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Pro gun and not posting are not one in the same

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:17 am
by Motoman
I think it’s an important distinction. If you know of businesses that are truly pro gun, I would love to see them posted. I like to give my money to people who think straight. Another useful think would be, is the business open carry friendly? I believe this is the true litmus test.

Re: Pro gun and not posting are not one in the same

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:37 am
by ree
This is certainly a good distinction. I was recently at Mediterranean Cruise Cafe and, in chatting with the manager about their impending closing or possible relocation due to eminent domain being used by Edina to create a new private development, we got to talking a bit about carry law. They have no policy, but also seem to have no concern one way or the other. They weren't clearly pro-gun in that they didn't say, "guns welcome, bring em in," but his response was clearly along the lines of "why should we have any problem with that?" i.e. not really apathy, not ambivalent, but rather arguably pro-carry even though not fervently so.

Re: Pro gun and not posting are not one in the same

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:59 am
by e5usmc
Nit-pick: "The Cruise" is in Eagan...

Owners there are long-time family friends, doesn't surprise me that they'd not have a problem with it...

Re: Pro gun and not posting are not one in the same

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:27 am
by ree
e5usmc wrote:Nit-pick: "The Cruise" is in Eagan...

Oooops. I all too often mistakenly interchange Eagan and Edina. Both 5 letters, both start with E, funny thing about the way the brain works.

Re: Pro gun and not posting are not one in the same

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:15 pm
by rucker
I can certainly rename the forum or change the description. Suggestions?

Re: Pro gun and not posting are not one in the same

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:04 pm
by Motoman
rucker wrote:I can certainly rename the forum or change the description. Suggestions?

I don't think there is a need for that, but when people post a business as pro gun, I would like to see an affirmative effort to prove they are with us.

Re: Pro gun and not posting are not one in the same

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:09 pm
by Pat
Motoman wrote:Another useful think would be, is the business open carry friendly? I believe this is the true litmus test.

Andrew and Pinnacle have actually done some field research into this matter, with surprisingly little to no resistance. I can't search for Andrew's quote ( :cry: ), but he appeared to be truly amazed at how little attention was paid to the fact that he was openly carrying.

Re: Pro gun and not posting are not one in the same

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 8:37 pm
by SethB
I'd say "carry-friendly" is what's important. That includes someone whose attitude is "I don't care about irrelevant factors. Come in and buy stuff and I'm happy."

Re: Pro gun and not posting are not one in the same

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 8:39 pm
by rucker
SethB wrote:I'd say "carry-friendly" is what's important.

I like that :)

Re: Pro gun and not posting are not one in the same

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 3:07 pm
by westhope
"Carry Friendly"

Yesterday my wife and I stopped in the Owatonna Cabela's (we live just south of Owatonna so I get there often). I noticed that they changed their "check your guns sign". The sign basically says all firearms must be checked and have a trigger lock applied at the information desk. The added line that was not there before is "This does not apply to those handguns carried by those with a permit".

I have carried in the store many times before (concealed) and many who work at the gun counters know I do. Nothing was ever said.

I think this was changed within the last couple weeks. I know it wasn't there several months ago.

Re: Pro gun and not posting are not one in the same

PostPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 8:49 pm
by connsolo
Most businesses will err on the side that rubs the fewest customers the wrong way.

Re: Pro gun and not posting are not one in the same

PostPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 9:31 pm
by wasfuzz
westhope wrote:"Carry Friendly"

I think this was changed within the last couple weeks. I know it wasn't there several months ago.

never mind - should allways read first before opening my mouth, carry on, nothing to see here!

Re: Pro gun and not posting are not one in the same

PostPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:04 pm
by Tronster
Openly welcoming lawful PTC customers (and good prices) is why I spend so much money at Fleet Farm. win win

Giant signs saying "We Ban Guns" (and overpriced tickets) is why I don't go to Wehrenberg theater. lose lose

Re: Pro gun and not posting are not one in the same

PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:36 am
by Seismic Sam
Well, the top of the list is the infamous EFFEN Gopher Bar at 7th and Wacouta in St. Paul. Not only are they carry friendly, but if George the owner knows you carry, he'll ask in a loud voice if you're EFFEN locked and loaded when you come in the door, and I at least get called homophobic names if I'm not OC'ing. Also the home of the equally infamous Gopher Open carry breakfasts on some announced Saturdays a few times a year, and the amount of carry can get to be a real contest. As in 4 guns, or Rodentman showing up with his EFFEN Smith 500 in some sort of holster, and there are AR pistols, or 44 DE with a 14" bbl. It a real trip to have a dozen guys standing out on E. 7th Street all smoking and armed to the teeth with guns sticking out all over the place. All the cops know about George's policy, and don't even bother to look over as they drive by.

This is George, along with the Gopher sign telling any skels in the neighborhood that if you rob this effen bar, you're going to wind up getting effen shot!!


Re: Pro gun and not posting are not one in the same

PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:44 am
Wish I could make it down to that watering hole. I would open carry for sure.