This would be nice to happen but doubt it will. ... -amendment
The IRS, whose institutional interest was simply collecting taxes owed, used to administer the stamp tax; but in the early 1970s responsibility for this was transferred to the newly created Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. In the wake of late 1960s and early 1970s leftist radicalism the BATFE, nominally just a tax enforcement agency, was in practice set up as a paramilitary police organization prepared to do literal battle with radical groups armed with automatic firearms and explosives. Under the Clinton administration it was given the green light to persecute legal dealers and owners of NFA items by presumption of guilt and zero-tolerance of paperwork errors, in an extralegal effort to drive the commerce of such items out of business.
Lumpy wrote:I think any serious look at the BATFE has to go back to it's origins. I put it thusly in a post on IRS, whose institutional interest was simply collecting taxes owed, used to administer the stamp tax; but in the early 1970s responsibility for this was transferred to the newly created Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. In the wake of late 1960s and early 1970s leftist radicalism the BATFE, nominally just a tax enforcement agency, was in practice set up as a paramilitary police organization prepared to do literal battle with radical groups armed with automatic firearms and explosives. Under the Clinton administration it was given the green light to persecute legal dealers and owners of NFA items by presumption of guilt and zero-tolerance of paperwork errors, in an extralegal effort to drive the commerce of such items out of business.
Bearcatrp wrote:Good video. Is Trump going to replace the head of the ATF? I doubt they are going to be shut down.
dismal wrote:There is some talk of making Brandon Herrera head of the ATF.
crbutler wrote:I don’t think we should abolish the ATF.
They do serve a legitimate purpose.
What is needed is to remove the redundant parts of the federal bureaucracy and keep the agencies limited to their congressionally appointed functions.
As to the bureaucrats… while it may annoy folks, it probably would be cheaper in the long run to tell the civil service folks that have their jobs removed that if they leave and never return to government service, they will get their current salary and benefits for the rest of their life. How many would jump at leaving, not increasing the bureaucracy, and giving the rest of us freedom from their regulations just for the money? Probably 99.999% of them.
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