Yeah, let's coddle a triple murderer with an 8 year sentence

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Yeah, let's coddle a triple murderer with an 8 year sentence

Postby Seismic Sam on Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:40 pm

If you're suffering from high blood pressure, you might want to pass on reading this thread. This jerkwad is advocating an 8 year sentence for a triple homicide, and wonders why this filthy little animal can't be treated like other 16 year old juveniles.


Jason Sole headed to Minneapolis' Seward neighborhood in January, hoping the horrific news he'd just heard was wrong. But three men had, in fact, been killed in a Somali convenience store, and one of them, customer Anwar Mohammed, was a man Sole knew well.

"He was really, genuinely, a good guy," Sole said of Mohammed, 31, who worked as a parking lot attendant.

As the story unfolded, Sole was in a tough position. The alleged shooter was Mahdi Ali, believed to have been born in a Kenyan refugee camp. Two weeks ago, a judge ruled that Ali was at least 16 when he allegedly pulled the trigger on all three men, a decision that means Ali can be tried as an adult. If convicted of first-degree murder, the teen can be locked up for life with no possibility of parole. That's the tough part for Sole.

What Ali is accused of is horrible, Sole said, "but try him as a juvenile, because that's what he is. We didn't treat him like an adult before the crime. Why after?"

Sole, who teaches criminal justice at Metro State University, said that murderers are the least likely to reoffend. Besides, if tried as a juvenile, Ali still would have served eight years at least. That's half his life again to turn himself around, something a growing number of legal experts say cannot be done if a young person is thrown into the adult system.

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Re: Yeah, let's coddle a triple murderer with an 8 year sentence

Postby gyrfalcon on Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:57 pm

Seismic Sam wrote:... This jerkwad is advocating an 8 year sentence for a triple homicide, and wonders why this filthy little animal can't be treated like other 16 year old juveniles.

From what I've heard concerning the case the judge has already decided he can't be prosecuted as a juvenile. What really pisses me off is our tax money is sponsoring morons:

"Beginning Oct. 1, Balenger will use a $300,000, two-year national grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to expand Amicus' stellar one-on-one mentoring program for adult offenders who are transitioning back into their communities. He hopes the trickle-down effect will benefit ex-offenders' children, who are more likely to offend themselves."
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Re: Yeah, let's coddle a triple murderer with an 8 year sentence

Postby ijosef on Sun Sep 26, 2010 1:49 pm

The death penalty would be appropriate in this case, in my opinion. Unfortunately Minnesota hasn't had it in a century, and the SCOTUS has stretched the 8th Amendment far beyond the bounds of original intent.
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Re: Yeah, let's coddle a triple murderer with an 8 year sentence

Postby Seismic Sam on Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:58 pm

gyrfalcon wrote:
Seismic Sam wrote:... This jerkwad is advocating an 8 year sentence for a triple homicide, and wonders why this filthy little animal can't be treated like other 16 year old juveniles.

From what I've heard concerning the case the judge has already decided he can't be prosecuted as a juvenile. What really pisses me off is our tax money is sponsoring morons:

"Beginning Oct. 1, Balenger will use a $300,000, two-year national grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to expand Amicus' stellar one-on-one mentoring program and WHO, exactly is rating this program as "stellar"?? for adult offenders who are transitioning back into their communities. He hopes meaning there is no proof whatsoever that this concept will actually work the trickle-down effect will benefit ex-offenders' children, who are more likely to offend themselves." Great, so dad's a convicted felon, and his kids grew up having to deal with his violent tendencies, and now because of some counseling dad is coming back to his family and it will all be kissy-kissy and all the damage he did to his kids before he got busted will magically disappear??

Truly, this is a magnificently large, stinking, and overflowing crock of shyte that our tax dollars have purchased.
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Re: Yeah, let's coddle a triple murderer with an 8 year sentence

Postby fjrdc on Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:57 pm

General population...boyfriends etc, but I guess he'll be protected by somali gangs anyway so he will just learn more crimialcrafts . :evil:
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Re: Yeah, let's coddle a triple murderer with an 8 year sentence

Postby BWinger on Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:39 am

I'm in favor of the death penalty. I can tell you, when I was 16 (or 12 for that matter) I knew it was wrong to kill someone. In fact, I'm pretty sure I knew it was wrong even to hurt someone. You can't kill a person as a learning experience. Its permanent and final. Taking someones life has definite consequences. I'm sure we all know that and have since well before 16.

I'm not sure why we cater to the criminal and have such a lowered sentence for murder. Murder can't be paid back, re-earned, fixed or any other verb that describes repairing the wrongdoing. I still believe punishment should be commensurate with the crime and 8 years for taking 3 lives is ridiculous. You really can't pay your debt for intentional murder.
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Re: Yeah, let's coddle a triple murderer with an 8 year sentence

Postby ex-LT on Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:59 am

For the sake of Mr. Sole, here's a compromise.......

The dirtbag in question committed three murders. How about if we try him as a juvenile for the first murder, and then as an adult for the second and third. After all, after committing one murder, he should have understood that his actions were wrong. However, there is a caveat on this compromise. On the second and third murders, he will be tried for murder 1, and no plea bargains will be allowed. If found guilty, he goes to MCF-Red Wing or MCF-Togo until he turns 18. Once he turns 18, he's transferred to Oak Park Heights, where he spends the rest of his life.
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Re: Yeah, let's coddle a triple murderer with an 8 year sentence

Postby R.E.T. on Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:32 pm

He said that murderers are least likely to re offend. Where did he get this from?
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Re: Yeah, let's coddle a triple murderer with an 8 year sentence

Postby XD/Dale on Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:34 pm

At 16 you know its wrong to kill someone. to bad MN don't have the death penalty. :evil:
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Re: Yeah, let's coddle a triple murderer with an 8 year sentence

Postby Rem700 on Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:57 pm

He already has re offended after the first one.
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