Mechanics of "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law

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Mechanics of "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law

Postby daleamn on Tue Feb 12, 2019 3:49 pm

This site pointed me to:
They were talking about the "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law an I got to thinking.

So how would the mechanics of the “Red Flag-Gun Confiscation” law work?

A “Red Flag-Gun Confiscation” order has been issued against “Troubled” Joe Shooter. So now what happens? I don’t really know but something like the following seems like it must occur. Do anti-gun folk realize this?

1. A police car and two or three officers show up at Joe Shooters house. Joe Shooter has been flagged so the officers don’t want to leave him alone while they toss his house. They could lock him in the back of the patrol car, take him “downtown” or have an officer watch him. I’m guessing they’d probably have someone watch him. So I think three officers and one car is the minimum presence required.

2. The officers have to search Joe Shooter’s house for guns. Rifles, shotguns, “assault weapons” and even the itty-bitty Ruger LCP or S&W J-frame.

3. They check the toilet tank, ala Godfather. They check the cookie jar in the kitchen, ala Rockford and Stephanie Plum.

4. They go downstairs and check the rafters in the basement for long guns. They also go through every box, toolkit, trunk, suitcase and backpack down there. If there’s any furniture they look under it. If there’s any furniture with drawers they look through the drawers and remove the drawers to look behind them.

5. In the bed room they check the bed side table. They look under the mattress. They look under the box spring. They take out every drawer in every piece of furniture in the room like they did in the basement. They look under and behind every piece of furniture. Remember the itty-bitty handgun? They pat down every piece of clothing with a pocket in the closet or the drawers. They take out everything in the closet and check inside all the shoes and boots.

6. In the main rooms they do the thing with the furniture again, under and behind. They check all the wall hangings for a wall safe. They check all the flooring for a floor safe. They look at all the grates on the air ducts. In the kitchen they check the freezer for a box of frozen cauliflower that actually contains the itty-bitty handgun.

7. They check all the jackets and coats in the entry way closets. They check all the books in all the bookcases lest there is a hollowed out book or a gun hidden behind the books in the book case. The bookcase get moved too to see if there is a gun hidden behind them.

8. Any cases and boxes in the basement, house or attic will have to be checked. This goes for the garage and the cars too.

How long is this search going to take? Above I imagined we’ve got two or three cops doing this. Doing this when they could be out patrolling the streets, stopping off at schools, chasing bad guys etc.

This “Red Flag-Gun Confiscation” check might be expensive!

Now the house has been tossed and the police are reasonably certain they have all “Troubled” Joe Shooter’s guns.

1. Do they take all the magazines/speed loaders?

2. Do they take all the ammunition?

3. What if Joe is a reloader? Do they take all his reloading equipment?

I don’t know.

What kind of condition is Joe’s house left in? Do the police put back everything like they found it?

After the authorities leave, “Troubled” Joe Shooter is now alone at his house with all his tools, his F150 pickup, a couple propane tanks, a pressure cooker from kitchen left out on a kitchen counter next to a Chicago Cutlery block of eight assorted fine steel knives, a five gallon can of gasoline, several quart containers of motor oil in the garage and a fifty foot length of para-cord left on a workbench in the basement. A dispassionate observer might just wonder if “Troubled” Joe Shooter is really without resources to harm himself or others?

A couple questions.

1. Do the police tell “Troubled” Joe Shooter’s parents not to lend him any guns?

2. Do they tell his ex-wife? His adult kids? His uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces and buddies?

3. Do the police even know who his buddies are?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Note: I do not know how a search for guns would be conducted. I do not know what condition a person’s house would be left in after a search. I have no idea if the “Red Flag-Gun Confiscation” law would even mandate a search of the person’s home. I have absolutely no idea what-so-ever of what having their house searched would do to a “Troubled” person’s mental state.
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Re: Mechanics of "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law

Postby xd ED on Tue Feb 12, 2019 4:19 pm

So, having read that, it occurs someone who is not even a gun owner might get pranked/ SWATed just as easily as a gun owner...I wonder if the 'civil libertarians' have considered the ramifications of that possibility.

After a few 'My-neighbor- is-angry-and-owns-a-gun' searches turn up nothing...and LE discovers all the wasted man-hours, complaints, damage law suits, etc...will the powers that be then see the folly in this?
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Re: Mechanics of "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law

Postby yukonjasper on Tue Feb 12, 2019 5:08 pm

You are over thinking it. The pretense of the Law is just a "common sense" solution wrapper on a further erosion of rights. There is no way the Liberal agenda can be implemented fully, unless the "radicals" are disarmed. The Laws are set up to look, to the general voting public, to be absolutely necessary to allowing society to get control of the "GUN VIOLENCE" that is gripping this country. Most of the voters will agree that "Something needs to be done", here is the "common sense" solution that "we can all agree on".

What most citizens who don't follow 2A politics and issues relating to individual freedom see is someone "is doing something, we must do something". That's good enough for them. What they aren't seeing is that laws set up to address personal choices, control an individuals personality when that person is not thinking rationally in the first place, is not much more than a feel good solution that advances the disarming of the general population.

The Liberal game is a long one and as I am fond of quoting Rules for Radicals - Sol Alinsky - incrementalism and controlling the message is key. They have the media and the educational system to advance the agenda and within a generation, they can get the population to think as they do - patience. They occasionally get a little ahead of themselves - Sanders - AOC and others, but that is all about desensitizing the population to the message - shocking at first but the chant in the background gets less and less distressing the more you hear it and the more it is reinforced.

