Why not?

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Re: Why not?

Postby hammAR on Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:29 pm

cmj685 wrote:Justaguy,
Among many questions and problems I am starting to have with you, here is one:
why do you feel that you have to respond to every post and make sure that your opinion on every issue is heard over and over again? Are you so insecure that you can't sit out of one conversation without dominating it and ensuring that you have as many posts in the thread as everyone else combined? Do you worry that your voice won't be heard if you don't keep on talking nonstop? It is all getting more than just a little tiresome....Give your typing fingers some rest and stop. Just stop!and think.

Mike, maybe you should take your own advice and take a break. I did a self imposed time out, but you ruined it for me. I will not sit back and watch you and the few sheeppoodles attack justaguy while he is attempting to have a rational and logical dialog, without attacking anyone. You want to quell it with a thinly veiled personal attack and expanded a fairly consistent habit of popping into conversations with a rather steady stream of PC social engineering and whining about "go someplace else if you don't like it" comments. At least Justaguy is being honest in his attempt to converse. If Mr. Slam practiced half of what he professes in his post above, and can be non-biased, he would have made you sit in the corner, I know I sure a heck (was going to say he11) would................................one of the “old” people here.............

I'm back on time out.
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Re: CMJ wants to talk about my "feelings"

Postby hammAR on Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:44 pm

CMJ wants to talk about my "feelings

No, you misunderstand, he wants you, me, Sam, and the rest of the disruptors, non-contributors, and knuckledraggers off HIS PC "we can be safe now" board................you unfeeling moron, Semper Fi

Now, I am back on time out..................it's Miller time............ :cheers:
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Re: Why not?

Postby justaguy on Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:48 pm

hammAR wrote:
cmj685 wrote:Justaguy,
Among many questions and problems I am starting to have with you, here is one:
why do you feel that you have to respond to every post and make sure that your opinion on every issue is heard over and over again? Are you so insecure that you can't sit out of one conversation without dominating it and ensuring that you have as many posts in the thread as everyone else combined? Do you worry that your voice won't be heard if you don't keep on talking nonstop? It is all getting more than just a little tiresome....Give your typing fingers some rest and stop. Just stop!and think.

Mike, maybe you should take your own advice and take a break. I did a self imposed time out, but you ruined it for me. I will not sit back and watch you and the few sheeppoodles attack justaguy while he is attempting to have a rational and logical dialog, without attacking anyone. You want to quell it with a thinly veiled personal attack and expanded a fairly consistent habit of popping into conversations with a rather steady stream of PC social engineering and whining about "go someplace else if you don't like it" comments. At least Justaguy is being honest in his attempt to converse. If Mr. Slam practiced half of what he professes in his post above, and can be non-biased, he would have made you sit in the corner, I know I sure a heck (was going to say he11) would................................one of the “old” people here.............

I'm back on time out.

HammAR Mike doesn't insult people. That would make him a hypocrite because he accuses me and some others of that. Insults would make Mike worry more that what he has stated over the past 4-5 months about the direction of this forum.

HammAR you must have missed this part of Mike's post above.

"As I have watched (and worried about) the progress of the forum over the past year, what I have seen and heard both for myself and from others (and it has intensified over the past 4 or 5 months) is that by allowing two or three bad apples to tear the place up all the time, we were fast losing both our credibility and our community. People stopped posting, especially people who weren't willing to undergo the kind of scorn that was heaped on every thread unrelentingly."

Mike would never do anything to make people stop posting here. Unless of course he is a hypocrite. Watch for Mike to edit his posts.

By the way Mike I answered your questions here.viewtopic.php?f=36&t=4354
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Re: CMJ wants to talk about my "feelings"

Postby Wadero on Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:20 pm

hammAR wrote:
CMJ wants to talk about my "feelings

No, you misunderstand, he wants you, me, Sam, and the rest of the disruptors, non-contributors, and knuckledraggers off HIS PC "we can be safe now" board................you unfeeling moron, Semper Fi

Now, I am back on time out..................it's Miller time............ :cheers:

Well it is clear that you have far to many posts to actually be contributing something useful. And for f*** sake, don't use sarcasm to try to answer a post.... that is way to offensive.
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Re: CMJ wants to talk about my "feelings"

Postby ttousi on Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:25 pm

Everyone take it down a notch. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
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Re: Why not?

