Got a response from Congresswoman Betty McCollum

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Got a response from Congresswoman Betty McCollum

Postby solidsnake556 on Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:58 am


Dear Friend:

Thank you for contacting me. I appreciate hearing from you and value your comments and questions. Due to the large volume of correspondence I receive, please look forward to receiving a response from me via e-mail in the coming weeks. Please do not reply to this e-mail, as it is connected to an unattended mailbox. If you need immediate assistance, please contact my St. Paul office at (651) 224-9191 or my Washington, DC, office at (202) 225-6631.


Betty McCollum
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Re: Got a response from Congresswoman Betty McCollum

Postby river_boater on Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:07 am

I've called her (DC) office several times over the years. They don't answer the phone, and there is no voice mail.
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Re: Got a response from Congresswoman Betty McCollum

Postby infidel on Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:31 am

“If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team.” - John Ashley

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Re: Got a response from Congresswoman Betty McCollum

Postby katmandoo on Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:48 am

I've called her St Paul and DC offices and i know I've talked to a "real person" at least in St Paul. Same with the other two idiots. Otherwise I've gotten the same email response as above for every email sent to Ugly Betty.

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Re: Got a response from Congresswoman Betty McCollum

Postby katmandoo on Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:48 am

I've called her St Paul and DC offices and i know I've talked to a "real person" at least in St Paul. Same with the other two idiots. Otherwise I've gotten the same email response as above for every email sent to Ugly Betty.

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Re: Got a response from Congresswoman Betty McCollum

Postby Drizzle on Fri Jan 25, 2013 5:42 pm

What I got back, after about a month.

Thank you for contacting me about gun violence prevention. I appreciate hearing from you.

In light of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut and six more mass killings across the country last year, it is imperative that Congress act to pass strong gun safety laws that keep these weapons out of the hands of criminals, children, and mentally disturbed individuals without restricting the rights of lawful gun owners.

Sadly over the past several years, far too many innocent American children, women and men have been the victims of gun violence. The sobering statistics about gun violence speak volumes. According to the U.S. Census, of the 129,741 murders that were reported between 2000 and 2008, nearly two-thirds of the victims were killed by a firearm. Every year nearly 100,000 people in America are shot or killed with a gun according to the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence. Every day, 270 people in America - 47 of them children and teens - are injured or slain due to gun violence.

We must take immediate action to prevent this type of violence from taking place, including requiring tougher background checks, ensuring safety devices to prevent guns from being used by someone other than the owner, limiting the availability large capacity ammunition magazines, closing the gun show loophole, and reinstating the ban on assault weapons. Effective regulation of firearms is no longer an issue this country can choose to ignore. Of the 11 deadliest shootings in our nation's history, five have occurred since 2007. The time has come to end the gun violence epidemic.

Nonetheless voices like the NRA will do everything to protect guns rather than the lives of our children and law enforcement officers. I have consistently opposed the NRA and their extremist agenda and will continue to do so. As a result of this work I have received an 'F' rating from the NRA.

As we begin the 113th Congress, I have already cosponsored several bills to address the problem of gun violence, including the Fix Gun Checks Act of 2013 (H.R. 21), The Firearm Safety and Public Health Research Act of 2013 (H.R. 321), the Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2013 (H.R. 142), and the Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act (H.R.138). These pieces of legislation should be passed and signed into law by President Obama. Now is the time to take serious steps to keep our nation, schools, and neighborhoods safer by helping protect against the kind of atrocities that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Thank you again for taking the time to share your concerns with me.
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Got a response from Congresswoman Betty McCollum

Postby futbol79 on Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:07 pm

McCollum is holding a townhall meeting at Oakdale city hall at 10 Show up gun owners
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Got a response from Congresswoman Betty McCollum

Postby futbol79 on Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:08 pm

Tomorrow Saturday McCollum
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Re: Got a response from Congresswoman Betty McCollum

Postby LePetomane on Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:13 pm

She's proud of her F rating from the NRA. She represents the fuzzies in St. Paul rather than all of her other constituents.
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Got a response from Congresswoman Betty McCollum

Postby plblark on Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:02 pm

Congresswoman Betty McCollum is having a "town hall" meeting tomorrow morning, and we need to pack the hall with gun owners.
Congresswoman Betty McCollum (MN-04) will be hosting a town hall meeting with constituents on Saturday, January 26th from 10:00am - 11:00 a.m. at the Oakdale City Hall.
Attending with Congresswoman McCollum will also be Oakdale Mayor Carmen Sarrack, State Senators Chuck Wiger (SD43), Susan Kent (SD53), and State Representatives Leon Lillie (43B) and JoAnn Ward (53A).
Oakdale City Hall
1584 Hadley Ave North
Oakdale, MN 55128
10:00 - 11:00 AM
This is an ideal opportunity for you to tell your representatives, directly, that you demand that they respect the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Some quick tips for interacting at this town hall meeting:
I'm a constituent

I'm a law-abiding gun owner

I oppose ANY new restrictions on my freedoms, including registration and so-called "assault weapon" bans

Deal with the criminals and the insane -- don't blame or punish us for their actions

The Minnesota Sheriffs Association has proposed real solutions to the problems of mental health and violence in our country. Listen to law enforcement and implement their recommendations.
Please share this message with your friends and neighbors who may also be interested in attending.

Please forward this email to gun owners and civil rights supporters, and ask them to sign up at

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Re: Got a response from Congresswoman Betty McCollum

Postby infidel on Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:38 pm

Bump. Pblark, maybe a second thread?
“If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team.” - John Ashley

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Re: Got a response from Congresswoman Betty McCollum

Postby AFTERMATH on Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:57 pm

Consider yourself lucky - I'm still waiting for a response from Nolan.
I wrote a short letter - Got zero response. So, I followed it up with a multi-page letter - Still zero response...
Tell me again, Heffay, why I should persist to be polite, respectful and appear reasonable?

I didn't even get a an auto-reply, so I've no idea whether either even went through.

At least McCollum told you her position so you can fight it...
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Re: Got a response from Congresswoman Betty McCollum

Postby farmerj on Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:46 am

Guess I am surprised you had to get a reply from her to know that our elected reps in Washington are anti's....
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Re: Got a response from Congresswoman Betty McCollum

Postby northernbird on Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:29 pm

So how did the townhall meeting go?
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Re: Got a response from Congresswoman Betty McCollum

Postby Brunsi on Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:11 am

"Nonetheless voices like the NRA will do everything to protect guns rather than the lives of our children and law enforcement officers. I have consistently opposed the NRA and their extremist agenda and will continue to do so. As a result of this work I have received an 'F' rating from the NRA."

This is the problem with being nice to these people, This statement is a blatant LIE! Yes the NRA is a very powerful lobbying force in washington but she disregards everything else this organization does in relation to firearms safety. Ask your local police officer if the department firearms instructor is NRA certified. Ask any military marksman if he or she would go to camp perry to compete if they had the chance. Ask the parent of a new hunter in the field if they do not appreciate the firearms safety courses offered to their children. Ask the olympic competitive shooter if they appreciate the additional support of the NRA...She does not like the NRA because they do not give here financial support. She is the type that would change her tune in a minute if they wrote her a big fat check. I have been to the left and to the right of many issues but at least I can sleep at night knowing I at least tried to be fair and open minded but this time they are just pulling crap out of the air to throw at us.
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