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Re: I am VERY curious. Are any of you at all baffled by Boston?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:34 pm
by PaperPuncher
So I repeat: Why did the FBI let this happen? It's common knowledge that they knew about #1. I am not stating that the FBI caused or allowed this, I am asking, upfront and in bold letters, why didn't they know this was coming? Don't you want to know? I do.

I think that it's just logical that US citizens should want an answer to that question. And for those of you that just want to argue, here's my point: ISNT THAT THE FBI's JOB?

(sorry for having to handfeed you logic that obviously escaped you)

Re: I am VERY curious. Are any of you at all baffled by Boston?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:36 pm
by MasonK
As a point of order, the media has reported a number of things on this case that were completely inaccurate. My personal favorite was a story from CNN titled something to the effect of "The Top Five Stories About The Boston Bombing That Are Not True" and yet, NONE of CNN's incorrect stories were listed...

I have full faith that every point the OP listed was reported on the news at some point, but this past week has been riddled with inaccurate reports from unvetted sources which did not have a secondary corroborating witness.

I believe that many of these questions will be answered as the investigation unfolds and the truth begins to come out rather than relying on what has been very crappy reporting. While I like the 24-hour news cycle, events like this can make for some bad journalism.

Re: I am VERY curious. Are any of you at all baffled by Boston?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:37 pm
by PaperPuncher
MasonK: thank you for your post and well thought out statement. I do also agree, the "on the scene live" news makes for what end up being errors in reporting as they attempt to interpret what is unfolding, often times out of their line of sight, as well.

I do want to mention that I intently wrote the post with what I felt were the distilled facts after watching the news all week. I did try to word it and weed out what I had seen that was later corrected.

Re: I am VERY curious. Are any of you at all baffled by Boston?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:40 pm
by harryset

I am VERY curious. Are any of you at all baffled by Boston?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:42 pm
by xd ED
Yes, he was reportedly shot at least twice; once in the leg, once in the throat. It is only speculation when either wound occurred. It is assumed one of them when the car jacking was ended, as there was the blood on the boat tarp that lead to his capture. To assume he was shot in the throat to end his ability to speak, and thus communicate, you must then assume he will soon lose his fingers, eyes, and hearing for the same reason. When that happens, you will then have something worth fretting over.

Re: I am VERY curious. Are any of you at all baffled by Boston?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:43 pm
by PaperPuncher
I am reporting what the Doctor working on him said to the press. This is not personal conjecture. Evidently you are missing or skipping ahead and not seeing posts that were specifically put here for you to read:

The doctors from the hospital have stated that they don't think he will ever speak as a result of the wounds from the firefight. ... 54409.html

Re: I am VERY curious. Are any of you at all baffled by Boston?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:44 pm
by farmerj
harryset wrote:Image

don't forget....


Re: I am VERY curious. Are any of you at all baffled by Boston?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:46 pm
by Hmac
I don't find the events particularly incredible. Certainly not enough to warrant an assumption of conspiracy.

Dzhokhar was shot in the neck. We don't know if he will be able to speak. He can't speak now because he has a tube going through his vocal cords and is on a ventilator. Even if he can't speak after the tube comes out, he can use social media. Maybe he can tweet his interrogation to the FBI.

Re: I am VERY curious. Are any of you at all baffled by Boston?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:49 pm
by scarletvw
Ok, so you want to know why this happened? Are you trying to say that since the FBI checked into them in 2011 and that they found nothing really that for all this time there should have been 24 hour survelience on them? What do you mean why this happened? Are you trying to say there was something that we could have done to cause it not to happen? What would you propose they do? How could this have been avoided? They looked into them, found nothing then 2 years later they bomb a place. What in the last 2 years have they done to show they were planing this? It's not that hard to cover your tracks and hide intentions.

Now put on another layer of tinfoil and draw your shades, you're now on their list.

Re: I am VERY curious. Are any of you at all baffled by Boston?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:50 pm
by PaperPuncher
Yep, this is all a big joke. People lost family members, people lost limbs, eyesight, but what the heck, lets just all laugh about it, right?

If none of you care enough to care about the country and what happened, why do you care enough to be smart asses and post crap that has no relevance OR truth to it? If you don't know the facts, learn to read and absorb them and stop mocking others that already have.

On the other hand, this is a hilarious joke and you guys all find it just a big hoot. Welcome to social media and the fact it allows anyone to post.

This was an act of terror. let me repeat that for those of you that think this is funny: This was an act of terror. there is nothing **** funny about it.

Re: I am VERY curious. Are any of you at all baffled by Boston?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:51 pm
by drainpipe
1) The mother of 1 and 2, says up front that the FBI has been following her sons for 3+ years. See below.
2) 1 goes to Russia, supposedly was radicalized prior to his going.
3) Uncle goes live on TV, trying to distance himself from it all, but won't tell the press why he and his brother don't speak
4) Both kids allegedly bomb the Marathon, then are seen at car repair shops, playing bball on MIT campus, in classes, etc
5) Both kids are at a gas station that is robbed and end up shooting a campus security guy
6) Steal a car, tell the owner they bombed the marathon, let car own out and then get in shootout with cops
7) #1 is shot, #2 attempts to getaway and runs over brother, all the while throwing bombs out windows?
8) #2 manages to get away and elude 1000s of Bostons best, FBI and Homeland Security agents, sneaks out of their perimeter
9) #2 is found hiding in boat, is subsequently shot in the throat and will never speak.