Postby ttousi on Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:27 pm

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Re: CMJ wants to talk about my "feelings"

Postby cmj685 on Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:37 pm

Trust, me--CMJ doesn't want to talk about your feelings at all...or anything else about you!
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Re: Why not?

Postby rucker on Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:18 pm

Well... if it's just going to continue somewhere else there isn't much point in locking it. I merged the spinoff thread with this one and unlocked it.
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Re: Why not?

Postby rucker on Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:25 pm

Also... there was a pretty legitimate discussion going on earlier in this thread. Part of the reason for stepping up moderation is to, hopefully, keep things more on topic. It's not to prevent people from having fun or ruining the sense of community. It's to prevent... this, which is neither fun nor the kind of discourse a friendly community should foster.

/end rant... carry on.
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Re: Why not?

Postby ttousi on Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:36 pm

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Re: Why not?

Postby Pat on Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:39 pm

Just for fun, try to define the topic currently under discussion... :arrow: :?:
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Re: Why not?

Postby ttousi on Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:04 pm

Pat wrote:Just for fun, try to define the topic currently under discussion... :arrow: :?:

"Why not have feelings"??

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Why not?

Postby BRIT_in_the_weeds on Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:40 am

Dave Slam wrote
I know personally several people whose knowledge around here would be VERY welcome, yet they do not post because they don't want to risk getting filleted.
Dave if you can show me 3 examples of new members being slayed on this forum, I’ll buy the beers, I hope you’re not confusing boreds

Nyfman wrote
As far as the recent problems with a couple guys, I can not and am not trying to build any kind of case for either support of or detraction for their behavior. Either I am doing a poor job of communicating my idea or it's just a bad idea. Another forum that I am on has an area called the "minefield". You know before going there, that it is subject to a different degree of moderation and guys communicate, generally, more freely. There are rules, but not the same rules as the rest of the forum. Now, when you go to a party, you are likely to see a segregation develop as the party progresses. You could find a room where everyone sits up straight, they may be wearing ties, and if so, the ties are on nice and straight, properly tied and all that. In one room, the half windsor may be the only knot acceptable. Everyone is on their best behavior, saying please and thank you at the appropriate moments. And never is heard a discouraging word. And, might I add, the skys are not cloudy all day. Now, in another room, ties may be loosened or even taken off for more comfort. They might even have the top button open. This would never be considered appropriate in the first room. They might even have a beer and the skys might just be a little bit cloudy from cigarette smoke. There may be other rooms where an off color story might be heard. The point is, that there are different definitions of "appropriate behavior" depending on the company you keep. As there are differences among our backgrounds, why is assimilation so much more important than tolerance? But now, the "holier than thou" crowd has risen. We have rules here, by god. Ok, and they supposedly have been here since day one. But, only recently have they been enforced. Precedent had been made. As far as the "rucker's house, rucker's rules" answer, 100% correct. But, where have we seen this before? Hmm! How did that work out for you at the other place? I didn't have a real high opinion of it either. So, in the end, if anyone knows me, and I don't think too many here really do, they know that I'm pretty tolerant and flexible. Whatever is collectively decided, I'll make it work, after the necessary whining has been completed. But, rather than have a knee jerk reaction to all this, I hope you all think about the direction we are headed. Why are you here? Is your whiny little opinion more important than my whiny little opinion? If you believe this to be so, please submit in 1000 words or less. You will be graded on originality and grammar

Bravo Sir.....BRAVO

Rucker wrote
The consensus though seemed to be that it was a bad precedent that most people wanted to reverse..
The whiney ones get what they want..........please define consensus.........(The squeaky wheels get all the oil!”)

CMJ wrote
As I have watched (and worried about) the progress of the forum over the past year, what I have seen and heard both for myself and from others (and it has intensified over the past 4 or 5 months) is that by allowing two or three bad apples to tear the place up all the time, we were fast losing both our credibility and our community
I myself grew less interested in posting here and went back over to the other forum to start using it again. And my fundamental feeling was that, in the end, Joel's method of moderation was necessary, and it was fast becoming apparent that if something like that didn't happen here, this forum would soon become useless, filled only with the loudest and most unintelligible voices screeching at the top of their voices to drown out everyone else. So I think the recent crackdown has resulted in all kinds of positive things. The forum has a chance to be more civil and quieter, with intelligent discussion instead of outright warfare all the time--it has a chance to go back to the way it was when it began
It’s not Joel part Deux over here get over it!

