Good 'guy' with a gun didn't make the news this week

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Good 'guy' with a gun didn't make the news this week

Postby xd ED on Fri May 27, 2022 10:30 pm

The Near Mass Shooting Most of the Media Won't Tell You About -

A woman with a concealed handgun stopped a mass shooting this week after a man attacked a graduation party in Charleston, West Virginia.

"Police said a woman who was lawfully carrying a pistol shot and killed a man who began shooting at a crowd of people Wednesday night in Charleston," location Fox 11 reported about the incident. "Dennis Butler was killed after allegedly shooting at dozens of people attending a graduation party Wednesday near the Vista View Apartment complex. No injuries were reported from those at the party. Investigators said Butler was warned about speeding in the area with children present before he left. He later returned with an AR-15-style firearm and began firing into the crowd before he was shot and killed."
Police described the woman as "running toward the threat," saving lives.
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Re: Good 'guy' with a gun didn't make the news this week

Postby TSKNIGHT on Sat May 28, 2022 8:33 am

Read this yesterday. Cudos to the woman who responded, but sad that he put her in the position of having to respond.

I regularly have people flip me off while stopped for my bus. Seems like there are two extremes lately.
The ones that stop 100yd back and patiently wait for my kids to clear the road, wave and smile when they get close. Sometimes I can make out them saying "thank you" as they go by.
Then there's the ones that speed up to pass before I stop or just ignore the stop sign and blow through.
So far I haven't had any violent encounters although, there have been school bus drivers assaulted while students were on the bus.

I think it is a sign of the lack of respect across many aspects of life. I believe that attitude is driving the rise in crime (both petty and violent) as well as the rise in speeding (100+) and other traffic offences.

Sorry, rant over.
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Re: Good 'guy' with a gun didn't make the news this week

Postby Holland&Holland on Sat May 28, 2022 3:14 pm

Doesn’t fit the narrative. “Guns bad, ban them”
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