Here is my take on these points. I think sometimes truth is stranger than fiction...

1 - S1 WAS being investigated by the FBI. A foreign country requested the FBI investigate him but he was later cleared after a background check. It is not clear why he was cleared but it appears somebody messed up.

2- That could be what happen, but we don't know at this point although there has been a lot of speculation floating around

3- We don't know what the family dynamic was, but it's easy to see how emotion can come into play here. Based on what we've seen sofar it sounds like neither of these guys had the brightest future ahead of them.

4- There is video that indicates they were the bombers, some of what has not been released to the public. I imagine that may be because this will be used as evidence, or may just be too sensitive to show to an already inflamed public. I don't believe either of them were currently enrolled in school, but again there has been so much info floating around on the interwebs its sometimes hard to get the facts straight. I did not hear they attended classes. I did see an interview with the mechanic who worked on S2s car and he mentioned S2 as very fidgety and thought maybe he was 'on drugs'.

5- I heard that they did in fact say they were the bombers. The driver got away when they stopped to get gas? I think it was a pretty confusing situation. I was listening to the scanner at the time this was happening and none of it sounded related to the bombing. I believe they ambushed the MIT police officer, killed him, and even stole a weapon. Sound pretty innocent to me.

6/7 - I heard an interview with the Watertown police chief where he said the suspects were throwing improvised grenades. They also recovered a pressure cooker bomb similar to those used in the marathon bombing. At one point S1 got out of the car and started approaching police. Sometime after S2 drove the car directly towards the police and ran over his brother. This may have actually been what killed S1.

8 - S2 may have been in that boat all day. It was just outside the search perimeter. Boston is a big town, and Watertown is a big suburb. I think he was able to elude police so long because he didn't move much.

9 - I read that article posted on Yahoo. It wasn't very specific, but it does sound like he'll live. Unless he has no hands or eyes I think they will still be able to get info out of him.

Re: I am VERY curious. Are any of you at all baffled by Boston?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:01 pm
by farmerj
PaperPuncher wrote:Yep, this is all a big joke. People lost family members, people lost limbs, eyesight, but what the heck, lets just all laugh about it, right?

If none of you care enough to care about the country and what happened, why do you care enough to be smart asses and post crap that has no relevance OR truth to it? If you don't know the facts, learn to read and absorb them and stop mocking others that already have.

On the other hand, this is a hilarious joke and you guys all find it just a big hoot. Welcome to social media and the fact it allows anyone to post.

This was an act of terror. let me repeat that for those of you that think this is funny: This was an act of terror. there is nothing **** funny about it.

chill out Francis.

Am I happy this happened? hell no. Most of what he posted in the original post, I have those same questions on. But I also know that for the last 12 years, we have been damn lucky in the US to NOT have had another terrorist attack on US Soil. My fear now is if we thought the patriot act from 12 years ago was an infringement, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Look at the fact that we have had Katrina in 2005 and now this and the way that LEO responded, try looking at some things in a bigger perspective than just this single incident.

Re: I am VERY curious. Are any of you at all baffled by Boston?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:04 pm
by Hmac
PaperPuncher wrote:Yep, this is all a big joke. People lost family members, people lost limbs, eyesight, but what the heck, lets just all laugh about it, right?

If none of you care enough to care about the country and what happened, why do you care enough to be smart asses and post crap that has no relevance OR truth to it? If you don't know the facts, learn to read and absorb them and stop mocking others that already have.

On the other hand, this is a hilarious joke and you guys all find it just a big hoot. Welcome to social media and the fact it allows anyone to post.

This was an act of terror. let me repeat that for those of you that think this is funny: This was an act of terror. there is nothing **** funny about it.

Nobody here is laughing at the bombing or its consequences. They're laughing at your conspiracy conclusions based on the same facts that everybody else is reading.

Re: I am VERY curious. Are any of you at all baffled by Boston?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:15 pm
by PaperPuncher
Evidently, as I stated before, some of you users here have a reading comprehension issue. We will leave it at that because the trolls will keep rolling out their bait all day otherwise.

I appreciate the fact that some of you have pm'ed me and pointed out who to avoid trying to discuss with and who the people worth communicating are. I am admittedly stepping on the toes of the ones that aren't worth communicating with. I also appreciate the msgs that showed people had actually read what I posted.

Re: I am VERY curious. Are any of you at all baffled by Boston?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:18 pm
by MNHandK
I heard the neck wound was self inflicted.. Tried to kill himself and the bullet went through the back of his neck?

As for why the FBI "let" them do it.. I don't know that they let them, my guess would be someone dismissed them as suspects. Much like the FBI whistleblower that saw the signs before 9/11 before but was ignored.