Prince Wally wrote

It's possible, but, I don't think that's it. I know at least a few younger members are primarily on TCC, for various reasons.

Quit playing the antagonist my FRIEND...........it doesn’t become you

CMJ wrote
Among many questions and problems I am starting to have with you, here is one:
why do you feel that you have to respond to every post and make sure that your opinion on every issue is heard over and over again? Are you so insecure that you can't sit out of one conversation without dominating it and ensuring that you have as many posts in the thread as everyone else combined? Do you worry that your voice won't be heard if you don't keep on talking nonstop? It is all getting more than just a little tiresome....Give your typing fingers some rest and stop. Just stop!and think.


Hammar my love buddy wrote
but you ruined it for me. I will not sit back and watch you and the few sheeppoodles attack justaguy while he is attempting to have a rational and logical dialog, without attacking anyone. You want to quell it with a thinly veiled personal attack and expanded a fairly consistent habit of popping into conversations with a rather steady stream of PC social engineering and whining about "go someplace else if you don't like it" comments.

CMJ Wrote
Trust, me--CMJ doesn't want to talk about your feelings at all...or anything else about you!


Forum owner!
If the NON WHINEY BASTIDGES!! (Bastidge is a word used in the PG13 movie “Johnny Dangerously” before the whiners jump my **** again)
Email you, ie the ones that DON”T complain all the time of having their utopia disrupted, because it’s not the same as the other bored, would it be too much too ask for a response?

There seems to be a lot of confusion about the word filter and the rules regarding profanity. The filter converts common words into ****s. If words you type get ****ed out that is fine. What is not ok is trying to bypass the filter by purposely misspelling things or using other forms of over the top profanity.

If the word filter really bothers your sensibilities then this is how you disable it:
-Click on User Control Panel
-Click on Board Preferences
-Click on Edit Display Options
-Set Enable Word Censoring to No

Bypassing the word filter (via misspellings) removes the choice from people who do want profanity filtered. If you don't mind then turn it off.

Is that so horrible? Any other questions?

Exclamation points are now forbidden?
I was GOING too type furbotten...................but that is an infraction on the NON AMERICAN English RULE

(For those non English speakers out there (this is the WORLD WIDE web ......ie ...all inclusive)
English is taught to 90% of the non English speakers, world wide, from the Oxford ENGLISH dictionary NOT Websters version. Let us NOT

JohninMinnesota wrote
:Well, then, this is advance warning that I am offended by every word not in the filter. As a Polish American, I think your bulletin board should be made safer for Poles like myself to come and read stuff without fear of offensive words, statements, thoughts and inklings.

Mods. I think he is asking for an IP block!
NO it’s a Polock...........not IP block

This site will never be TCII.......... Joel’s self promotional site. (It’s a business exspense for his BUSINESS!!)
It was created with a sense of what was WRONG with that bored .......THANKYOU AGAIN RUCKER (If I’m wrong, please correct me)

If this forum is going to become the heavy handed, overbearing, you will see it OUR way: slap:slap: that IS the other bored.............I will quietly go away...........(I’m sure in a blaze of glory though).

All I’ve quoted is from the PUBLIC view....................................I’m sure I can add, once the EXCALAMATION POINT is removed from my record.
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Just me and the designated settee, in the weeds.8-)
Thread-F.U master Brit Pei Ying
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Re: Why not?

Postby nyffman on Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:18 pm

Had to take a few days off. But now, I'mmmm Baaaaaaaack! And still as confused as when I left. It sounds more and more like we are all defining "the problem" in our own way. To those of us not privilged to part of the inner circle, that could be any of a number of personal gripes. I'm guessing that the inner circle has their own definintion. Maybe the problem that I perceive, is a reaction to someone who was given a temporary time out but should have been given a permanant one?
our quarrel is not about the value of freedom per se, but stems from our opinion of our fellow men … a man’s admiration of absolute government is proportionate to the contempt he feels for those around him --Alexis de Tocqueville--
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