White Oak Armament, still nothing after 7 months...

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Re: White Oak Armament, still nothing after 7 months...

Postby bothwell on Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:03 pm

I had similar delay for a complete CMP upper, though mine took a bit longer: I sent-in an order (on paper) in mid-December 2012; at the time, the website warned of a delay of several months (I think it said 8-12 weeks or 12-16 weeks, but I didn't write it down). I had heard on mnguntalk that they were behind, so I was expecting an email saying that it would take 12-20 weeks. However, two months went by, then I received an email in the last week of February that "your order has been placed," and to expect delivery in 20-24 weeks. I was out of both .22 projectiles and SR primers, and had more-or-less given up on shooting an AR during the summer/fall season, so that was that. I also hadn't sent payment (I had given a CC #), so I was not out any funds.

26 weeks went by (early August), and I sent an inquiry, and received a prompt, polite reply saying that some parts were hard for them to source, and estimating a new delivery date in October (35 weeks)... but cautioning that even this was not guaranteed. October came and went; I sent an inquiry in late November (after 36 weeks; mostly wondering if I needed to cancel the order and buy elsewhere), and was told that it should be complete in December. A few days later, I received an invoice with UPS tracking number. Then the upper arrived a few days ago (still 1st week of December).

My order was fulfilled 40 weeks and a few days after I received order confirmation (which itself took 9 weeks or so). It's possible that White Oak first filled the orders of customers who had pre-paid. I can understand how holding those funds for months would be awkward for them, and upsetting for the customer. It's also possible that the "squeaky wheels" got handled faster. Anyway, it's finally here, so I'm glad for that. I'm also glad that I didn't pre-pay in cash, because I'd have been stressed-out for months. My recommendation to others would be to use a credit card, keep calm, assume that you won't be proactively contacted (ever), and email them once each month to keep tabs on your order status, so that you can adjust your shooting plans. And be prepared for a long wait.
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