JTapper wrote:Trust me.
Ammunition manufacturers use mostly all antimonial lead. They use very little pure lead, and when they do, it's NOT primary lead.
There are primary and secondary lead smelters. Primary is smelted from mined galena, and secondary is smelted and refined from used lead-acid batteries and refined to specification. The price difference is huge, and there is NO difference in the physical properties, so there is no reason for a manufacturer of ammunition to use primary lead. The only reason the battery manufacturers use it is for high end critical performance batteries in sensitive environments. There are less trace elements in primary lead, which lead to less risk of gassing in the battery.
Thank you for clearly explaining where the lead for ammunition comes from.
When I first learned of the Herculaneum plant closing, I was sure ammo prices would take another jump in price.
I appreciate you taking time to explain what is really going on.
Re: ammo supply
I believe the ammo supply shortage will continue for some time.
BO helped sell LOTS of guns (over 65.3 million in 4 yrs) and all those buyers now want ammo.
Also, the people who used to never stock any ammo, but just run to the store and grab a box when they needed it, now realize it might not always be on the shelf, and are buying a few extra boxes to have on hand. Some are buying lots of extra boxes. Some are stockpiling for the end of the world. And some are buying to resell.
The ongoing media hysteria over shootings in "gun free" zones continues to feed the fear.
Trust in our government and especially this administration is at an all time low, and not much 'hope' for 'change' in the near future.
My 2 cents (which actually cost about 4.82 cents to make...)