Heffay wrote:So many words used to reply to me. None to him.
Such a fine community of upstanding citizens we are. So proud of us right now.
Qui Tacit Consentire.
I guess I just didn't find it that offensive. You're usually the one who posts the most in the off topic political section. Of course you're going to get people who are going to argue their point. So many words? You're the one with 5000+ posts lol. Not me. One man wolf pack also didn't really post anthing else so what should I say? bad one man wolf pack! If you're that concerned, shoot one of our mods a pm to deal with it.
Quite honestly though, its thanksgiving and I don't work, I have nothing to do, I'm nursing a hangover so I decided to get on the ol MNGT and watch some netflix. It just seems like you are always pokin people in the eye and then when you get a reaction you don't like you either whine about the MNGT community or whine about personal attacks. Like I stated earlier, I find a lot of your posts interesting heff and thats why I read them. Sarcasm won't change anything, I can assure you of that. I have had guys go out of their way to insult me privately by pming lol. Do I care? Not really and not even enough to alert a moderator.