Irish Setter boots customer service experience

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Irish Setter boots customer service experience

Postby yukonjasper on Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:29 pm

Some of you have seen updates I've posted regarding great customer service from TriTronics and Crimson Trace. In both cases, I had items that quit working and in both cases when I sent them back (no promises from the CS specialist) I received new replacement items - in my book, that is fantastic. You could argue that they should not have quit working in the first place but I'm happy that when they did, my expectations for a solution were met or exceeded.

This happened to me again with a 15+ year old pair of Irish Setter hunting boots. The sole had separated once 5-6 years ago and I had a local cobbler re glue them - that worked for about 2 pheasant seasons and then they separated again. I was going to throw them out and had replaced them with Danner's - also good cust. svc by the way- but I thought it was worth asking about whether there was anything that could be done. I brought them into a Red Wing Shoe store and was told they could send them in and see if they could be repaired - no promises and your likely out of luck since the boots are so old. 3 weeks later I get a call to pick up my boots. New Vibram sole, new insoles and new laces. Wore them this weekend and I couldn't be happier, like having a beer with an old friend. A hearty thank you to Red Wing Shoes and the Irish Setter folks.

I think we tend to focus on the negative experiences and I think that its worth while to sing the praises when you are happy with customer service and a company really steps up.
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Re: Irish Setter boots customer service experience

Postby Ironbear on Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:47 pm

I have nothing but nice things to say about Red Wing. When I needed to buy steel toe shoes, they were one of the few who seemed to make wide, comfortable ones. And I've bought 4 pairs over the years. I had the sole start to peel off one, took it in, and the store manager looked it over, said that that not right, and handed me a brand new pair. It seemed to the policy of that specific store, but they would replace my worn shoelaces for free! My hat's off to Red Wing as well, and specifically to the Red Wing store in Roseville, just off Lexington and Laurpentuer.
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Re: Irish Setter boots customer service experience

Postby river_boater on Mon Jul 29, 2013 8:24 pm

I worked for "The Shoe" a few years ago (in I.T.).

They could have moved all their manufacturing offshore years ago, but they didn't. They treat their employees well and I think they're a pretty-decent company.
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Re: Irish Setter boots customer service experience

Postby gunsmith on Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:57 am

Yukon, you may want to cut/paste and send them an email.

They'll post it or put it on their facbook page.

Let the decision maker involved know that his effort is appreciated.

I run a business where 10-20 of my gross goes back into 'advertising'

the best source of new business is frequently your old customers....

Cost for repair ???? $10-20

New sales via good will many times that....let them know the cycle is functioning :)
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Re: Irish Setter boots customer service experience

Postby yukonjasper on Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:19 am

I agree which is why I try to spread the word when I get good service - especially with hard goods. I will look at their website and see if there is a spot to leave a comment. EDIT: I just copied and pasted my post to their website with a big thank you.

I firmly believe that there are enough "customers" out there who get off on berating an tourturing sales people when something goes wrong with a product. I try to take the opposite approach and allow that person the opportunity to exceed my expectations by having a reasonable approach and an even attitude. My Mother has always told me that you get more flys with honey than you do with vinegar. Not sure that fully explains the good luck I've been having lately, but I think people are more willing to use their discretion to help you when your not a D-Bag Jerk.

Civility is something that is lacking in general society. I find it rare enough that when you display respect for people, it really takes them by surprise. I get the satisfaction that I didn't Crap all over someone who makes $12/hour answering phones and they help me out as much as they can. Win Win.
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Re: Irish Setter boots customer service experience

Postby PaperPuncher on Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:29 pm

I have several pairs of Irish Setter boots in light and heavy thinsulate insulation and I wouldn't trade my boots or the fit for anything on earth. They feel SO good and keep my feet dry, warm and my feet dont hurt after 4-6 hours in the woods after grouse or scouting deer.

They are worth every extra cent I paid, and the next pairs of boots I buy will have that name stamped on them too.

Quality is not nearly as expensive as poor fit and poor workmanship and lousy materials are when you are 125 miles from home in a nasty below zero snowstorm sitting in a deer stand with no hot coffee, no food and no deer in sight. I will pay $100 extra every time so that I can feel my feet and toes later that night. Who here hasn't felt the ache that goes along with when the feeling starts to come back in your hands or feet, and you cuss yourself out for choosing the economy hat, gloves, coat or boots but its too late now because you aren't anywhere near the store...?
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Re: Irish Setter boots customer service experience

Postby mmcnx2 on Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:07 pm

A decade ago when I got back into hunting after taking a number of years off for school and kids, a friend convinced me to buy a 'good' pair of boats and took me to get a pair of Setter's still have them and they feel better every year I wear them. Wish they made dress and fishing shoes.
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Re: Irish Setter boots customer service experience

Postby Drizzle on Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:42 pm

Wore my pair on Keller Lake last winter when I was helping look for a murder victim that was supposedly under the ice. Wet, slushy ice, water, snow, snowmobiling back and forth from shore with supplies all day, my feet were warm and dry. As an aside, a great place to look for them is the Sportsmans Guide outlet in S St Paul. Got mine for under a hundred bucks.
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