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Re: Constitutional Carry and Self Defense Law Reform to be heard

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:29 am
by steve4102
FJ540 wrote:Is it just me or was the Maplewood chief very uncomfortable looking? Seems like a guy in charge of the coalition to squash our rights because it steps on their toes should be better spoken and prepared to give a strong statement to support their position. Then again, if Rob would've dropped the um's he'd have room for another 30 seconds of content and would come across stronger too.

When I first looked at the video it had 550 views. Now it's up to 3700.

True, if he needed to support their position to the public or the legislators, he does not.

He only has to convince one person and he knows full well that Governor Goofy will do whatever he recommends.

Re: Constitutional Carry and Self Defense Law Reform to be heard

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 8:38 pm
by FJ540
steve4102 wrote:
He only has to convince one person and he knows full well that Governor Goofy will do whatever he recommends.

Yeah, but Gov. Prozac had surgery for his prostate cancer so now he's going to be completely sane, stable, and rational moving forward.

Pffff.... Riiiiight! :rotf:

Re: Constitutional Carry and Self Defense Law Reform to be heard

PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 1:03 pm
by RobD
FJ540 wrote:Then again, if Rob would've dropped the um's he'd have room for another 30 seconds of content and would come across stronger too.

Believe me, if I could just turn it off, I would.

Re: Constitutional Carry and Self Defense Law Reform to be heard

PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 2:26 pm
by DustinD
The House Speaker Rep. Kurt Daudt has said he likely won't include the pro-gun bills into the House Public Safety Omnibus Bill. We need everyone to call and write to try and get him to change his mind.

From a email:

Earlier this month, two critical pro-Second Amendment bills were heard in the Minnesota House of Representatives Public Safety and Security Policy & Finance Committee:
HF188, authored by Rep. Jim Nash, would make permits to carry optional throughout Minnesota. This concept is known as "Constitutional Carry" and fully recognizes that a law-abiding citizen should not have to beg government permission to carry a firearm. Permits would remain available for individual wishing to carry in other states that recognize the Minnesota Permit to Carry.

HF238, also authored by Rep. Jim Nash, reforms Minnesota's self-defense laws, codifying decades of case law, expanding castle doctrine, and removing the "duty to retreat" in Minnesota law. This concept is often known as "Stand your Ground".
Both bills were heard in a committee hearing earlier this month - the bills were held over with the intention of being included in the 2017 Public Safety Omnibus Bill.

If they are not included in the Omnibus, the bills will die until next year.

We need your help TODAY in order to ensure that these bills move forward!

Call and e-mail the following Minnesota House Republican Leaders and tell them that law-abiding gun owners in Minnesota are eager to see important self-defense legislation bills move forward in the Minnesota House this year:
House Speaker Rep. Kurt Daudt
Office:  651-296-5364

Majority Leader Rep. Joyce Peppin
Office:  651-296-7806

Public Safety Committee Chairman Tony Cornish
Office:  651-296-4240
It's important to both call and e-mail so that your message is heard loud and clear.  Be polite, but firm in your position that these bills should move forward this year.

Gun owners across Minnesota worked hard in 2014 and 2016 to elect pro-Second Amendment majorities in both the Minnesota House and Senate. Now is the time to advance substantive pro-gun rights legislation.

Again, please call and e-mail these leaders TODAY!  

We'll have further updates in the coming days.

Yours in Liberty,
Bryan Strawser

The NRA, GOCRA, and a few smaller groups are also asking their members to contact the House leaders about this issue.

Re: Constitutional Carry and Self Defense Law Reform to be heard

PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 6:00 pm
by Randygmn
DustinD wrote:The House Speaker Rep. Kurt Daudt has said he likely won't include the pro-gun bills into the House Public Safety Omnibus Bill. We need everyone to call and write to try and get him to change his mind.

From a email:

Earlier this month, two critical pro-Second Amendment bills were heard in the Minnesota House of Representatives Public Safety and Security Policy & Finance Committee:
HF188, authored by Rep. Jim Nash, would make permits to carry optional throughout Minnesota. This concept is known as "Constitutional Carry" and fully recognizes that a law-abiding citizen should not have to beg government permission to carry a firearm. Permits would remain available for individual wishing to carry in other states that recognize the Minnesota Permit to Carry.

HF238, also authored by Rep. Jim Nash, reforms Minnesota's self-defense laws, codifying decades of case law, expanding castle doctrine, and removing the "duty to retreat" in Minnesota law. This concept is often known as "Stand your Ground".
Both bills were heard in a committee hearing earlier this month - the bills were held over with the intention of being included in the 2017 Public Safety Omnibus Bill.

If they are not included in the Omnibus, the bills will die until next year.

We need your help TODAY in order to ensure that these bills move forward!

Call and e-mail the following Minnesota House Republican Leaders and tell them that law-abiding gun owners in Minnesota are eager to see important self-defense legislation bills move forward in the Minnesota House this year:
House Speaker Rep. Kurt Daudt
Office:  651-296-5364

Majority Leader Rep. Joyce Peppin
Office:  651-296-7806

Public Safety Committee Chairman Tony Cornish
Office:  651-296-4240
It's important to both call and e-mail so that your message is heard loud and clear.  Be polite, but firm in your position that these bills should move forward this year.

