Afghan evacuees cause 260 million in damages

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Afghan evacuees cause 260 million in damages

Postby Zarthan on Sun Dec 25, 2022 12:41 pm

So we rescue them and they make their temporary housing to be more like their native land.?

U.S. military bases that hosted Afghan evacuees during the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan incurred almost $260 million in damages, according to the Department of Defense’s inspector general. 

Air Force officials also reported costly damages to their bases following the evacuation operations. According to the report, officials at Ramstein Air Base in Germany also said that some of the damages by the “guests was unrepairable.” ... port-finds
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Re: Afghan evacuees cause 260 million in damages

Postby Sorcerer on Sun Dec 25, 2022 2:55 pm

Think of what is about to happen on our southern border. 260
Million will be a drop in the bucket. Also remember most of those Afghans are in subsidized housing. Just let that sink in.
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