School Shooting Prevention(incl discussion of mental health)

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School Shooting Prevention(incl discussion of mental health)

Postby GunClasses.Net on Sat Dec 15, 2012 6:43 am

Post your input on School Shooting Prevention, here. If your post does not relate to School Shooting Prevention, other topics in this forum are listed, below.

1. CT School shooting news
2. School shooting (CT etc) prevention (incl mental health)
3. School shooting reaction (CT etc) (citizens, cops, EMTs)
4. School shooting recovery (CT etc) (counseling, etc)
5. School shooting aftermath (CT etc) (changes to security, gun control, etc)
6. School shooting - everything else (CT etc)
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Re: School Shooting Prevention(incl discussion of mental health)

Postby LePetomane on Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:14 am

Unfortunately HIPPA prevents interfacing of the mental health database with the Instant Background Check system. Some of these shooters have seen a shrink in the past and have purchased a gun legally.
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School Shooting Prevention(incl discussion of mental health)

Postby bstrawse on Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:27 am

LePetomane wrote:Unfortunately HIPPA prevents interfacing of the mental health database with the Instant Background Check system. Some of these shooters have seen a shrink in the past and have purchased a gun legally.

The prohibition federally is on individuals who have been involuntarily committed by a court - not people who have sought psychological treatment.
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Re: School Shooting Prevention(incl discussion of mental health)

Postby Glenn_S on Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:57 am

What HIPAA says is that information can and should only be accessed on a need to know basis (in VERY simple terms). If it was determined that as part of the background check, mental health records should be checked, it is allowed under HIPAA. Now those same records could NOT be released to the gun store, but they could be told yes/no to the sale based on those records, the same as criminal background information.

However, the state of our EMR systems are such that most providers are not yet integrated. We are making advances toward meaningful use, but we are not there yet. You have heard about the Healthcare Exchanges recently, and those are part of this meaningful use initiative.

bstrawse is right, seeking counseling voluntarily does not disqualify a person from purchasing a firearm, only non-voluntary commitment.
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School Shooting Prevention(incl discussion of mental health)

Postby Spinner on Sat Dec 15, 2012 9:29 am

Dear God,

Please help stop violence in schools.

Faithfully yours,

Dear Spinner,

I am not allowed in schools.


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Re: School Shooting Prevention(incl discussion of mental health)

Postby Paul on Sat Dec 15, 2012 9:37 am

I'll leave this thead open because it already has a couple of responses. Other threads started have been deleted due to complaints of spamming and it's generally against the forum rules. You now have two threads on the same topic, you don't need five more.
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School Shooting Prevention(incl discussion of mental health)

Postby bstrawse on Sat Dec 15, 2012 9:49 am

Prayer in school wasn't the cause of this...
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Re: School Shooting Prevention(incl discussion of mental health)

Postby Mn01r6 on Sat Dec 15, 2012 9:51 am

bstrawse wrote:
LePetomane wrote:Unfortunately HIPPA prevents interfacing of the mental health database with the Instant Background Check system. Some of these shooters have seen a shrink in the past and have purchased a gun legally.

The prohibition federally is on individuals who have been involuntarily committed by a court - not people who have sought psychological treatment.

Thank you for pointing that out bstrawse. That is an important distinction - federal law is not trying to prevent everyone who sees a psychiatrist for mild anxiety or even a case of serious depression from owning a firearm - and I don't think it should be modified to include them.

bstrawse wrote:Prayer in school wasn't the cause of this...
Amen to that!
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Re: School Shooting Prevention(incl discussion of mental health)

