Boy suspended for "throwing imaginary grenade" at school

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Boy suspended for "throwing imaginary grenade" at school

Postby PaperPuncher on Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:53 am ... imaginary/

This article is a silent attack on gunowners, and without one word, the entire educational system is teaching every single student that guns, the NRA, gun owners, gun users, gun sellers, gun manufacturers, the military, et al, are each and every one, disgusting wrongdoers that have no place in society.

What you just read is a definitive statement on how silly, how weak, how limpwristed, how stupid our education system has gotten. It also tells you, without ever hearing a word, that guns are bad, guns are wrong, guns are things that foulminded evil people use and that you should never, ever own or touch one!

read between the lines and that is EXACTLY what is being said to every American student...and that is a frightening hidden emotional statement our educational system is brainwashing our students with.

Meanwhile, we are watching it be done and nothing is being said about it.
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Re: Boy suspended for "throwing imaginary grenade" at school

Postby Paul on Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:58 am

Your link doesn't work.... Found this video about it though. ... d-for-real

Pretty sad.
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Re: Boy suspended for "throwing imaginary grenade" at school

Postby sansooshooter on Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:02 am

At my kids school they are preaching you should not defend yourself .
If someone hits you ask them to stop. If they continue to hit you . Take it . Till you can tell an adult.

They tell the kids self defense is not appropriate under any circumstance.
The kids should report to the school staff.

Does any of this sound familiar ?
Same garbage the anti gun crowd preaches!
Yea lets leave our personal safety to the proper authority's .
In other words be a victim and report it when the police show up!
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Re: Boy suspended for "throwing imaginary grenade" at school

Postby PaperPuncher on Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:09 am

"Officer, he shot me 3 times, could you call a morgue?"
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Re: Boy suspended for "throwing imaginary grenade" at school

Postby minnesotapoker on Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:21 am

A second-grader in Colorado has been suspended from his elementary school for “throwing” an imaginary grenade during a harmless make-believe game he was playing called “rescue the world.”

The innocent 7-year-old claimed he was, in fact, simply trying to rescue the world, but officials at Mary Blair Elementary School, in Loveland, Colo., said playing with a weapon, the pretend grenade in this case, whether imaginary or real, is unacceptable on school grounds.

“I was trying to save people and I just can’t believe I got dispended,” said Alex Evans, the little boy, who can’t even pronounce his punishment, let alone understand why it happened. Evans told KDVR-TV that he was merely playing a game during recess at the school, which is about an hour north of Denver, when he threw an imaginary grenade into a box that contained make-believe evil forces. “I pretended the box, there’s something shaking in it, and I go ‘pshhh,” he explained, adding, importantly, that he didn’t threaten anyone or throw anything real at anyone.

But even his imaginary play is subject to discipline at Mary Blair Elementary, which utilizes a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to violence and weapons — whether they’re “real or play.”

The school enforces a list of “ABSOLUTES,” an agenda of rules that cannot be broken, designed to “make Mary Blair a safe environment.” The first two items on the list are: “No Weapons (real or play), illegal drugs (including tobacco) or alcohol” and “No Physical Abuse or Fights — real or ‘play fighting,’" which pertains to Evans’ imaginary grenade. Efforts to reach the school were unsuccessful, but by all accounts, it seems as though the suspension will occur as announced.

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Re: Boy suspended for "throwing imaginary grenade" at school

Postby damian_mb on Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:31 am

PaperPuncher wrote:"Officer, he shot me 3 times, could you call a morgue?"


F that, if I had kid(s) and the teacher said that I would have a talk with the teacher....Not to mention I would teach my kid to punch that other kid in the throat!!

This nation has gone down so far it's not funny! :roll:
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Re: Boy suspended for "throwing imaginary grenade" at school

Postby Thunder71 on Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:33 am

It's clearly a parenting issue, how could the parents not have noticed the imaginary grenade in his backpack? It was obviously a live imaginary grenade too, it went 'psssh'!
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Re: Boy suspended for "throwing imaginary grenade" at school

Postby hornswaggle on Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:39 am

Unbelievable. Just another example of what is wrong with 'zero tolerance' type rules that schools have come up with. Whatever happened to administrator/supervisor discretion for discipline? Let the kids play and if something becomes a problem you deal with it on a case by case basis. I remember a story of an elementary kid getting suspended because he brought a lego police figure to school and it had a little lego weapon with it. You know, the little 1-1/2" tall plastic toy figures? Yup, it violated the 'zero tolerance' weapons policy.

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Re: Boy suspended for "throwing imaginary grenade" at school

Postby sansooshooter on Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:41 am

My kids are fully aware that self defense is not going to be punished . I have trained my boys in some basic San Soo and some ground work.
I tell them don't start a physical confrontation. But if someone hits you . Defend your self and put some hurt on them.

Its a constant battle with the social community brain washing from the school.
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Re: Boy suspended for "throwing imaginary grenade" at school

Postby minnesotapoker on Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:04 am

sansooshooter wrote:Its a constant battle with the social community brain washing from the school.

There used to be some important life lessons learned at a young age in school, i.e. you want to mouth off or talk trash you better be prepared to be accountable for your actions and that accountability generally occurred on the playground or the gym. Nowadays, kids are taught a very different lesson whereby they can say and do much and the one who retaliates usually suffers the consequences. I feel your frustration sansooshooter. Been there and done that - but I think we are raising our kids right. Now back to make believe grenades....
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Re: Boy suspended for "throwing imaginary grenade" at school

Postby RangerTim on Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:40 am

I thought crap was bad when I went to school...I don't think I could put up with this stuff today.

I got a very stern talking to by the principal and my teacher one day when I fought two kids picking on my best friend in 6th grade. I was pissed I was the one getting in trouble. Now I know how lucky I am...if that happened today I probably would have been arrested. And I wasn't even packing my imaginary grenades.
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Re: Boy suspended for "throwing imaginary grenade" at school

Postby Evad on Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:52 am

My daughter has to write a paper. She chose to compare Sandy Hook and Columbine. Her points she read to me had to do with mental issues, parenting, and bullying. She has quite a bit into it...and I offered any help she needs since she wasn't alive for one of them. I was pretty impressed with her research and her preliminary conclusions.

She may well get in trouble for having the word gun in print on her homework. I'll stand with her.
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Boy suspended for "throwing imaginary grenade" at school

Postby connsolo on Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:39 pm

A less sensational headline would be, "Kid suspended for throwing rock during recess."
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Re: Boy suspended for

Postby BemidjiDweller on Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:34 pm

connsolo wrote:A less sensational headline would be, "Kid suspended for throwing rock during recess."

He didn't throw a rock. He didn't throw anything.
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Re: Boy suspended for

Postby Heffay on Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:41 pm

BemidjiDweller wrote:
connsolo wrote:A less sensational headline would be, "Kid suspended for throwing rock during recess."

He didn't throw a rock. He didn't throw anything.

That's not true. He threw an imaginary grenade. It missed his target, and killed 3 imaginary friends of his fellow students. It was a clear case of blue on blue, and he was rightly punished.
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