Gun owners across Minnesota worked hard in 2014 and 2016 to elect pro-Second Amendment majorities in both the Minnesota House and Senate. Now is the time to advance substantive pro-gun rights legislation.

Again, please call and e-mail these leaders TODAY!  

We'll have further updates in the coming days.

Yours in Liberty,
Bryan Strawser

The NRA, GOCRA, and a few smaller groups are also asking their members to contact the House leaders about this issue.

I hope it wasn't too late, but just finished emailing all 3. Here's what I wrote:
Dear Representative Kurt Daudt,

I can't tell you how disappointed I was to hear that these two bills, HF188 and HF238 may not be included in the House Public Safety Omnibus Bill.

Over the last few years, I've essentially become a single issue voter, after years of exhaustive work defending the Second Amendment from those who nonchalantly attempt to infringe on what is arguably the most important Constitutional right that exists. I no longer will cast a vote for any politician with a history of supporting any infringements, nor will I support anyone who impedes solid and righteous legislation.

Please reconsider.

Respectfully submitted,

Re: Constitutional Carry and Self Defense Law Reform to be heard

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:10 pm
by Tanfoglio
Omnibus bill dropped today, and there is no SYG or CC.

The GOP leadership that are supposedly our allies, raped us without lube yet again.

With great allies like Daudt, there is no need for MDA, Bloomberg and their ilk.


Iron Range DFL'ers like Dill were at least our allies, and willing to put up more than a whimper. Daudt and his merry band (Limmer, Gazelka) are spineless wastes of space.

Re: Constitutional Carry and Self Defense Law Reform to be heard

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:33 pm
by bstrawse
More details coming shortly.


Re: Constitutional Carry and Self Defense Law Reform to be heard

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:40 pm
by MJY65
Tanfoglio wrote:The GOP leadership that are supposedly our allies, raped us without lube yet again.

Perhaps a tad dramatic?

Re: Constitutional Carry and Self Defense Law Reform to be heard

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:02 pm
by Tanfoglio
MJY65 wrote:
Tanfoglio wrote:The GOP leadership that are supposedly our allies, raped us without lube yet again.

Perhaps a tad dramatic?

Not at all.

They ran on promises to support gun rights. When presented with the opportunity to take our rights back, they caved to MDA/Bloomberg.

At best, they will put up a standalone bill. And it will get vetoed by Gov. MarbleMouth. The only way to win on this was via the omnibus bill, and they screwed us. They are using us as useful idiots, and we play right into their hands.


Re: Constitutional Carry and Self Defense Law Reform to be heard

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:51 pm
by Ghost
Tanfoglio wrote:
MJY65 wrote:
Tanfoglio wrote:The GOP leadership that are supposedly our allies, raped us without lube yet again.

Perhaps a tad dramatic?

Not at all.

They ran on promises to support gun rights. When presented with the opportunity to take our rights back, they caved to MDA/Bloomberg.

At best, they will put up a standalone bill. And it will get vetoed by Gov. MarbleMouth. The only way to win on this was via the omnibus bill, and they screwed us. They are using us as useful idiots, and we play right into their hands.


Never vote dem, period.

I'd like to hear the details before throwing republicans under the bus with gov dopey anyway.

Re: Constitutional Carry and Self Defense Law Reform to be heard

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 4:04 pm
by Tanfoglio
Ghost wrote:Never vote dem, period.

I'd like to hear the details before throwing republicans under the bus with gov dopey anyway.

^perfect example of useful idiot.

The old school DFL on the Range (like David Dill) were consummate supporters of our gun rights.

Republicans like Limmer and Gazelka are spineless little chicken sh!ts, who wouldn't even hold a hearing.

Daudt's legislative assistant was flat out lying to callers (including me) yesterday. He was claiming that the bills couldn't be put in the Omnibus because they were not heard in the Senate (which is absolutely false).

Re: Constitutional Carry and Self Defense Law Reform to be heard

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 4:36 pm
by Ghost
Tanfoglio wrote:
Ghost wrote:Never vote dem, period.

I'd like to hear the details before throwing republicans under the bus with gov dopey anyway.

^perfect example of useful idiot.

The old school DFL on the Range (like David Dill) were consummate supporters of our gun rights.

Republicans like Limmer and Gazelka are spineless little chicken sh!ts, who wouldn't even hold a hearing.

Daudt's legislative assistant was flat out lying to callers (including me) yesterday. He was claiming that the bills couldn't be put in the Omnibus because they were not heard in the Senate (which is absolutely false).


Re: Constitutional Carry and Self Defense Law Reform to be heard

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 5:30 pm
by MJY65
Tanfoglio wrote:Daudt's legislative assistant was flat out lying to callers (including me) yesterday.

Did you use your best locker room/gutter language and insults to persuade them?

Re: Constitutional Carry and Self Defense Law Reform to be heard

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:04 pm
by yukonjasper
MJY65 wrote:
Tanfoglio wrote:The GOP leadership that are supposedly our allies, raped us without lube yet again.

Perhaps a tad dramatic?

Try being a little patient. Those members know better than any of us when the right time is to undertake these issues. Everyone wants everything right now. Seek first to understand then to be understood.

Re: Constitutional Carry and Self Defense Law Reform to be heard

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:56 am
by goett047
Omnibus bills suck. They shouldn't happen at all.