Taser suggestions?

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Taser suggestions?

Postby jdege on Thu May 18, 2017 2:32 pm

I have a friend who's driving Uber.

She's asked me for advice on an electric personal protection device she might carry in the car.

She's looking for something hand-held, not something that shoots darts.

I'm not up on what is currently on the market, so I thought I'd ask.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I might look for?
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Re: Taser suggestions?

Postby Squib Joe on Thu May 18, 2017 3:11 pm

You're looking for a stun gun, not a Taser. Taser is a brand name.

But Taser also makes a contact stun gun/flashlight which are well regarded

I would avoid anything made in China, which is most of them

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Postby sprigfan on Thu May 18, 2017 3:29 pm

I'm not an expert, but I would think using a stun gun on someone sitting behind you would be quite difficult. I think she would be better off with good quality mace/pepper spray.
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Postby jdege on Thu May 18, 2017 6:12 pm

sprigfan wrote:I'm not an expert, but I would think using a stun gun on someone sitting behind you would be quite difficult. I think she would be better off with good quality mace/pepper spray.

I'm not sure I'd want to try to use pepper spray inside a car.
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Re: Taser suggestions?

Postby jdege on Thu May 18, 2017 6:13 pm

Squib Joe wrote:You're looking for a stun gun, not a Taser. Taser is a brand name.

But Taser also makes a contact stun gun/flashlight which are well regarded

I'll take a look at them. Thanks.
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Re: Taser suggestions?

Postby jdege on Fri May 19, 2017 7:59 am

I'm seeing a wide variety of stun-gun flashlights at very different price points.

Any ideas on where I could get an idea as to quality?
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Re: Taser suggestions?

Postby LarryFlew on Fri May 19, 2017 10:30 am

I would avoid anything made in China, which is most of them

Should resolve some of the price point issues
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Re: Taser suggestions?

Postby MNIceMan on Fri May 19, 2017 11:23 am

Never had a failure yet with the made in China stuff.
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Re: Taser suggestions?

Postby smurfman on Fri May 19, 2017 2:44 pm

jdege wrote:
sprigfan wrote:I'm not an expert, but I would think using a stun gun on someone sitting behind you would be quite difficult. I think she would be better off with good quality mace/pepper spray.

I'm not sure I'd want to try to use pepper spray inside a car.

I would use pepper spray in a heartbeat than go hand to hand. Have been in two squads where Mace/OC was used, it wasn't unbearable with the windows down. OC spray is more of a stream than a mist so the blow back and width of distribution was not as much as with a mist. Think wasp/hornet stream versus OFF insect spray.

The spray was much easier to apply than a stun gun as one did not have to turn around in the seat to apply. It is also small enough to easily keep on your person so the odds of being separated from it are lessened. I have used the foaming spray in training and it seemed to be more concentrated than the typical spray. That may have been a difference in brands but is something to keep in mind.

I used the old Nova stun gun briefly before I changed careers, they worked but one had to be at less than arms length to use. Being a larger, 20 some year old offensive lineman and wrestler gave me a physical advantage that a woman probably wouldn't have at close range. Having a partner or two was also a bonus. Spot the attacker 50+ pounds, give them greater strength, likely more experience, and most importantly initiative and the victim is really behind the 8 ball. Not to mention the assailant may be the one with back up. Heck, given that even today I would be at a physical disadvantage though maybe mitigate that somewhat by being marginally smarter.

A reminder- one is more likely to have OC on them as the small canisters aren't much larger than a lipstick case which can readily be kept in a blouse pocket. That would be much handier than a stun gun from the sounds of which would be kept in the purse, center console, glove box, or door pocket. The other reason for pepper spray is it can be applied to more than one person easier than a stun gun which must make contact with an individual to be effective. This can leave one open to the partner in the event of an attack.

Best would be both- spray in the pocket as it is always in reach and can be used to keep someone at more than arms length and a stun gun when one is able to reach it or if things get close. Be aware though, that anyone with much wrestling or fighting experience will be cognizant of what their foe is doing with their hands and take steps to defend themselves from attack. The further one can keep their assailant away, the less the assailant can do to to assault you.

I hate these discussions, it reminds me how vulnerable transportation drivers are. At least cabbies have dispatchers and sometimes surveillance cameras and/or GPS to keep tabs on them while Uber/Lyft/etc drivers are on their own.
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Re: Taser suggestions?

Postby LarryFlew on Sat May 20, 2017 9:02 am

I would also add a visible camera even if fake to the mix as a deterrent. Obviously real and cloud based recording would be best but cost prohibitive.
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Re: Taser suggestions?

Postby Motoman on Sat May 20, 2017 10:23 pm

I sell the Taser line. Here is a link. http://arsenalarmsgroup.com/catalog.php?search_for=taser

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Re: Taser suggestions?

Postby UnaStamus on Tue May 23, 2017 6:43 pm

I use OC/mace weekly, if not more often. If you use it in close quarters like in a car, it will affect you without question. If it's close enough, a stream may ricochet and you will get some collateral exposure. Foam will not ricochet and it contains the capsicum sufficiently to only cause minimal airborne exposure.

If the goal is personal defense inside a car, I would highly support the use of the Taser Strikelight over OC spray. Speaking from experience that OC inside of a car sucks.
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