Bills Gun Range

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Bills Gun Range

Postby Spartan on Thu Apr 14, 2016 6:06 am

I saw the locked thread by Harvey about the Scorpion. I have a couple comments to make.

1. If you have an issue at Bills go see John Munson the owner, he is available. approachable and reasonable
2. Bills is a business with the major issue of public safety to contend with, like any other business in a retail environment staff is always in flux and the stress of dealing with that overwhelming safety issue is high burnout factor.
3. They have to be overzealous because public safety and dumbass factor
4. I don't want you there shooting next to me with all the paper work... no exceptions .... if I know you lost your wife, your dog and gm repo-ed your car .... ( country western song melody) I will ask them to kick you out ... I have don't have an issue doing this ... the same with possible illegal or unauthorized weapons ..... I hate being next a first time shooter.... it means I wind being defacto trainer
5. Go to Osseo, Burnsville, target or else where..... there are other ranges
6. Bills is a small business, not a church or temple .... stop holding them to some other standard
7. Bills is small business , and they make their own rules ,when you owed it or a competitor Mark Dayton/ Hillary Clinton supporter who thinks other people should tell you how to run your business..... I think John Munson does a pretty good job overall, He has major challenges to deal with, but he provides a good service for a posted price, does a good job protecting your safety and tries to comply with the liberal world that would put him out of business if they could.
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Re: Bills Gun Range

Postby LePetomane on Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:08 pm

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Re: Bills Gun Range

Postby bluto on Fri Apr 15, 2016 4:06 am

4. I don't want you there shooting next to me with all the paper work... no exceptions .... if I know you lost your wife, your dog and gm repo-ed your car .... ( country western song melody) I will ask them to kick you out ... I have don't have an issue doing this ... .... I hate being next a first time shooter.... it means I wind being defacto trainer

Wow, full of yourself much ?

I wouldn't want to spend my money to shoot at a range you're at either with that holier than thou ******* attitude.
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Re: Bills Gun Range

Postby mmcnx2 on Fri Apr 15, 2016 7:18 am

bluto wrote:
4. I don't want you there shooting next to me with all the paper work... no exceptions .... if I know you lost your wife, your dog and gm repo-ed your car .... ( country western song melody) I will ask them to kick you out ... I have don't have an issue doing this ... .... I hate being next a first time shooter.... it means I wind being defacto trainer

Wow, full of yourself much ?

I wouldn't want to spend my money to shoot at a range you're at either with that holier than thou ******* attitude.

I guess with age comes some wisdom.

I'd rather be next to a first time shooter than a want to be operator. Our hobby/sport needs people to show the best it can be and diminish the stereotype of mall ninjas with automatic riles sporting 100 round mags that walk around open carrying the thing because they can. (which as a side note is why I don't frequent Bills as often as other places, their clientele seems to have a higher percentage of the latter, and that is not Bills fault but I also suspect is also why they have to be more watchful).

As shooting enthusiasts we should understand having more well trained, mentored and well behaved people involved is a good thing, helping a new shooter is not a burden it is part of the enjoyment of enriching the sport.

If we are to self absorbed to help someone that could have a lifetime of benefit from a few pointers we are done and honestly a pretty sorry excuse as a group.
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Re: Bills Gun Range

Postby Snakeman721 on Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:20 am


Being a range officer at Osseo gun club, I see both...the new shooter and the operator. Believe me, I'll take the new shooters any day! At least they will listen to me and seek help if there is something they don't understand, whereas the operators already know everything and think I'm an A-hole for interrupting their shooting session to point out some unsafe practice that they're doing.
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Re: Bills Gun Range

Postby gbono23 on Fri Apr 15, 2016 10:19 am

They say "with age comes wisdom" but you know sometimes age shows up all by itself!
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Re: Bills Gun Range

Postby LePetomane on Sat Apr 16, 2016 6:39 am

mmcnx2 wrote: Our hobby/sport needs people to show the best it can be and diminish the stereotype of mall ninjas with automatic riles sporting 100 round mags that walk around open carrying the thing because they can.

You left out the Junior G-Man who feels that his carry permit along with his Glock gives him the duty and responsibility to protect the public as well as law enforcement capabilities. They walk around with their finger on the trigger. They claim to be ready for the fight. These are the same guys who would be peeing in their pants if they were in a public place and some nut started shooting.
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Re: Bills Gun Range

Postby connsolo on Sat Apr 16, 2016 7:28 am

Sharing a gripe about a gun centric business on a gun forum is as natural and acceptable as it gets. I personally appreciate people sharing their concerns about bills or any other range. It gives other people a chance to chime in with the positives. I'm not an idiot. I make up my own mind. But it's all good to know. And if you're a business owner, any business owner, you'd be wise to realize that customers weild lot of power on social media these days. Sure the guy could have gone "straight to the top" with a complaint. The owner could also have chimed in here. What's better than resolving a customer complaint? Doing it in front of an audience. I think we can all thank the guy who posted his gripe. Whether you think it is fair or not, it may have helped improve the bills experience for the rest of us. But in the meantime, stop shouldering that ar-pistol!
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