THis will make your day.......

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THis will make your day.......

Postby hammAR on Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:32 pm

During last week’s elections, a troop of Boy Scouts set up donation boxes at polling places to raise money for the troops in Iraq. In typical Cambridge fashion, the city removed the boxes and the Boy Scouts because they may have had a “pro-war” bent.

Marsha Weinerman, executive director of the city’s Election Commission, said the boxes were removed after a resident complained to commission workers about their implied “pro-war” message.

“We contacted the law department, and it was determined that the best course of action would be to remove the boxes,” Weinerman said.

Way to stand up to those preteen hawks, Cambridge.

The Secretary of State told the Cambridge Chronicle that most of the Scouts’ booths were legal.

Weinerman cited a law that prohibits political messages near any polling station in an election. But state law prohibits political messages pertaining to a particular election within 150 feet of any polling station, according to a spokesperson for Secretary of State William Galvin’s office. There is no law stopping someone from promoting an unrelated political message within 150 feet of any polling place.

This is how the idea that those who are against the war are also somehow against the troops gets started. Good for you, Cambridge. You’ve managed to teach a group of kids that ideology trumps empathy every time.
In these uncertain times, it’s nice to know we can rely on some things. The sun will always rise and set. Gravity will always hold us down. And Cambridge will always be liberal to a fault.

They were collecting baby wipes power bars and stuff like that for care packages ...........
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Re: THis will make your day.......

Postby nyffman on Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:54 pm

You must be special, I do not have permission to access that page. The morons shutting down their efforts is expected, the fact that there are Scouts and Scout leaders in Cambridge who would think to have a project to collect things for the troops is enough to make my day. The antiamericans haven't won, not even in he liberal bastion of Boston.
our quarrel is not about the value of freedom per se, but stems from our opinion of our fellow men … a man’s admiration of absolute government is proportionate to the contempt he feels for those around him --Alexis de Tocqueville--
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