Please don't overstate the gun control folks agenda. They only want 'reasonable' or 'sensible' gun control...(yeah sarcasm)
*Like the above mentioned quote from Beto wanting to ban 'assault weapons'.
*Like Josh Sugarmann wanting to ban all handguns. ... 1565847059"Josh Sugarmann makes the convincing case that the only way to reduce gun violence is to ban handguns completely"
*Like the call to ban 'sniper' know, bolt action rifles that could accept a scope.
*Like the call to ban those 'obscene Rhino' bullets---'Flesh-shredding bullets like Rhino-Ammo' ... story.html*Like the call to ban the 'Black Talon' bullets
*Like the call to ban teflon coated bullets
*Like the call to ban ANY bullet that could penetrate a 'bullet proof' vest
You know,
'REASONABLE' restrictions.
And please let's never forget Nancy Pelosi's quote about gun control