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Let me know if you experience any outages

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:28 pm
by rucker
The site got slow for awhile and then stopped responding for about 15 seconds because somebody else on the server was placing a huge load on it. I talked to the host and they have suspended that account. If you ever notice that the site is down or get a message saying you can't connect to the database please PM me when the site is back up or email me at rucker (at) runbox (dot) com

Shared hosting (where many websites are on one server) is a necessary evil when money is a concern. The host we are on now has technicians available 24 hours a day to respond to this type of thing. So even though we are on shared hosting this is one of the better hosts, from what I hear, when it comes to making sure that everyone is playing fair. I would just be interested in knowing if and when this kind of thing happens though so I can discuss it with the hosting company.

Thank you.

Re: Let me know if you experience any outages

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:41 am
by Greg
The login problem seems to have gone away too; I'm still using the same bookmark as before but it now logs me in automatically. Cool!