Anti-Gun activist breaks Gun Free Zone Law

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Anti-Gun activist breaks Gun Free Zone Law

Postby steve4102 on Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:32 am

Dwayne Ferguson a anti-gun activist and a proponent of the Safe Act showed up at school with a gun causing about an hour long "Lockdown".

Ferguson said he often carries a gun, but didn't realize he was still carrying when he entered school property.

His fellow anti-gun activists are claiming it was an honest mistake and he should not be charged with the two felony counts.

I wonder if the "I forgot" defense would work for a "Pro-Gun" activist that did the same thing? ... l-20140207
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Re: Anti-Gun activist breaks Gun Free Zone Law

Postby cmxterra on Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:50 am

I think this fits

Perfect example of do as I say not as I do. And this "excuse" of "I did not realize I had it on me" is crap.
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Re: Anti-Gun activist breaks Gun Free Zone Law

Postby Hmac on Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:10 pm

That's an amazing story.
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Re: Anti-Gun activist breaks Gun Free Zone Law

Postby Thunder71 on Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:11 pm

Has to be the guns fault, just jumped back in there. Since he helped pass the law, charge him to the maximum extent.
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Re: Anti-Gun activist breaks Gun Free Zone Law

Postby CarryCauseICan on Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:28 pm

Throw the book at him. Show the state of New York that justice is blind!
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Re: Anti-Gun activist breaks Gun Free Zone Law

Postby Citiot on Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:55 pm

I think a good defense paid for by the NRA (or the local New York Citizen pro-2A group) would be a better touch. He is a gun enthusiast (permit to carry holder).

Hopefully this makes sense. The pro 2A groups can use this to their advantage... protecting a lawful gun owner, community leader swept up by a draconian zero-tolerance law. (caught with a gun in a school used to be misdemeanor in NY, now felony).

BTW, this is my first post. I'm from the SW suburbs. Have a few pistols (Glock, Beretta). Originally from God's country in northern Minnesota (home of the pro gun democrats). Have permit to carry and pray I never have to be forced to use that permit.

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Re: Anti-Gun activist breaks Gun Free Zone Law

Postby loose on Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:19 pm

Citiot wrote:I think a good defense paid for by the NRA (or the local New York Citizen pro-2A group) would be a better touch. He is a gun enthusiast (permit to carry holder).

Hopefully this makes sense. The pro 2A groups can use this to their advantage... protecting a lawful gun owner, community leader swept up by a draconian zero-tolerance law. (caught with a gun in a school used to be misdemeanor in NY, now felony).

BTW, this is my first post. I'm from the SW suburbs. Have a few pistols (Glock, Beretta). Originally from God's country in northern Minnesota (home of the pro gun democrats). Have permit to carry and pray I never have to be forced to use that permit.


Just because he has a carry permit doesn't mean he is a good gun enthusiast. Feinstein has/had a carry permit. Odds are he is a liberal elite that thinks no one should have a gun unless they meet his criteria.
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Re: Anti-Gun activist breaks Gun Free Zone Law

Postby Citiot on Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:38 pm

"...Just because he has a carry permit doesn't mean he is a good gun enthusiast..."

Point well taken. You're correct.

But, what I was trying to illustrate that this "pillar of the Buffalo community" is now facing a felony charge (which used to be a misdemeanor). Having the pro-2A groups (not sure if there is a GOCRA type organization in NY) help him with his defense is a golden opportunity to show that groups supporting pro-2A defend ALL people's rights.

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It will shine a bright spotlight on the shear stupidity of "Victim Disarmament Zones" and how these laws will "backfire (pun intended)"

Another thing I've seen that could be a quiver for the pro-2A groups is the use of satire. Here is a neat use of satire in an Oregon city city council meeting where they were trying to pass local ordinances "for the children." This was a brilliant response to a hysterical council member who insisting on acting immediately to the "threat" of open carry and insecure firearms in homes with children.
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Re: Anti-Gun activist breaks Gun Free Zone Law

Postby LePetomane on Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:00 pm

Citiot wrote: Originally from God's country in northern Minnesota (home of the pro gun democrats).

They are also pro taxation.

The link said that this guy operates a printing business. He has a real job so there may be hope for him. Most of these activists are shake down artists and hide behind the "non profit" banner.
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Re: Anti-Gun activist breaks Gun Free Zone Law

Postby Citiot on Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:13 pm

LePetomane wrote:
Citiot wrote: Originally from God's country in northern Minnesota (home of the pro gun democrats).

They are also pro taxation.

True, but without them the Minnesota gun laws would be far different. Northern MN won't be turning red any time soon. We need the "Woodtick Democrats."

LePetomane wrote:
Citiot wrote:The link said that this guy operates a printing business. He has a real job so there may be hope for him. Most of these activists are shake down artists and hide behind the "non profit" banner.

Man, did I laugh at that video, is there any talent like that here for the upcoming state legislature anti-gun battle? I think he is wasting his talents, he should be an actor.
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Re: Anti-Gun activist breaks Gun Free Zone Law

Postby Spartan on Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:38 pm

No kidding ..... double standard ? Nanny state ... needs laws that apply to most
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Re: Anti-Gun activist breaks Gun Free Zone Law

Postby farmerj on Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:36 pm

I hope he gets 4 long hard years to think about the stupid law he created......
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Re: Anti-Gun activist breaks Gun Free Zone Law

Postby 2in2out on Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:37 pm

How can he be anti gun and CARRYING at the same time? I know, I know - ruling elite, do as I say, etc. etc. But, that's so obviously flaunting the fact that he's in a different class as everyone else, it's pathetic.

I agree with Citiot, though - good chance for the good guys to point out what a stupid monstrosity they created in NY. The good guys could step into the fray, point out this hypocrite is a victim of an unjust law and start a campaign to change. Using an anti-gunner as a poster child for a reversal of anti-gun legislation would be a stroke of genius.

Seriously, the anti's are waiting for their moment to finally convince everyone that all guns should be confiscated immediately and forever. We need to turn that around. We need to be able to grab an opportunity like this and make some serious hay for civil rights, self defense and the protection of children.
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Re: Anti-Gun activist breaks Gun Free Zone Law

Postby steve4102 on Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:40 pm

Citiot wrote:"...Just because he has a carry permit doesn't mean he is a good gun enthusiast..."

Point well taken. You're correct.

But, what I was trying to illustrate that this "pillar of the Buffalo community" is now facing a felony charge (which used to be a misdemeanor). Having the pro-2A groups (not sure if there is a GOCRA type organization in NY) help him with his defense is a golden opportunity to show that groups supporting pro-2A defend ALL people's rights.

You catch more flies with honey.

It will shine a bright spotlight on the shear stupidity of "Victim Disarmament Zones" and how these laws will "backfire (pun intended)"

Yes, It is now a felony and he played a role in making that happen. He is NO friend of the NRA or any other pro Second Amendment Group.

He was a well-known face in the movement for the SAFE Act, the state law that made carrying a gun on school property a felony

You cannot compromise with the Left and we sure as hell should not waist valuable time, money and resources defending a Socialist Hypocrite. He pushed for this law and now he can suffer for it. Defending him and wasting resources would be a huge slap in the face of true Americans.

There would be NO Spotlight on the stupidity of the Safe Act by defending him. That light would have to come from the Main Stream Media. As soon as the MSM got wind of any kind of support from the Gun Community, he would loose his Socialist status and be touted as anther Gun Nut gone rouge.
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Re: Anti-Gun activist breaks Gun Free Zone Law

Postby Hmac on Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:47 pm

I'll be the doesn't go to jail over this. He's already been defined as part of the ruling elite.
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