmed as a result and forced to defend myself. I suppose rape victims shouldn't have worn those short skirts either. SMDH.

But, toddle on back to your coffee klatch.
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Re: Unsigned letter about GOCRA?

Postby nhluke on Sat Sep 12, 2015 11:13 am

His activities are well-documented and he's just a sad angry impotent and drepressed soul. Hes also a lurker on here (Hi "Joe" or "Luke" or "Gaston" or "Savage" - whatever your pseudonym is today).

Is this my formal acceptance to lurker status?
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Re: Unsigned letter about GOCRA?

Postby cobb on Sat Sep 12, 2015 12:38 pm

This thread is past it's purpose.

Everyone step back and take a break, go outside and enjoy the nice fall weather.

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