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Re: Something to think about

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:25 pm
by damian_mb
RangerTim wrote:
Heffay wrote:
damian_mb wrote:As for Heffay, I love they way you stirr up stuff, it's just great! :roll:

You weren't around for the holocaust denier. It was a fun time on the board. It's also a great example of what I'm talking about. People feel more free to say things they normally wouldn't in public when they think they are around a similar group of people. People rant about the 2A because they believe they will be in a safe environment to do so, whipping around the insults and the like.

In other words, this is a microcosm of society.

As much as I dislike most of your posts, you're absolutely right. A forum such as this offers both a safety-in-numbers aspect and near complete annonimity. If I were a moderate visiting this website for the first time, perhaps trying to gather information to sway my political decision making one way or the other, there are two things I would walk away with:
1. **** is freakin expensive here!
2. Half the people here are a-holes, half are trying to rip off their mates, and the other half are even bigger a-holes.

As you said Heffay, its a "microcosm of society." In other words, I feel that even if we wanted to change the general attitude of this forum, we couldn't. Too many people with too much to say and nothing to lose. Add in the fact that this is the single most important political issue to many on this board... you get the result that is a lot of poo-slinging and name calling.
That doesn't mean that there are not good discussions and reasonable debates going on. Most of us, I would imagine, don't even notice the attitude. I can understand however that the general attitude towards Liberals tends to be fairly negative.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Go look at the anti gun forums and see what they call you. Better yet FB pages.

Are you a racists? Nut? Crazy?

Incase you are behind, gun owners are labeled as racists and nut jobs by the anti I guess the name calling is uncalled for on pro gunner end? Of course it doesn't do any good to name call but it's a natural human instinct. I don't name call but rather ignore it all together. Common sense is where I am at.

Something to think about

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:40 pm
by Sarge_44
I think both sides of the debate need to practice common sense more. :)


Re: Something to think about

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:42 pm
by Thunder71
Oh, but If I hear "Nobody needs an assault rifle for deer hunting, nobody." one more @#$#ing time I'll, I'll, cringe really really bad! :x

Using an assault rifle for deer hunting is in the constitution, right next to muzzle loader for self defense.

Re: Something to think about

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:02 pm
by Heffay
damian_mb wrote: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Go look at the anti gun forums and see what they call you. Better yet FB pages.

Are you a racists? Nut? Crazy?

Incase you are behind, gun owners are labeled as racists and nut jobs by the anti I guess the name calling is uncalled for on pro gunner end? Of course it doesn't do any good to name call but it's a natural human instinct. I don't name call but rather ignore it all together. Common sense is where I am at.

So, you're defense is "they started it"?

Re: Something to think about

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:12 pm
by damian_mb
Heffay wrote:
damian_mb wrote: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Go look at the anti gun forums and see what they call you. Better yet FB pages.

Are you a racists? Nut? Crazy?

Incase you are behind, gun owners are labeled as racists and nut jobs by the anti I guess the name calling is uncalled for on pro gunner end? Of course it doesn't do any good to name call but it's a natural human instinct. I don't name call but rather ignore it all together. Common sense is where I am at.

So, you're defense is "they started it"?

Nope, both sides are at fault and are immature at it :!: I was pointing out facts that you two seem to say that "we" are the only ones doing the name calling. I don't care who starts what! Both sides needs to grow up and work together to get common sense laws passed. Both sides are being driven by emotions and that's whats making this ordeal harder than what it is.

I seem to read your posts and you love playing the devils advocate, grats to you for having thick skin.

As I said, I ignore the nonsense all together, common sense is where I'm at. An out right ban isn't anything near common sense to me at all.

Re: Something to think about

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:12 pm
by xd ED
Evad wrote:
damian_mb wrote:Well you have to think of it like this way as well. People who want to own an ar-15 should have the right to do so. Just as you have the same right to the road as a biker.

I'm not trying to start anything...but I am fairly sure I didn't see anything in the Constitution regarding the right to bicycles or where they rode. I don't even remember roads in general as being a right. In other words...I don't personally agree with that analogy.

You beat me to an important point.
There are rights and there are privileges. While many, intentionally or otherwise, confuse the concepts, it's quite simple to differentiate between the two:
Rights, be they yours or mine, require nothing from anyone else. My right to own a firearm forces no one to do anything for me.
Privileges, by definition require accommodations from others; be they forced or voluntary.
Using a public road is an acknowledged privilege. (Don't believe me? Look at the application form you signed to get your driver's license. )
It requires a supplied roadway, among other infrastructure.
That's not to say a reasonably behaved person should be denied the enjoyment of said privileges, merely they would do well to recognize and acknowledge the differences.

*From someone who owns almost as many bicycles as guns, and has been riding for 50+ years*

Re: Something to think about

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:13 pm
by RangerTim
damian_mb wrote: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Go look at the anti gun forums and see what they call you. Better yet FB pages.