I will stand by my belief that the Second Amendment was put in place specifically to address the sorts of political take overs and Government overreach we are beginning to see today. I'm not advocating any sort of armed rebellion, but as a society, we better get "WOKE" the reality of what is all around us. There may be a time when that is our only recourse, but for now there are still avenues to share ideas and to reach people if we can solidify our direction and unify behind some common principles. The Left is already organizing and putting their plan in action..............what's our plan................?

Not sure an obscure Midwestern Gun related chat site is the engine to promote the AWAKENING, but it has to start somewhere. It would be interesting if there was a way to link to other individuals on similar sites in other states - I'm sure anything we talk about here is echoed across the country in many different ways. I'm waiting for the time that some Government Agency sees a reason to take these boards down - too dangerous to the Liberal Movement that has been building for years. It's already started and soon these little backwater sites will be struck down.

Sorry for the rambling, just something that frustrates me - seemingly powerless as an individual.
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Re: Mechanics of "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law

Postby Ghost on Tue Feb 12, 2019 5:20 pm

Details are unimportant when it comes to control.
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Re: Mechanics of "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law

Postby bstrawse on Tue Feb 12, 2019 6:02 pm

I'm Bryan and was probably one of the folks on the podcast that you were listening to about red flag proposals. I believe we recorded that episode before the legislative session started.

You can read the actual text of the proposals at -- the House and Senate bills are identical.

I expect there's going to be hearings on this in the MN House in the next 10-14 days -- certainly by March 15th which is the deadline for first hearing on policy bills.

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Re: Mechanics of "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law

Postby brad3579 on Tue Feb 12, 2019 7:49 pm

If you own more than one property would they search them all?
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Re: Mechanics of "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law

Postby daleamn on Wed Feb 13, 2019 7:44 am

I'm guessing (and this is really just guessing) that they would search all your properties for guns. But you bring up a good point, what about a storage locker? I think it would be pretty easy to find out all the properties a person owns but how would they know whether or not you were renting a storage locker?

Bryan, thanks for doing the podcast. Your comments really brought home the point that the "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law would remove the GUNS from someone (or at least all the ones they could find) but would leave the individual alone and with all the other resources available to them to do whatever harm they wanted to either to others or themselves.
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Re: Mechanics of "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law

Postby Holland&Holland on Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:01 am

daleamn wrote:I'm guessing (and this is really just guessing) that they would search all your properties for guns. But you bring up a good point, what about a storage locker? I think it would be pretty easy to find out all the properties a person owns but how would they know whether or not you were renting a storage locker?

Bryan, thanks for doing the podcast. Your comments really brought home the point that the "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law would remove the GUNS from someone (or at least all the ones they could find) but would leave the individual alone and with all the other resources available to them to do whatever harm they wanted to either to others or themselves.

Not if that property is in another state I would guess ;)
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Re: Mechanics of "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law

Postby westhope on Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:25 am

Are you REQUIRED to tell them where you have guns stored? What is the penalty for not telling (testifying against yourself) them where your guns are?
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Re: Mechanics of "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law

Postby Ghost on Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:41 am

Holland&Holland wrote:
daleamn wrote:I'm guessing (and this is really just guessing) that they would search all your properties for guns. But you bring up a good point, what about a storage locker? I think it would be pretty easy to find out all the properties a person owns but how would they know whether or not you were renting a storage locker?

Bryan, thanks for doing the podcast. Your comments really brought home the point that the "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law would remove the GUNS from someone (or at least all the ones they could find) but would leave the individual alone and with all the other resources available to them to do whatever harm they wanted to either to others or themselves.

Not if that property is in another state I would guess ;)

You do that too!!! Guns in multiple states FTW!!!!!!
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Re: Mechanics of "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law

Postby Holland&Holland on Wed Feb 13, 2019 5:00 pm

Ghost wrote:
Holland&Holland wrote:
daleamn wrote:I'm guessing (and this is really just guessing) that they would search all your properties for guns. But you bring up a good point, what about a storage locker? I think it would be pretty easy to find out all the properties a person owns but how would they know whether or not you were renting a storage locker?

Bryan, thanks for doing the podcast. Your comments really brought home the point that the "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law would remove the GUNS from someone (or at least all the ones they could find) but would leave the individual alone and with all the other resources available to them to do whatever harm they wanted to either to others or themselves.

Not if that property is in another state I would guess ;)

You do that too!!! Guns in multiple states FTW!!!!!!

I don't have any guns, all mine sunk in that tragic boating accident.
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Re: Mechanics of "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law

Postby xd ED on Wed Feb 13, 2019 5:30 pm

Remind me to never go fishing with any of you guys...although it does appear salvage diving could be a lucrative pastime.
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Re: Mechanics of "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law

Postby CNC_Guy on Wed Feb 13, 2019 5:32 pm

I'm also not seeing much recourse for someone wrongly accused, a person falsely calling Red Flag should be up for a felony.
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Re: Mechanics of "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law

Postby Ghost on Wed Feb 13, 2019 5:40 pm

CNC_Guy wrote:I'm also not seeing much recourse for someone wrongly accused, a person falsely calling Red Flag should be up for a felony.

Cause they aren’t trying to correct any problems just reinforce the police state.
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Re: Mechanics of "Red Flag-Gun Confiscation" law

Postby xd ED on Wed Feb 13, 2019 5:49 pm

Like any gun control measure I've heard of, the emphasis is on control.
Safety and welfare are at best secondary.
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