Obama to Pitch Gun Proposals in Minneapolis Monday

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Obama to Pitch Gun Proposals in Minneapolis Monday

Postby 2in2out on Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:44 am

According to KTSP today....
President Barack Obama will travel to Minneapolis Monday to pitch his proposals for reducing gun violence.

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Re: Obama to Pitch Gun Proposals in Minneapolis Monday

Postby Thunder71 on Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:49 am

Guessing he'll bypass Cannon Falls this time around.
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Re: Obama to Pitch Gun Proposals in Minneapolis Monday

Postby American Capitalist on Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:04 am

"One of those officials, and Hennepin County Sheriff Richard Stanek, has been leading a group of Minnesota sheriffs pushing stronger background checks in the state."

I'm sure he would love to talk to Obama about "assault weapons". Almost every LEO wants to push stricter background checks and is against AW bans.
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Re: Obama to Pitch Gun Proposals in Minneapolis Monday

Postby damian_mb on Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:43 pm

2in2out wrote:According to KTSP today....
President Barack Obama will travel to Minneapolis Monday to pitch his proposals for reducing gun violence.


Who is that :?: :!:
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Re: Obama to Pitch Gun Proposals in Minneapolis Monday

Postby adam21584 on Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:00 pm

Only 2 anti gun replies currently hopefully the elected officials will take note.
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Re: Obama to Pitch Gun Proposals in Minneapolis Monday

Postby Collector1337420 on Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:45 pm

Is there going to be any kind of public speech or anything us regular folk can attend to voice our displeasure?

I feel this needs to be protested. Who's with me?
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Re: Obama to Pitch Gun Proposals in Minneapolis Monday

Postby Nalez on Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:11 pm

Collector1337420 wrote:Is there going to be any kind of public speech or anything us regular folk can attend to voice our displeasure?

I feel this needs to be protested. Who's with me?

Sounds like the event is open to media only, closed to the Public.
The media is reporting that the event is at the Minneapolis Police special operations center. located at 4119 Dupont Ave N in Minneapolis. The ironic part, this use to be Hamilton Elementary School. I wonder if there will be any guns in that former elementary school on Monday...
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Re: Obama to Pitch Gun Proposals in Minneapolis Monday

Postby LePetomane on Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:20 am

In his opening line he will either say that he respects the tradition of hunting or that he enjoys shooting. Or maybe both, depending on what his teleprompter tells him.
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Re: Obama to Pitch Gun Proposals in Minneapolis Monday

Postby collateral on Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:08 am

I doubt his stop in Minnesota is by chance. This state leans left and if he can promote gun grabbing legislation here he will use it to claim legitimacy by stating he has support in states like ours with a strong hunting tradition. In other words he would claim broad based support. For this issue my friends we are in a battle ground state.
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Re: Obama to Pitch Gun Proposals in Minneapolis Monday

Postby photogpat on Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:25 am

collateral wrote:I doubt his stop in Minnesota is by chance. This state leans left and if he can promote gun grabbing legislation here he will use it to claim legitimacy by stating he has support in states like ours with a strong hunting tradition. In other words he would claim broad based support. For this issue my friends we are in a battle ground state.

Its absolutely NOT by chance.

This is some of the "under the radar" plans they were making prior to Sandy Hook - and were just waiting on an opportunity.

- Pressure firearms and ammo manufacturers to support gun control by bringing the weight of State and Municipal purchasing systems to bear
- Push for expansion of restrictions on a state by state basis until enough states have them that a new "normal" is realized, then hit the Federal regs to bring the rest into line.
- Selectively enforce the new statutes to get the trouble-makers to pipe down
- ????
- Profit! The elimination of "gun violence" (ala Underpants Gnomes...if you don't get it, watch South Park sometime. Its a sarcastic reference to expecting results that aren't possible)

I think the one thing we have going for us at the moment is that the President visiting the State will serve to fire up the pro-gun folks...hopefully we start getting the participation of some of the folks from rural democratic districts. Those will be the key in MN.

Again, a poignant reminder - "Its not a partisan issue, its an American issue!"
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Re: Obama to Pitch Gun Proposals in Minneapolis Monday

Postby goda0301 on Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:37 am

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Re: Obama to Pitch Gun Proposals in Minneapolis Monday

Postby XDM45 on Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:39 am

Obama is against gun violence, yet he travels with an armed security force which along with the training, guns and bullets carried, is paid for by the taxpayers. If he was ever attacked, they will defend him with those same firearms, but if we are attacked, he and others would have us be powerless and unable to defend ourselves. His guns protect him from those that would harm him, which is the same reason we own our guns....to protect us from those who would harm us. Our forefathers of this nation understood that and I believe Obama and others do as well, which is why they're trying so hard to remove guns from the American people.

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Re: Obama to Pitch Gun Proposals in Minneapolis Monday

Postby damian_mb on Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:34 pm

XDM45 wrote:Obama is against gun violence, yet he travels with an armed security force which along with the training, guns and bullets carried, is paid for by the taxpayers. If he was ever attacked, they will defend him with those same firearms, but if we are attacked, he and others would have us be powerless and unable to defend ourselves. His guns protect him from those that would harm him, which is the same reason we own our guns....to protect us from those who would harm us. Our forefathers of this nation understood that and I believe Obama and others do as well, which is why they're trying so hard to remove guns from the American people.

Over my dead body.

Hyprocrisy, thats what it is!!!

If he wants to disarm us, he needs to disarm his guards as well everyone else on his payroll. Arm them with scissors, maybe that will help! I mean one on waist and one by the ankle, thats deadly right there! :D
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Re: Obama to Pitch Gun Proposals in Minneapolis Monday

Postby Nalez on Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:47 pm

For those looking to watch this:
Star tribune video stream: http://www.startribune.com/video/175907 ... eo/1/sfcri
The Uptake video stream: http://www.theuptake.org/the-uptake2-live-channel/

Scheduled to start talking at 1:30pm.
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Re: Obama to Pitch Gun Proposals in Minneapolis Monday

Postby westhope on Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:53 pm

Have any of the local pro-gun groups been invited to attend this closed meeting?

I would think a our government should want to hear from both sides before passing legislation.

If local pro-gun groups (GOCRA) have not been invited to this meeting to express their concerns about new gun laws, we should make the media aware they only want to hear from one side.
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