bstrawse wrote:
No. You can either go through a FFL or you can create and retain the record (which does not require going through a FFL) - these are not the same thing.
I am still confused. If you do a transfer though an FFL the FFL will run a background check correct? We now have 2 ways in MN to transfer handguns and Mil style guns. Through an FFL or use the record form and retain it for 10 years. If you lose the form you have committed a crime correct? If you have reason to believe the person lied on the forum and still transferred, you have committed a crime. Therefore, if said firearm were to be used nefariously it is completely reasonable in our legal climate to assume it is possible for a prosecutor to make the case that you as the transferer committed a crime because YOU were the point of purchase control and "should have known". I.E. you are taking on liability in transferring the gun. Similar liability as any gun store owner however without the benefit of a ATF back ground check to call into as your defense. I contend that to sell a firearm in this state of the above stated type, you are taking on risk. If you do not want that risk as part of this transaction you have only one option. The options the poster stated. I can only speak for me but if I am to take on that risk, my glocks cost $50,000 a piece.