Students sign petition to have gun owners executed

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Re: Students sign petition to have gun owners executed

Postby Rip Van Winkle on Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:13 am

Maybe we should just adhere to the Constitution and not worry about the rest of the minutia.
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Re: Students sign petition to have gun owners executed

Postby OldmanFCSA on Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:32 am


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Re: Students sign petition to have gun owners executed

Postby OldmanFCSA on Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:33 am

Rip Van Winkle wrote:Maybe we should just adhere to the Constitution and not worry about the rest of the minutia.

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Re: Students sign petition to have gun owners executed

Postby MaryB on Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:39 pm

Big difference between being poor and trying to make ends meet and not knowing something as simple as some of the history of this country.

mrp wrote:
MaryB wrote:Scary part is they can vote... voting should be tied into a minimal knowledge of history. No dates just knowing some of the wars and who was on each side to prove they know what this country is built upon. Instead we have people who vote skin color, or for how much free stuff they get promised instead for the candidate that will maybe fix the issues facing what is left of this country.

Maybe we should have a standardized test and only allow those who score higher than you to vote. Or maybe disallow people who think that low income people shouldn't have to pay the same for a carry permit as everyone else, you know... folks just looking to get something for free. :roll:
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Re: Students sign petition to have gun owners executed

Postby damian_mb on Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:56 pm

BigDog58 wrote:I see part of this as the fauly of the education system and the severe lack of teaching history more thoroughly. I have three sons (all step from two marriages ) ranging in age from 32 down to 20. The 32, had much mote history when he went to school years ago. The other two from my second marriage, went to school in Edina throughout elementary, and high school. The amount of history they were taught is pathetic. The oldest has graduated college and is now going for his Phd in Chemistry. He graduated Magna Cum Laude (hope I spelled it correctly) yet when we discuss things such as WWII, Stalin, Russia, Hitler, Germany, The American Civil War, Viet Nam, etc, etc, he knows nearly ZIP! ZERO NADA. His younger brother, 20 a second year college student, studying to be a Chemical Engineer, is just as lost, when my wife and I begin talking about the same subjects. They look bewildered, when my wife, and her mother (both immigrated from the Ukraine) begin telling them how bad it was in Russia, and how even though they were not allowed to have guns, almost every criminal had them. They can't believe that the armed, so called "police" misused their authority at the point of a gun. When I mention the fact that Russians, Germans and many others were disarmed, and then ruled by tyrany, they don't seem to believe it. They have great- Aunts and Uncles still alive here in the US that have the tatoos on their arms, from being in Aushwitz. They
ask why didn't they fight back ( all of my wifes family are Jews that were persecuted) and they simply cannot understand, the fact that it was impossible to fight back, when they were facing
armed police and soliers with guns, but all their relatives had was farm tools at best.

The reason I bring this up is the fact that history has proven over and over again, that if we do not learn from it, we are destined to repeat it. I believe this is why the next generations are going to be in dire trouble. They are not taught about history. They are taught that guns are bad and that only the authorities should posses them. This happened in Russia, in Germany, and still in China, as well as other countries. I fear, tyrany is going to raise it's ugly head, sooner rather than later. History will repeat itself.

No way, never in Amurika! :D

It's been debated over and over again. General population as well as the well informed will tell you that the constitution will never allow it. Wait...NSA, check points , militarized police, constitutional Sgts and military members being way...never in Amurika!
"It can never happen in Amurika"
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