Postby Rangore on Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:37 am

I think the majority of our issues like these terrible things happen because we are moving away from how we raise our kids. I have little ones ... 7, 8, 13. At playgrounds I've seen many parents tell their little johnny to stop doing something. Little johnny doesn't listen. They count off 1, 2, 3...but then nothing no consequences for the child. How often have you seen a kid out of hand in a store? Kids tell teachers "You can't make me" or "I don't want to". If a child get's in trouble and my kids school....they have to go to the "thinking room". How ridiculous is that?? Kids need to be taught respect of their teachers, parents, and generally of all other people. How we are raising our kids is steering the direction of this country. When I was a kid...I got caught doing something I wasn't supposed to in school. I was taken to the principals office and talked to about it...then I got a swat across the butt with the paddle. I didn't do it again.
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Re: School Shooting Prevention(incl discussion of mental health)

Postby farmerj on Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:44 am

bstrawse wrote:Prayer in school wasn't the cause of this...

The inference I got from it was the moral and social decay of our society......

Comments I have seen here and other places on the net....


Hollywood glamorizes violence with movies such as terminator, Breaking Bad, Phonebooth etc. Using guns/violence/drugs.

Then they are up in arms clamoring for laws preventing that which they glamorize.

People are not allow to "parent their kids" yet kids are out of control. Government has stepped in and taken the parents rights away.

It's not about the guns, it's about the drugs this guy should have been on.

Why wasn't this guy committed to a hospital as a danger to self or others?


Just some of the things that make a person go ....WTF.

I'll go back to making the popcorn now.... :catfight: :paper:
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Re: School Shooting Prevention(incl discussion of mental health)

Postby mrp on Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:21 am

Spinner wrote:Dear God,

Please help stop violence in schools.

Faithfully yours,

Dear Spinner,

I am not allowed in schools.



Dear God, Please help stop the clergy from raping young boys.

Dear Spinner,

I'm not allowed in Chur... Oh, crap. Nevermind.

- God.
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School Shooting Prevention(incl discussion of mental health)

Postby Spinner on Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:34 pm

All the mass murderers and clergy rapists will be damned to hell.

For the record, I am religious, but don't attend church. Schools should not teach religion. But they should not stop individuals from praying, in any religion, in school.

Society has replaced morals, faith and religion with government. It is a recipe for failure.

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Re: School Shooting Prevention(incl discussion of mental health)

Postby JeremiahMN on Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:38 pm

Spinner wrote:All the mass murderers and clergy rapists will be damned to hell.

For the record, I am religious, but don't attend church. Schools should not teach religion. But they should not stop individuals from praying, in any religion, in school.

Society has replaced morals, faith and religion with government. It is a recipe for failure.


What school stops individuals from praying?
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Re: School Shooting Prevention(incl discussion of mental health)

Postby dismal on Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:40 pm

Regarding the ownership, apparently the weapons were the dead mom's" ... U120121215

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Nancy Lanza legally owned a Sig Sauer and a Glock, both handguns of models commonly used by police, and a military-style Bushmaster .223 M4 carbine, according to law enforcement officials who also believe Adam Lanza used at least some of those weapons.

"We're investigating the history of each and every weapon and we will know every single thing about those weapons," Vance said.

Nancy Lanza was an avid gun collector who once showed him a "really nice, high-end rifle" that she had purchased, said Dan Holmes, owner of a landscaping business who recently decorated her yard with Christmas garlands and lights. "She said she would often go target shooting with her kids."
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Re: School Shooting Prevention(incl discussion of mental health)

Postby minnhawk on Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:20 pm

So now the media tells us Lanza's mother was not a teacher at the school, and she was killed at home. Will soon be labelled a gun nut hoarder. Hearing that the evil Glock was responsible for other school shootings and the Sig was involved in one other. The Bushmaster was left in the car. No it wasn't, it was found in the school next to his dead body. And it will continue.

My dream: President Obama announced today he is asking for federal legislation to forbid news reporting of mass shootings beyond a notice of the event. The name or names of any shooters will be witheld and never announced, even if there is a trial. The number killed or wounded will not be announced. Anyone convicted of multiple shootings will disappear into the Federal Supermax Prison facility never to see daylight again, even for one hour per day, and will be held in solitary confinement.
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