Are you a racists? Nut? Crazy?

Incase you are behind, gun owners are labeled as racists and nut jobs by the anti I guess the name calling is uncalled for on pro gunner end? Of course it doesn't do any good to name call but it's a natural human instinct. I don't name call but rather ignore it all together. Common sense is where I am at.

We are not them. Being that we are on the right side of the argument (see what I did thar?) we should be the calm, collected individuals, and not the ranting, raving gun fanatics.

And if you think me being called names or accused of being racist is anything new, you haven't seen some of the discussions between me and Heffay... clearly. I just happen to agree with him on this one topic. "He started it" as Heffay put it, is not a good base for arguments and is not an excuse for acting like a baby. Trust me, I'm frustrated by all this. I'm more than frustrated, I am furious. But calling names and slingin poo is not the way to get our point across. The way to get our point across is to remain calm, explain our stance, and prove that we aren't crazy. A person is either going to accept it or not. If they do, great you did your job. If not...oh well.

Re: Something to think about

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:19 pm
by Evad
xd ED wrote:
Evad wrote:
damian_mb wrote:Well you have to think of it like this way as well. People who want to own an ar-15 should have the right to do so. Just as you have the same right to the road as a biker.

I'm not trying to start anything...but I am fairly sure I didn't see anything in the Constitution regarding the right to bicycles or where they rode. I don't even remember roads in general as being a right. In other words...I don't personally agree with that analogy.

You beat me to an important point.
There are rights and there are privileges. While many, intentionally or otherwise, confuse the concepts, it's quite simple to differentiate between the two:
Rights, be they yours or mine, require nothing from anyone else. My right to own a firearm forces no one to do anything for me.
Privileges, by definition require accommodations from others; be they forced or voluntary.
Using a public road is an acknowledged privilege. (Don't believe me? Look at the application form you signed to get your driver's license. )
It requires a supplied roadway, among other infrastructure.
That's not to say a reasonably behaved person should be denied the enjoyment of said privileges, merely they would do well to recognize and acknowledge the differences.

*From someone who owns almost as many bicycles as guns, and has been riding for 50+ years*

Excellent use of the First Ammendment to elaborate on my point :) I agree.

Something to think about

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:44 pm
by Sarge_44
I was using cycling as an example of not being smug about a topic I know a lot about. I did not say cycling and gun ownership is the same thing.


Re: Something to think about

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:13 pm
by Evad
Sarge_44 wrote:I was using cycling as an example of not being smug about a topic I know a lot about. I did not say cycling and gun ownership is the same thing.


You realize it wasn't you quoted, right?

Let's all relax :) We have the same goal for the most part.

Re: Something to think about

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:42 pm
by sgruenhagen44
I agree name calling will get you no where. But on the other hand...

I'm one of the younger members here on the forum. A lot of people my age get their "news" and political info from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. I will continue to call those people libtards. Especially the ones that like to bash FOX news. Usually when I ask if they have ever watched it they say no. Which just leads us back to the left wings power in the media. And if you know anything about fox news you know they have way more liberal commentators than MSNBC does conservative ones.

And in response to Sarge here... sorry man get used to it. It's a forum. There are some real characters on here. I have been totally roasted on here by other members but I don't care. We get it, you're a liberal gun owner.

Lastly, I'm not too worried about people using this forum against us. There are way too many real life scenarios out there playing out that give us a bad name that provide plenty of ammo for the Antis.

Re: Something to think about

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:06 pm
by Icmgwot
sgruenhagen44 wrote:I agree name calling will get you no where. But on the other hand...

I'm one of the younger members here on the forum. A lot of people my age get their "news" and political info from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. I will continue to call those people libtards.

And it will continue to do absolutely no good at best, or be counterproductive at worst. In case you somehow haven't noticed, a rough majority is accepting of the basic premise of gun control. If you want to change those numbers, calling them names is not a way to do it. They'll simply (and wisely) tune you out. Unless you enjoy tilting at windmills more than your guns, you're making things worse.

Insulting people who disagree with you is not how you defend the second amendment. Changing their mind is. And step one is understanding their point of view, and their values. If all you can figure out is that they're retarded, you're definitely doing it wrong. Walstien is doing a far better job.

Something to think about

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:14 pm
by Sarge_44
I could care less what people say on here about me. I don't base my life on what others think. I was just pointing out what might help as someone who is, for the most part, on the other side of issues.


Re: Something to think about

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:16 pm
by XDM45
If the pro-gun people were as uninformed and as vehement in their cause against the anti-gunners as the anti-gunners are against pro-gunners and their guns; no more anti-gunners would exist because they're unarmed and we're not. Fortunately for everyone, most gun owners are sane, logical and responsible people who would never do such a thing. Could we? Sure. Anyone can do anything they want to do; but that doesn't mean that it's legal, advisable or anything else, but there's consequences. Sane, logical, responsible, law-abiding people consider things like consequences, especially so if their gun owners; whereas criminals and the mentally affected do not think of them. If they do, they don't care. We do. That's a big difference.

