Training during ammo shortage

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Training during ammo shortage

Postby azonesolutions on Mon Feb 15, 2021 5:46 pm

Is anyone still planning on taking firearms training classes this year or has the ammo shortage altered your plans? If you are still planning on attending training, what factors have influenced your decision and what plans do you have or have you made for acquiring the necessary ammo?
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Re: Training during ammo shortage

Postby Drizzle on Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:58 am

Some trainers I've read online have said they will adjust their round counts to reflect the cost and obtainability of ammo. In a lot of cases it could easily double the cost of a class, if you can find ammo to use.

You used to be able to find laser modules on Amazon for dry fire practice, but they have been backordered in places I've looked.

I have been thinking lately about the Steel matches Benny organizes at Gopher Campfire. I know some people will have plenty of ammo available for these, due to forethought and whatnot, but many will not, and adding at least .25 per round shot cost to the match will mean for me at least, I will attend less. I have not been as faithful an attender as in past years recently, but having a Saturday cost near a hundred bucks will factor in my decision to attend.

Taking an AR course at maybe a buck a round, plus travel costs if you go someplace else? Not in the cards.
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