Guns at the cabin

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Re: Guns at the cabin

Postby goatroper on Mon May 16, 2016 6:02 pm

Seismic Sam wrote:this is just a joke, but it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling thinking about it...

Leave a couple of Factory boxes with 30-06 ammo in them that are nice and shiny, but are loaded with Bullseye or Titegroup

The world would be a nicer place with a few less scumbag thieves in it...

Beans in the fire!!!
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Re: Guns at the cabin

Postby win_fcs on Wed May 18, 2016 5:26 pm

I would not leave ANYTHING of value.
I had a campfire ring that I bought at Menards for cheap. It was bent so I got a good deal and I hammered it out. It had bears and pine trees and deer punched into it.
Somebody stole that.

Last year somebody stole my neighbors copper gas line that goes from their LP tank to their house.

Year before that my sliding door was pryed open and they stole a mason jar of change that I used for the laundromat.

I have found strangers sitting on my dock fishing. OBTW, they had hauled my lawn chairs out to the end of the dock to sit on while fishing.
Sheriff is always responsive after the fact, but they are spread too thin.
My opinion, I would not leave ANYTHING of value in my cabin.
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Re: Guns at the cabin

Postby yukonjasper on Wed May 18, 2016 9:00 pm

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Re: Guns at the cabin

Postby OldmanFCSA on Thu May 19, 2016 8:11 am

Things have changed for the worse over the years.

I had a remote cabin in Northern Wisconsin while living in the Southwest side of Chicago. We only got up to the cabin about every 6 weeks as it was a very long drive for a weekend trip, but the most memorable trips were in the Winter.

The cabin was small, only heated by a wood stove, had a hand pump for water from a hand pounded well, had a dry toilet system under one corner of cabin, and had an enclosed area for wood storage.

The cabin was never locked. We posted a sign inside that stated " You're welcome to use, Please leave as you found it." It worked !!! We left a notebook on the table for visitors to leave memories for others to share. It was fun reading. On one trip, we got called back home sooner than expected and I forgot a shotgun under the bed. Remembered when more than halfway home, and said 'Oh well, we'll see what happens." Situation was such that we did not get back up for 3 months. Got there, gun case under bed was gone, read some of the notes in the book, one related to a package in the rafters, found the package that was well hidden, it was my shotgun case with my shotgun and more notes.

He, I later found out who he was, found the shotgun after deciding to stay at my cabin for the night as it was too far for him to get back home before dark. He found the shotgun while cleaning the cabin. He cleaned and oiled it, liked the feel of it compared to his and decided to use it the next day grouse hunting. He stated he had great luck using it and had a good meal and stayed another night eating berries he picked around the cabin for breakfast. Anyway, he thanked me for the use of the cabin, cleaned it again, cleaned and oiled the shotgun and stored it in the gun case, and stuck it into the rafters for better storage option cammo'ed with other misc junk wood. He left several boxes of 12 gage ammo in the bookcase .

We met many years later after the cabin was destroyed. We both were sick as to what had happened. Someone had used a chainsaw to open the wall of the cabin to better steal the propane refrigerator I had installed in the cabin. The kitchen cabinet doors were all ripped off and all dishes not stolen were broken and on floor. Propane kitchen stove had door broken as they must have stood on it to access the shelves above it. The walnut Queen bed set was gone. All firewood was gone. Front door with frame was removed from cabin. Wood stove was gone. Hand water pump was gone. Lots of personal nik-naks were gone. And the rest was smashed including the very large picture window in an extended bay window setup was totally smashed including frame works. The cabin was not accessible by vehicle other than ATV. All tracks around cabin lead in a direction to a new cabin down the road and tracks around it. Sheriff said he could not address it as most ATV's had that type of tread.

