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TPT Almanac-MN Prisons

PostPosted: Mon Apr 15, 2024 11:57 am
by daleamn
TPT Almanac had an interesting interview about the Minnesota Prison System 4/12/2024. Here's a link to the show and the interview is about at the 31 minute mark. ... ans-40698/

They're talking to two people;
David Boehnke, Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee:

And Maurice L. Ward founder of Justice Impacted Individuals Voting Effectively (JIIVE).

(Ward appears on the show in his 'Thug-4-Life' 'Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers' restaurant baseball cap and dark glasses and recounts how bad things were for him in prison.)

The two of them are in favor of closing prisons and spending the money on social programs.
"If you want public safety you should be in favor of closing these prisons."

They say we are spending $70,000 per year per convict.
So that gave me an idea. (I KNOW!!!) The following is entirely my idea and in no way reflects the views of the Almanac personnel their guests or pretty much any intelligent person.

At age 18 why don't we have all our youths register as to what their life plan is?

You know, they could say they want to be a teacher, carpenter, plumber, go to college, join the military or register as a criminal.

If they register as a criminal we (Minnesota) will pay them $35,000 a year.

This is HALF of what it would cost us to lock them up in prison. It would also reduce the strain on our court system and on our law enforcement officers!!!
Can you say WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN?

Question from intelligent person: "And what would happen if the registered criminal broke the law anyway?"

Daleamn: "Well then they'd get sent to...oh yeah...guess the plan might need some more work."

Re: TPT Almanac-MN Prisons

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:03 am
by Rip Van Winkle
I have a better idea. Let's build a wall around Mpls & St. Paul and let all the released violent felons live among the leftists who think closing the prisons would be a good idea.

Re: TPT Almanac-MN Prisons

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 3:24 pm
by Lumpy
Let's expand the list of legal justifications for using deadly force to include robbery, burglary and assault.