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Experts "puzzled" by drop in Brazil's homicide rate amidst r

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 11:40 pm
by jdege
Experts "puzzled" by drop in Brazil's homicide rate amidst rise in gun ownership
Former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro made loosening the nation’s restrictive gun control laws one of his administration’s top priorities, much to the chagrin of anti-gun advocates who warned that the country’s already sky-high homicide rates would get even worse if average citizens could keep and (in some cases) carry a firearm for self-defense.

As it turns out, the opposite has happened, with homicide rates declining to the lowest level in more than a decade, and now the Associated Press reports that “experts are puzzled” by the fact that more guns hasn’t resulted in more crime.

Re: Experts "puzzled" by drop in Brazil's homicide rate amidst r

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 8:30 am
by Jackpine Savage
I've probably watched half a dozen videos of robbers being run down in Brazil. Maybe the public has run out of patience.

Re: Experts "puzzled" by drop in Brazil's homicide rate amidst r

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 7:45 pm
by Lumpy
People will not tolerate "anarcho-tyranny" indefinitely- when the state effectively is on the side of the criminals by not controlling crime but condemning any attempt to resist crime as "vigilantism".

Re: Experts "puzzled" by drop in Brazil's homicide rate amidst r

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:27 am
by jdege
Lula signs decree on firearms’ control to deplete violence in Brazil
Brazilia, Jul 21 (Prensa Latina) Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Friday signed a decree on responsibly controlling firearms to deplete violence in Brazil.

The measure was disclosed during a ceremony at Planalto Palace, headquarter of the Executive Power of such capital, belonging to the known Security Action Program.

The Government stated that among other measures, the edict reduces the quantity of firearms and munitions available to civilians can access for their personal defense, and to hunters, shooters and collectors (CACs).

It forbids CACs to pass over carrying military artifacts and supplies, restricts the operation of shooting clubs and resumes the distinction rules that tells the difference between those used by law enforcement agencies and ordinary citizens.

Do you think it will work?

Re: Experts "puzzled" by drop in Brazil's homicide rate amidst r

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:37 am
by Sorcerer
In order to stay in power one must consider how to limit any opposition’s ability to stop dictatorship. Holds true here also.