Midland Armory in Foreston

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Midland Armory in Foreston

Postby gunforhire on Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:03 pm

Mods, if this is in the wrong spot or wrong for any other reason, please remove


If any of you are in central MN, Derick is the man! he is a FFL07 and specializes in AR builds as well as anything else you can throw at him. he always has FN pistols in stock to sell, and can get pretty much anything the big stores can at a fair price. He is building my tactical varmint destroyer right now. last night, I placed my order and we shot the breeze for going on 3 hrs. he didn't have most of his stuff at the shop because he was set up for the Hinkley gun show, but he let me fondle his Enfield and a few of the other guns he had there. I can't wait to get this rifle and give you a review as well as the obligatory pics
"You're not tactical enough to view that video. Practice some rolls for a while, maybe dual wield an airsoft pistol and an Xacto knife, then try again."

~some arfcom user that deserves a beer or 8 from my fridge
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