Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Tue Aug 06, 2024 10:16 am

Holland&Holland wrote:Your character shows through.

Yes it does. I'm pro-gun and don't pander to anti-gun politicians just because they are in the party I like.

You on the other hand avoid direct answers to questions that are easy to provide an answer to. You also want others to answer your questions, then later on pretend they did not answer.

Holland&Holland wrote:Why haven’t you?

I have spoken to a MN senator in the past, even though I was a WA resident. But I have zero pull as a WA resident in MN when it comes to asking a Rep to influence the party nomination.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Tue Aug 06, 2024 10:20 am

xd ED wrote:That's not even up to 3rd rate trolling.
Are you completely ignorant of the processes of which you write?

A 3rd rate troll would know that the odds for most Minnesota residents to have an elected representative become a delegate to the GOP Convention are slim to none.
For myself, and I suspect poster 'Lumpy'; whom you made the suggestion...they are zero.

I was talking about speaking with your representatives to get them to influence the party nomination. Why would you be opposed to that?
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby xd ED on Tue Aug 06, 2024 10:55 am

Ranb wrote:
xd ED wrote:That's not even up to 3rd rate trolling.
Are you completely ignorant of the processes of which you write?

A 3rd rate troll would know that the odds for most Minnesota residents to have an elected representative become a delegate to the GOP Convention are slim to none.
For myself, and I suspect poster 'Lumpy'; whom you made the suggestion...they are zero.

I was talking about speaking with your representatives to get them to influence the party nomination. Why would you be opposed to that?
Ranb wrote:
xd ED wrote:That's not even up to 3rd rate trolling.
Are you completely ignorant of the processes of which you write?

A 3rd rate troll would know that the odds for most Minnesota residents to have an elected representative become a delegate to the GOP Convention are slim to none.
For myself, and I suspect poster 'Lumpy'; whom you made the suggestion...they are zero.

I was talking about speaking with your representatives to get them to influence the selection of the Republican party nominations. Why would you be opposed to that?

Clearly you are ignorant, and uninformed about that which you write.
Elected office holders do little, if anything officially with regards to the process of selecting the party's candidate.
This is even more a fact if the elected officials are from another party.
Or maybe I got it wrong; if so, please be precise and identify which of my elected representatives pictured below, that could influence the Republican nominee.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Tue Aug 06, 2024 1:03 pm

Are you claiming that an elected representative has no influence in the party? Are the MN GOP representatives so xenophobic that they will not talk to anyone outside of their district? ... sentatives
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby xd ED on Tue Aug 06, 2024 7:52 pm

Ranb wrote:Are you claiming that an elected representative has no influence in the party? Are the MN GOP representatives so xenophobic that they will not talk to anyone outside of their district? ... sentatives

Is it that you write so much BS, you can't recall what you post?
"...I was talking about speaking with your representatives to get them to influence the selection of the Republican party nominations."

Again, since it was your suggestion: explain how any of my representatives can influence the selection of the Republican party nominations
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Wed Aug 07, 2024 3:18 pm

xd ED wrote:Is it that you write so much BS, you can't recall what you post?
"...I was talking about speaking with your representatives to get them to influence the selection of the Republican party nominations."

Again, since it was your suggestion: explain how any of my representatives can influence the selection of the Republican party nominations

They can talk to people. How is it you don't understand this? Delegates do not exist in a vacuum.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby xd ED on Wed Aug 07, 2024 5:52 pm

Ranb wrote:
xd ED wrote:Is it that you write so much BS, you can't recall what you post?
"...I was talking about speaking with your representatives to get them to influence the selection of the Republican party nominations."

Again, since it was your suggestion: explain how any of my representatives can influence the selection of the Republican party nominations

They can talk to people. How is it you don't understand this? Delegates do not exist in a vacuum.

I never realized small time, midwest dfl hacks had influence at the nation GOP convention.
This seems to the kind of expert knowledge for which you have become renowned.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Wed Aug 07, 2024 5:56 pm

I think you never realized that there are GOP representatives in MN also.
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