2024 "Ban Everything" Legislative Thread

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2024 "Ban Everything" Legislative Thread

Postby ashes on Wed Feb 21, 2024 9:15 am

Given that the left controls the MN House, the MN Senate, all the gate keeping committees, and the governorship they are able to exercise a super majority writing whatever they will and passing their own bills. I'm starting a thread to keep track of what's going on:

HF3628 (per the moment)
https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.p ... n_number=0

Washington Gun Law Reviews the 2024 MN Gun Legislation:

MN Gun Owners Caucus Tracking of 2024 anti-gun bills:

KSTP celebrates the next crop of anti-gun legislation which begins today:
https://kstp.com/kstp-news/top-news/sta ... wednesday/

Granted that we cannot convince the political left that the thugs are the problem, and they don't wait in lines to get their backgrounds checked I'm hoping that the US Supreme Court will render (yet another) judgement. Meanwhile, I want to implore everyone to donate to MN Gun Owners Caucus or [ deleted mgr ] so that perhaps processes can be delayed via litigation. They also do a lot of the footwork not available to many of us.
Last edited by ashes on Wed Feb 21, 2024 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2024 "Ban Everything" Legislative Thread

Postby Lumpy on Wed Feb 21, 2024 2:50 pm

I donate monthly, plus answered an extra request this month.
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Re: 2024 "Ban Everything" Legislative Thread

Postby bstrawse on Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:05 pm

Minnesota Gun RIghts has no presence at the state capitol, shows up only to make videos, and leave. They have constantly portrayed the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus as compromisers and worthless -- to the point that last year they claimed we were writing anti-gun bills last year.

We wound up sending them a cease and desist letter - you can read it at https://gunowners.mn/mgr

Other members of the forum here can weigh in on their effectiveness, or lack thereof.


You can find the Caucus's bill tracker at https://gunowners.mn/tracker
Our action center: https://gunowners.mn/action
Our upcoming events (Lobby Day + Rally): https://gunowners.mn/events

If nothing else, get on our mailing list at https://gunowners.mn/alerts and follow us on social media (FB, Twitter, YouTube) for more frequent updates.

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Re: 2024 "Ban Everything" Legislative Thread

Postby bstrawse on Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:23 pm

I'd also add - MGR has never filed any legal action in Minnesota.

Along with FPC and 2AF, we sued the state over the 18-20 carry ban (and won), and now are kicking Ellison's ass in the 8th circuit - see https://gunowners.mn/worth

We have at least once case we hope to file this spring w/ FPC and 2AF.
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Re: 2024 "Ban Everything" Legislative Thread

Postby xd ED on Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:36 pm

ashes wrote:Given that the left controls the MN House, the MN Senate, all the gate keeping committees, and the governorship they are able to exercise a super majority writing whatever they will and passing their own bills. I'm starting a thread to keep track of what's going on:

HF3628 (per the moment)
https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.p ... n_number=0

Washington Gun Law Reviews the 2024 MN Gun Legislation:

MN Gun Owners Caucus Tracking of 2024 anti-gun bills:

MN Gun Rights Action Center for MN Level anti-gun bills:

KSTP celebrates the next crop of anti-gun legislation which begins today:
https://kstp.com/kstp-news/top-news/sta ... wednesday/

Granted that we cannot convince the political left that the thugs are the problem, and they don't wait in lines to get their backgrounds checked I'm hoping that the US Supreme Court will render (yet another) judgement. Meanwhile, I want to implore everyone to donate to MN Gun Owners Caucus or Minnesota Gun Rights so that perhaps processes can be delayed via litigation. They also do a lot of the footwork not available to many of us.

You really need to look into Minnesota Gun Rights....and then edit your post, if you wish to maintain any credibility here.

The Dorr brothers and their friends have built trust with millions of Facebook followers in part by presenting themselves as outsiders.

They record videos of themselves standing at state capitols, and say they're lobbying hard against "RINO" republicans on behalf of their members. The Dorrs and their friends take credit when pro-gun bills are passed — and when anti-gun bills are defeated.

But as reporters Lisa Hagen of WABE in Atlanta, Ga. and Chris Haxel of KCUR in Kansas City, Mo. talk to other people who craft bills and lobby legislators, a different picture emerges.

In Iowa, Aaron and Chris Dorr were connected to one of the biggest political scandals in state history. And House Majority Leader Matt Windschitl, a pro-gun Republican, says Aaron Dorr is a "scam artist" and a "liar."

Minnesota Gun Rights is part of a network of pro-gun groups operating in 10 states. The Dorr brothers – Ben, Chris and Aaron – are connected with at least six of them.

Before helping ignite protests against COVID-19 lockdowns, the Dorr Brothers honed a brand of fiery activism that doesn’t sway lawmakers, but sure keeps the donations flowing.

The brothers operate with a unique twist: they criticize Republican lawmakers for being anti-gun and say other pro-gun groups like the NRA are soft.

State lawmaker calls Iowa Gun Owners group a 'scam'

The above took all of 5 minutes to find. Had I more time, and this forum were loading faster, there is almost no end to similar stories about MN Gun Rights, aka the Dorr Bros, and their various financial enterprises
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Re: 2024 "Ban Everything" Legislative Thread

Postby ashes on Wed Feb 21, 2024 10:31 pm

You really need to look into Minnesota Gun Rights ...

I hadn't, but I got a random email from them a few days ago, looked at their website, and donated. I guess that's why they send out emails; every now and then they find a good intentioned but ignorant individual. However, my posting this, getting replies, and looking into it now kept me from doing it again for which I'm thankful.

... and then edit your post


... if you wish to maintain any credibility here.

I'm not worried about credibility as I'm not claiming to be an expert in or at anything. Just imagine how much that pressure that takes off of me ;)

Thank you very much for the responses.
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Re: 2024 "Ban Everything" Legislative Thread

Postby xd ED on Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:06 pm

ashes wrote:
You really need to look into Minnesota Gun Rights ...

I hadn't, but I got a random email from them a few days ago, looked at their website, and donated. I guess that's why they send out emails; every now and then they find a good intentioned but ignorant individual. However, my posting this, getting replies, and looking into it now kept me from doing it again for which I'm thankful.

... and then edit your post


... if you wish to maintain any credibility here.

I'm not worried about credibility as I'm not claiming to be an expert in or at anything. Just imagine how much that pressure that takes off of me ;)

Thank you very much for the responses.

I wasn’t thinking in terms of expertise. The only people who defend MN Gun Rights, et al, are the people making money from it, and those who can’t admit they have been duped. Had you defended them I would have considered you to be a shill.

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