We aren't crazy, by and large. Most of us just want to shoot guns and be left alone whether it's a hobby, sport, defensive purposes, collection, or whatever reason we own guns, that's all we want. We just want to live our life peacefully, the same as any other average citizen, except that we own guns to help ensure that we can do that. We own them to protect ourselves, our lives, our family, and our nation from all threats and tyrannies.

It's not that the anti-gunners only hatred is for our guns; many of them hate us as a group and personally as well. It's not just enough to hate the thing, but also the person or people behind it as well. It's been that ways in other areas, not just with guns, the PMRC in the 1980s not only went after music (thing), but the musicians (people) who created it. They also misrepresented information, lied, spun facts and so forth, so this isn't a gun-exclusive issue by any means. It's in many different areas if you look for it, you'll see it.

I think a common mistake made is that people don't want to understand both the thing and more importantly, the people behind it. If the anti-gunners understood all of the various specifics and technicalities about firearms; would they still feel the way they do? Would they still try to ban them? Would the bills proposed be different? Maybe... but I don't believe they'd be different enough to not have a conflict between the two groups of people, the pro-gunners and the anti-gunners, if they only understood the thing (gun) and not the people (gun owners) behind it. Guns are static compared to people who are dynamic in nature. You can change a scope on a gun and you've changed the gun, but humans change every second. They are much more dynamic than any thing ever could be, and even harder to understand.

For anti-gunners to understand, they must understand us, not just our guns. I'm sure if you sat down with an individual, there would be a story of how their child was murdered, or they were in war, or their husband was killed, or some such thing which affected them so strongly for them to take this position; and this will vary with each individual you speak to, but something caused them to have this fear. That's really what it is...fear. When you can understand the person, when you can understand their fear, then you can understand the core from which they are coming from. You can find the seed which grew the tree which bares the fruit of their anti-gun opinion. For that to happen though, they would need to face that fear, and most people don't want to look within themselves too deeply. They don't want to face those inner demons, the things they don't like about themselves. They don't want to do the hard shadow work within, but that's where the personal growth comes from. We all have a dark side we need to face, but many won't do that.

For them to understand us, they would need to sit down and understand the same thing, our seed which grew our tree..... for some of us, it may also be fear. The person is afraid, was hurt and vowed that would never happen again, so they got a gun.... but I think that if the anti-gunner sat down and listened with an open mind and heart, just as we need to do with them, they would see that most gun owners don't operate out of fear, but love. We love ourselves, our country, our family, our freedom, our way of life, and we want to protect that. We love competing, shooting, hunting, the gun culture and community, extended family, our clubs, and so forth. At the foundation of everything, everything exists our of Love or Fear.

The key is understanding that. Understanding guns, but more importantly than understanding "things", is understanding people. Until people understand one another, there cannot be true common ground that is beyond tenuous at best and treacherous at worst. There will always be differences, but they will only increase with the lack of understanding, and so too will suffering. Humans are often personally vested in and polarized to a certain way of thinking, and then when they couple that with expectations, that causes problems between people. It gets to the point where they become so fundamental about something that the fight isn't really about what they are being fundamental over, and it instead turns into being fundamental for the same of fundamentalism. It's not about XYZ anymore, it's about that you didn't do XYZ in MY way. This of course is a position of fear.

I think 2A rights are important, I'm as pro-gun as the next person on here, and we all want people to be safe, happy, healthy, etc in life, so we agree... I think that if we look beneath this being just a gun issue, it's a much, much, much larger "human" issue that spans all areas of life.

All of the above is my opinion. It is not my intended to derail or have 33 page thread, so if you agree, cool. If not, cool too. I don't have a problem with either one, but I'm not going to get into a p-ing contest with anyone either.

Re: Something to think about

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:16 pm
by sgruenhagen44
Icmgwot wrote:
sgruenhagen44 wrote:I agree name calling will get you no where. But on the other hand...

I'm one of the younger members here on the forum. A lot of people my age get their "news" and political info from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. I will continue to call those people libtards.

And it will continue to do absolutely no good at best, or be counterproductive at worst. In case you somehow haven't noticed, a rough majority is accepting of the basic premise of gun control. If you want to change those numbers, calling them names is not a way to do it. They'll simply (and wisely) tune you out. Unless you enjoy tilting at windmills more than your guns, you're making things worse.

Insulting people who disagree with you is not how you defend the second amendment. Changing their mind is. And step one is understanding their point of view, and their values. If all you can figure out is that they're retarded, you're definitely doing it wrong. Walstien is doing a far better job.

Think you're missin the point bra. This is a forum. I don't start yellin at people in person sayin retard this and liberal that. Typically I keep my mouth shut. If someone is hard core anti gun you're wasting you're time arguing. The only people I try to sway are the people in the middle. I have taken many people to the range who are far from gun enthusiasts.