Later that year, and totally by accident, we were invited to visit the new neighbor's place by the new neighbor's wife. We went, discovered our front door in use, discovered our kitchen wood stove, discovered our kitchen dishes which had a very distinct pattern we've never found since, discovered the propane refrigerator, discovered lots of personal nik-naks some with my name or initials on them, and discovered our beautiful walnut framed queen bed in their master bedroom. All the time the neighbors wife was telling how her husband had built this beautiful cabin for her while she continued to work in Pennsylvania as a nurse. She was surprised at all the stuff he had acquired for their cabin. I asked to use their phone as they had a landline - I called for a sheriff or deputy to come to this address. While waiting for the deputy to come the husband came home. He was very nervous about us being there but we acted as if nothing was wrong until the sheriff deputy arrived, the same one luckily that had responded to my original call to my cabin. After showing the deputy all the things that were stolen from our cabin and being ordered out of the house by the owner, the deputy arrested the husband. We took the wife down to our cabin so she could see what had happened to our beautiful cabin so she could have her's. She cried for hours afterward. He ended up in jail for years due to being related to other robberies, they were divorced soon. She invited us to stay whenever we visited the area, but we never did. We asked for some of our personal items and the bedroom set, minus the mattresses, back which she freely gave.

Thus ended that beautiful cabin story for us - we sold that property (143 acres) and bought a farm (345 acres) about 23 miles away. That farm belongs to our children now. That house contains a concrete storage room, my previous reloading room man cave, with reinforced concrete ceiling, and with a very strong steel framed rock faced lockable door. Large lock dial installed thru door frame does not unlock door, won't tell anyone the trick to open it, but is entertaining to show spinning the dial several directions prior to opening the door. There is a concrete tube hidden escape tunnel exiting the perimeter of the house should the need arise. Kids want to someday build a bunker underground with emergency living quarters attached to this tunnel. Son wants to rebuild the farm house on original foundation after he retires from USAF. I won't be here so hope he succeeds with his plan. I loved it there, as did the previous owner, and his dad did too before him.
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Re: Guns at the cabin

Postby BigBlue on Thu May 19, 2016 10:44 am

My sister & her husband have a cabin in northwest WI. Things have gotten very bad in the last 10 years or so with vandalism and theft. They had the place broken into and many things were taken including some family heirloom stuff. Not really valuable stuff since they didn't keep that there, but still a big loss. All so the low-lifes could probably sell it for pennies and score a hit of whatever drugs they were on. I guess there are a lot of losers in the world these days. Karma will get them back eventually.
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Re: Guns at the cabin

Postby bpacman on Thu May 19, 2016 5:32 pm

Thanks for sharing that story OldmanFCSA. If only our culture rewarded respect like it use too, we would be in a better place. I fear that our mutual home town in Dixon County, Nebraska may be my last bastion of hope for a retirement location. Minnesota/Wisconsin area is not what I was hoping it would be.

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Re: Guns at the cabin

Postby cobb on Thu May 19, 2016 6:24 pm

Cabin 2012sm2.jpg

Our hunting cabin, we try to leave it with no valuables to entice a break-in. In the early years, back in the late 70's and maybe early 80's we had to deal with a few break ins, more dollar damage to the cabin than to property loss because we never left anything valuable to entice a break-in. We do lock the doors, but leave all front windows view-able, no coverings, so when standing on the deck a person can see what is inside. But as of late, there has been a few more neighbors appearing, so not as remote or secluded as in the 80's, but more eyes in the area to deter. But with any valuables, like the vacuum cleaner, the radio or small TV with a DVD player, anything that may seem of value or fun to destroy are hidden from any view from the deck windows.
So basically, we leave nothing of value. Not for only the cost, but if we are broken into and a firearm is found, or any valuable, I assume they will be back at a later date to score what we left or replaced the first item they stole.

So in our situation, nothing of value is left at our cabin, especially firearms.
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Re: Guns at the cabin

Postby 2in2out on Sat May 21, 2016 7:21 am

We share a driveway with a neighbor who lives there year-round, and consider ourselves extremely lucky. Not only are they good neighbors, but good deterrence.

I have a wall-hanger shotgun there. If anyone steals that, thinking they can use it... well, let's just say they'll get what they deserve.
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Re: Guns at the cabin

Postby ttousi on Sat May 21, 2016 5:25 pm

I don't have a cabin since I don't want the additional upkeep. After reading some of the horror stories above I won't be changing my mind.
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Re: Guns at the cabin

Postby yukonjasper on Sat May 21, 2016 5:53 pm

We don't keep anything of value at the hunting shack and we opted not to install heavy locks. The way we figured it, why encourage more damage. Where we are located you could cut a whole in the wall with a chainsaw and take 2 weeks to do it if you really wanted to. We did have a shed raided a few years ago. Decoys, layout blinds and a small Carsten boat and a motor were taken. Suspiciously this happened shortly after having the roof replaced. Sad that people can't be trusted.
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