yukonjasper wrote:It's hard to keep up with who we should be punishing. What did Springfield do again?
Can we get a sticky for organizations that are on the Sh!t List and why?
Is Jim Beam on any lists - because I believe I'll be dancing with him this evening on the deck - if the weather continues to be this nice. If so, let me know if Jamison or George Dickle are on that list also - trying to support the cause however I can - by not supporting - I guess.
Jim Beam did something some conservatives got mad about, but I don't drink Beam so I guess I didn't pay enough attention.
Jack Daniels sort of came out and gave credit to a black slave for creating the recipe, which is fine, but it seemed it was more pandering the the millenial crowd to boost sales.
Dickle, I hope did nothing stupid. I LOVE that stuff.